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USA I1 Raw stolen from my truck. Not cool.

That absolutely SUCKS
Sorry to hear of your loss.
One reason I like to fly where there is no one around. They always ask, "Gee, how much does that cost? Musta been a lot"
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Holy cow! Did someone follow you from where you were flying? How did they know you had a $5000 drone in your car? Did they break into your vehicle, or was it unlocked?

I have a policy that once the drone comes out of the vehicle, it stays in my possession until I am far enough away from that location that I have a certain amount of confidence nobody around me knows it's there.

Had my daughter with me on a shoot and after we were done and relocating a couple 100yds at the same location, told her to pick up our stuff and carry it to the other spot. She protested that we were done and the truck was a lot closer than where we were heading and why not drop it off first. I informed her we had just gotten done parading around $3K worth of drone stuff and I didn't want to come back to a busted out window and stolen drone because somebody saw us stash it and walk a couple hundred yards away.
I'm sure you have already but if not, get your police report done as soon as you can. The NCIC entry is your key to recovery. With something that high end the average turd car burglar isn't going to know what to do with it other than pawn shop or craigslist. Pawnshops electronically report their stuff now so it pretty much pops up and you have a much better shot of getting it back. I'm sorry that happened to you. Best of luck getting it back.
Holy cow! Did someone follow you from where you were flying? How did they know you had a $5000 drone in your car? Did they break into your vehicle, or was it unlocked?

I have a policy that once the drone comes out of the vehicle, it stays in my possession until I am far enough away from that location that I have a certain amount of confidence nobody around me knows it's there.

Had my daughter with me on a shoot and after we were done and relocating a couple 100yds at the same location, told her to pick up our stuff and carry it to the other spot. She protested that we were done and the truck was a lot closer than where we were heading and why not drop it off first. I informed her we had just gotten done parading around $3K worth of drone stuff and I didn't want to come back to a busted out window and stolen drone because somebody saw us stash it and walk a couple hundred yards away.
Locked truck and now the lock don't work. I was going to go fly and wasn't feeling so good and the wind was kicking up so I decided to stop and pick up a few things at the store.. You really couldn't see it in the back seat with the tinted windows but someone must have really good vision and the knowledge to jimmy my door open. I made a report and reported it to my insurance but I am not sure if they will cover it.
I'm sure you have already but if not, get your police report done as soon as you can. The NCIC entry is your key to recovery. With something that high end the average turd car burglar isn't going to know what to do with it other than pawn shop or craigslist. Pawnshops electronically report their stuff now so it pretty much pops up and you have a much better shot of getting it back. I'm sorry that happened to you. Best of luck getting it back.
Done, Done and Done. First thing I did was call the Police.
Locked truck and now the lock don't work. I was going to go fly and wasn't feeling so good and the wind was kicking up so I decided to stop and pick up a few things at the store.. You really couldn't see it in the back seat with the tinted windows but someone must have really good vision and the knowledge to jimmy my door open. I made a report and reported it to my insurance but I am not sure if they will cover it.

Ugh, that sucks. Walmart? I hope it all works out well and you're in a small enough town they can't hide.
Well guess from here on I won't be stopping to get anything after flying until my bird is at home safe. Why can't people keep their grubby hands off other people's stuff? [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35]
AeroMirage couldn't have said it better, that does suck. Must have been a gut wrenching feeling when you discovered that.
Hopefully whoever took it will find out what a hot potato they have and ditch it. Hope you get it back.
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