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My X5R Windows/Premiere Pro Workflow

The fact that even CL Premiere DNGs don't work for you means something is wonky here. That works for everyone who has Premiere that I've seen.

Are you using the Premiere media browser panel to browse into the DNG directory, right-clicking the first DNG file and selecting import?
The fix is good. But a bug this serious and this obvious makesnone wonder about how they are Fuji ng their beta program.
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The fact that even CL Premiere DNGs don't work for you means something is wonky here. That works for everyone who has Premiere that I've seen.

Are you using the Premiere media browser panel to browse into the DNG directory, right-clicking the first DNG file and selecting import?

I can't comment on everyone else, I do know it doesn't work for me and wasted money on SlimRaw. I browse into the directory, drag the first DNG across to the media browser section, and the sequence imports fine(I don't right click and say import) It's not that dark that you can't see the video, so it plays/imports fine, but looks like the white balance meta data hasn't gone across so is pretty much black.

I'm running a Mac book pro, i7, 16Gig ram, 1tb SSD, 15inch retina, latest OS. I can open the same DNG in Photoshop and it looks fine. I just updated my X5R to the latest firmware also as of 5 minutes ago, so hopefully that may help.
Premiere Pro and same DNG (first one of the sequence) in Photoshop


  • image.jpeg
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  • image.jpeg
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The other thing I wonder, looking at your first screen shot, is if you have some default settings in PP that is darkening up the clip or sequence?

It's dark but it looks visible, and manageable. If you bump up exposure/brightness or white levels in the LUT panel does it adjust to levels that are usable? Or is this screenshot of that already done?

The dark issue that is addressed by CL Premiere import, the latest FW update today and SlimRaw Premiere switch is one that has the DNG import as almost completely black. As in - black screen, nothing visible at all.
I just confirmed with USB Device Tree Viewer that my USB port is operating at USB 2 speed. This is true for both the X5R reader and my Atomos Shogun SSD caddy.

So my updated Intel driver solved the reliability problem, but at the cost of USB 3.0 speed.

Edit: I just downloaded the latest driver directly from the Intel site and installed it. Now my ports are USB 3.0.

And now I am back to not being able to import at all, as the X5R reader keeps getting dismounted.
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The other thing I wonder, looking at your first screen shot, is if you have some default settings in PP that is darkening up the clip or sequence?

It's dark but it looks visible, and manageable. If you bump up exposure/brightness or white levels in the LUT panel does it adjust to levels that are usable? Or is this screenshot of that already done?

The dark issue that is addressed by CL Premiere import, the latest FW update today and SlimRaw Premiere switch is one that has the DNG import as almost completely black. As in - black screen, nothing visible at all.

I bump everything up to the max and it looks like what you have seen. I have cleared it out and created a new project just in case with the same result. When you look at it it's almost black until you bump up the exposure and white levels, then it becomes somewhat visible. The same files look fine in Photoshop. No effects were applied in PP. Will try the firmware tomorrow. In the mean time, I transcoded to ProRes 444XQ and the footage still looks awesome. Just ashamed I can't use the RAW footage yet apart from stills in Photoshop. I haven't tried importing through aftereffects yet.
Do you have another computer with CC on you can try? Your CC updates are all current?

All CC updates are current and up to date, include my OS updates. I will try on the other Mac Book Pro I have here tomorrow also.
I've just been out and shot 3 one minute clips for the first time with the X5R. i did them in 4K, 2.7K and 1080p so when I get home tonight I'll be attempting to get Cinelight to recognise the drive and export them out as .dng's and put them through SlimRaw and then into Premiere CC. I'll let you know how I get on.
OK, I have solved my USB problems:
  • I downloaded the USB Device Tree Viewer program, which confirmed that my USB 3.0 port was connecting at USB 2.0 speeds.
  • I downloaded the latest Windows 7 64-bit driver for the Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller from the Intel web site, installed them, and restarted Windows. This gave me USB 3.0 speeds, but brought back the constant-dismount problem.
  • I found this page describing a similar problem, which has something to do with USB suspended/low power-states. I downloaded and ran the PowerShell script on that page. It disabled the suspend state for the DJI SSD, and now everything works.
So now the DJI Camera Exporter works, and works fast.

Well, relatively fast. I imported 30,493 frames (about 21 minutes of footage) in 23 minutes.
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OK, I have solved my USB problems:
  • I downloaded the USB Device Tree Viewer program, which confirmed that my USB 3.0 port was connecting at USB 2.0 speeds.
  • I downloaded the latest Windows 7 64-bit driver for the Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller from the Intel web site, installed them, and restarted Windows. This gave me USB 3.0 speeds, but brought back the constant-dismount problem.
  • I found this page describing a similar problem, which has something to do with USB suspended/low power-states. I downloaded and ran the PowerShell script on that page. It disabled the suspend state for the DJI SSD, and now everything works.
So now the DJI Camera Exporter works, and works fast.

Well, relatively fast. I imported 30,493 frames (about 21 minutes of footage) in 23 minutes.

Glad you finally got there!
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1) open Cinelight
2) export files from SSD as Adobe cinema DNG (not the premiere compatible option)
3) open SlimRaw
4) process lossless compression
5) premerie compatible ticked
6) process subfolders ticked
7) open premiere pro cc 2015
8) drag first DNG of a sequence to media browser
9) sequence imports fine, but image is next to black
10) open same image in Photoshop cc 2015
11) image looks fine

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I just dropped $49US on SlimRaw and I still have the same problem

Brendan, maybe you can ask Slimraw devs, I've had a great experience talking to them.
Had no issues at all last night loading the SSD drive and opening them up in Cinelight and exporting out to then be processed through SlimRaw. One thing I did notice though was the footage was also on the SD card. Is that correct??
Brendan, maybe you can ask Slimraw devs, I've had a great experience talking to them.

I will ask them then, as otherwise I had just wasted my money. I haven't tried after the revised firmware just yet, and will also try on another Mac book pro tonight running premerie cc
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I have noticed that the footage on the SD card doesn't line up exactly with the footage on the SSD. There are usually two or three extra frames at the beginning of the SD footage that don't appear on the SSD. Not fatal, but frustrating.

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