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My X5R Windows/Premiere Pro Workflow

Hey guys, new user, just figuring out the workflow.

What exactly am i gaining (apart from smaller files) by using Slimraw? The workflow speed should be quicker correct?

Just to confirm the workflow again.

Export out of Cinelight as Adobe DNG sequence, and then process via SlimRaw as adobe compatible and import into prem?

I compared Adobe DNG vs Adobe DNG Prem and a 15 second clip exported in 30 seconds via the first option, but took 2 minutes via the 2nd option. (MBP 2015, usb3 to usb3 (hdd is a slow 4tb seagate so that'll be the bottleneck))

I havent tried it yet but the standard Adobe DNG sequence is compatible with Da Vinci Resolve correct? Im just wanting to figure out a decent workflow for the post houses I work with. So they can process to whatever flavour they want from the DNGs.
Hi Joe,

Yes, the regular Cinelight output is compatible with Resolve.

In my experience with Slimraw you can get far smaller files compatible with Premiere than the Premiere compatible files you can get out of Cinelight. Slimraw also can do lossy compression for Resolve use, and the lossy CinemaDNG files are even smaller. If your bottleneck is the usb hdd the reduced file size may be helpful to speed up your workflow a bit.
Hi guys :)

Good to see that there are already people hard at work with their sleeves up trying to solve the issues with the X5R workflow!

I've read through this thread, and have a few questions about my X5R workflow very closely related to the issues discussed here;

Has anyone yet tried the new X5R firmware from 4/27 to see if it fixes the import issue into PPro CC?

The issue I have is that PPro does not recognize the files produced by X5R at ALL, it's not just a dark picture issue. I've got the trial version of SlimRaw, I choose everything as described above, I choose no compression at all though, whether lossy or lossless.

The only way I can get PPro CC to recognize the raw dng sequence from the X5R gimbal/camera is if I use dji Cinelight and choose the PPro compatibility option, but this unfortunately adds the requirement of using a Macbook in addition to a PC. The dng files that are then produced a almost twice as large as the original dji dng files (~16mb each as opposed to ~8mb original dng files). This creates a whole new issue though after import into PPro CC. It only happens with sections of sky or bright spots in the raw dng files, where the RGB value is 255, 255, 255; it turns those spots into magenta/pink color. I'm using PPro CC '14 so I'm not sure that maybe it has been fixed in '15, but I've read that they are aware of this issue, and it has not been fixed yet. I've tried all sorts color corrections, filters, opacity settings with the dng itself or color screens, color replacements, nothing gets rid of the overexposed magenta spots in the raw pictures. Somewhere in the translation into the PPro compatible dng in Cinelight, the RGB value gets messed up if the color is 100% white. I've read that this does not happen in After Effects or in Photoshop, only in PPro. Anyway, the reason I want to know if the new Inspire 1 Raw firmware fixed the unrecognized file issue when importing, is that maybe it will eliminate the need for "translating" the original dng raw files, so the magenta issue doesn't happen when converting into PPro compatible dng files. It would also eliminate the extra step of converting the dng files, and also prevent the increase in file size (when using Cinelight). If anyone has tried the new firmware, please report back if it fixes the issue with the import incompatibility of the dng files from X5R.

Thank you for any assistance
B_H, Premiere only added support for lossless DNG in CC 2015. AFAIK, Slimraw does lossless compression by default, so you will need CC 2015 for this.
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I use SlimRaw's lossless and PP-compatible features to convert the X5R DNGs. The resulting files work fine in CC 2015.
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Thank you for letting me know that.

Sounds like either I need to wait for dji to update their output dog's by firmware so they can be imported directly as uncompressed dng raw files, or to get CC '15 to use the files output from SlimRaw.

Thanks again rosar
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I'd like to introduce another workflow possibility for the Windows workstation environment that I've found flawless working with my CinemaDNG X5R files. I'm using the DJI Exporter to offload from the SSD, directly view a single file and add to the DaVinci Resolve 12.1 media pool. I can edit, color grade and deliver/export to a host of codecs. The DaVinci Resolve 12.1 trial supports 3840 x 2160 Ultra HD. If you require 4096 x 2160 you'll have to purchase the $1K product. I was introduced to the latest Resolve 12.1 upgrade at the NAB Show last week.
I'd like to introduce another workflow possibility for the Windows workstation environment that I've found flawless working with my CinemaDNG X5R files. I'm using the DJI Exporter to offload from the SSD, directly view a single file and add to the DaVinci Resolve 12.1 media pool. I can edit, color grade and deliver/export to a host of codecs. The DaVinci Resolve 12.1 trial supports 3840 x 2160 Ultra HD. If you require 4096 x 2160 you'll have to purchase the $1K product. I was introduced to the latest Resolve 12.1 upgrade at the NAB Show last week.

BM DaVinci Resolve has a 12.5 beta version out now. Don't know if it supports DCI 4K. Here's a partial description of new features: DaVinci Resolve 12.5 Goes into Public Beta at NAB - Studio Daily
Brendan, maybe you can ask Slimraw devs, I've had a great experience talking to them.

Well, I found the problem. I sent a frame across to the SlimRaw devs(who where very helpful), and my workflow was fine. The issue was I was shooting in 1080/60fps(the project I'm working on requires it). The camera drops back to 10bit bit depth at 1080/60fps (back from 12bit), and the SlimRaw program wasn't capable just yet to deal with the change (they were shocked to see the roll back in bit depth). They are sending an update out soon that will allow SlimRaw to work with 1080 so all good :) also the latest firmware up to the X5R fixed the dark frames in premerie so all good now :)
Well, I found the problem. I sent a frame across to the SlimRaw devs(who where very helpful), and my workflow was fine. The issue was I was shooting in 1080/60fps(the project I'm working on requires it). The camera drops back to 10bit bit depth at 1080/60fps (back from 12bit), and the SlimRaw program wasn't capable just yet to deal with the change (they were shocked to see the roll back in bit depth). They are sending an update out soon that will allow SlimRaw to work with 1080 so all good :) also the latest firmware up to the X5R fixed the dark frames in premerie so all good now :)

So can you import the "dji DNG file sequence" (as opposed to premiere compatible or modified with SlimRaw dng files) directly into Premiere Pro now after the firmware update?

The dji dng files are smaller as opposed to the premiere compatible dng files created by Cinelight, so just trying to figure out if the firmware update will fix the direct import incompatibility issue that exists now.
Only tried the premerie compatible tick so far, will try the standard one and report back
So can you import the "dji DNG file sequence" (as opposed to premiere compatible or modified with SlimRaw dng files) directly into Premiere Pro now after the firmware update?

The dji dng files are smaller as opposed to the premiere compatible dng files created by Cinelight, so just trying to figure out if the firmware update will fix the direct import incompatibility issue that exists now.

That won't work until the next Premiere update
Well, I've been watching the discussions around the X5 vs X5R and frankly, between the added price, marginally more defined picture and far more complicated processing I think I've made a decision on upgrading to the X5R... Ain't happening any time soon especially because I use nothing but Macs and I'm not going back to Windows hell.
Marginally more defined picture? the Image quality increase in night and day, I will never go back to that horrible h264 land ever again.

Question, Unless i have somehow missed it, there is no way to batch export out of cinelight is there? You have to export each clip 1 by 1...
On my Mac book pro, I select all the clips I want and click export? It will then export all the clips into there individual folders, one DNG at a time
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duuuuuhh, thanks Brendan. Oh Lovely, 3 hours 40 minutes to export a 475gb SSD to a usb3 2.5" drive.

Time to go buy some 1TB offload SSDs.

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