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XT2 RGB Focus - extremely blurred

Feb 21, 2018
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Purchased a Used package this Winter that included a barely used XT2 640 13mm.
Recently examining the camera operation… and the RGB is way out of focus. I don’t see a focus adjustment.
The focus appears pretty sharp 10 ft away, then quickly blurs beyond usability… a car license in driveway on other side of street wasn’t readable.

I’m New to XT2, is there a focus method? Tapping screen doesn’t work, no focus dial, etc.

Mounted on M210, and 2 M600Pro. The Pilot app is a bit of a problem for M210v1 & M600Pro with iPad. Runs with CrystalSky, but fails to open on Tab S7+. The XT & GoApps Weren’t ideal…. But more useable.
Purchased a Used package this Winter that included a barely used XT2 640 13mm.
Recently examining the camera operation… and the RGB is way out of focus. I don’t see a focus adjustment.
The focus appears pretty sharp 10 ft away, then quickly blurs beyond usability… a car license in driveway on other side of street wasn’t readable.

I’m New to XT2, is there a focus method? Tapping screen doesn’t work, no focus dial, etc.

Mounted on M210, and 2 M600Pro. The Pilot app is a bit of a problem for M210v1 & M600Pro with iPad. Runs with CrystalSky, but fails to open on Tab S7+. The XT & GoApps Weren’t ideal…. But more useable.
I thought the visible lens was 8mm fixed. I have the same model and have never seen any focal adjustment nor have I had the issue you are speaking of.
I thought the visible lens was 8mm fixed. I have the same model and have never seen any focal adjustment nor have I had the issue you are speaking of.
Great to hear, that indicates a problem. The 13mm was reference to IR lens. The focus of the RGB is clear 5-12ft or so... and blurs increasingly with distance.

Wasn't aware RGB was fixed focal, that definitely indicates a problem then with this unit.

I've created a Service Ticket and sent it in yesterday, should hear something in a few days.

Curious, what are you using for Controller App? Any issues upgrading Pilot? Apparently can't go above the 1.7x Pilot, Android version and not an option for iOS. The Go4 and XT apps work, but thought a little lacking.
Great to hear, that indicates a problem. The 13mm was reference to IR lens. The focus of the RGB is clear 5-12ft or so... and blurs increasingly with distance.

Wasn't aware RGB was fixed focal, that definitely indicates a problem then with this unit.

I've created a Service Ticket and sent it in yesterday, should hear something in a few days.

Curious, what are you using for Controller App? Any issues upgrading Pilot? Apparently can't go above the 1.7x Pilot, Android version and not an option for iOS. The Go4 and XT apps work, but thought a little lacking.
I'm using Crystalsky and Pilot app with M200. I had issues with latest version of Pilot app. Had to remove and downgrade.
I'm using Crystalsky and Pilot app with M200. I had issues with latest version of Pilot app. Had to remove and downgrade.
My apologies for not being clear. The issues I was having had nothing to do with the lens issue you are referring to. The update did not apply to the M200 and actually changed the layout and buttons for mapping missions.
My apologies for not being clear. The issues I was having had nothing to do with the lens issue you are referring to. The update did not apply to the M200 and actually changed the layout and buttons for mapping missions.
I'm following you, thanks for clarification.
I too made attempt to change the Pilot app on the CS. That too is problematic. Waiting on DJI to repair so I can continue the examination.
So I have to jump in and ask what they said when you sent it in for service? Were you able to get it repaired?
They were great as usual in ticket & shipping tag. I had a M600Pro Aerial LB2 module sent in a few days previous too.

Got updates and replies on LB2 unit several times and returned in 1 week, but nothing on XT2. After 2 weeks passed, I inquired and got a reply next day that it required the unit be sent to Flir Repair Service to correct problem.

It's been about a month now and no communication or status update from either DJI or Flir. With all the covid and various delays, I was going to give it awhile; I plan sending a request for update next week.

I'm hoping it will be a warranty / covered repair, if not it may be a pricey ticket.
It does take a while and it is strange how the FLIR brand cameras sold by DJI have to be sent to DJI for repair but they always send them to FLIR.
I did receive an email... from DJI for repair. Their indicated problem wasn't clear, they were indicating the IR sensor was bad. The problem I originally noticed was the RGB being out of focus... I didn't dig deep into thermal side at that point when I knew I had a problem with RGB.

The cost to repair (or replace) was $650.
I've paid the repair, now waiting for next notice or update.
No, didn't even mention RGB... that was a bit odd to me. I'm assuming FLIR will Bench check everything prior to sending back to DJI... if not simply replace.
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Did they say the RGB camera had any issues? but keep us posted.
Well, update on XT2.

Received notice of DJI sending XT2 back that they received from FLIR.
Received back and inside XT2 case was the FLIR Service Ticket and marked on ticket was "Work Performed" that stated: "Could not duplicate Customers complaint", IR within acceptable Specs, No action performed.
Note this was originally sent in for the RGB not being in focus beyond 10-15ft.. the IR in my opinion was working.

WTF?? I paid DJI $650 for the Repair they indicated Diag & Needed to be repaired.
Paying via Pre-Paid for the FLIR repair, and after 4-5 months... returned with no repair.

I've communicated this to DJI, their reply was as surprised as mine. They've requested a copy (Photo) of the FLIR Wk-Stmt.
I've sent that this morning... waiting on next step of action.

On a positive side, DJI has been prompt and communicating... the FLIR shop hasn't. I would "think" as long as it takes to work through FLIR Service... before they sent a camera back with no repair, they'd contact Owner to communicate maybe to uncover something not aware.

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