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h.264 vs. h.265 ??

Nov 17, 2017
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Australia & Europe
For those simple jobs when you only record video to microSD, do you record in h.265 or h.264? I tried both but can not see any perceptible difference. The file size is only marginally smaller with h.265 but the rendering in Premiere Pro CC takes almost twice as long.
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For those simple jobs when you only record video to microSD, do you record in h.265 or h.264? I tried both but can not see any perceptible difference. The file size is only marginally smaller with h.265 but the rendering in Premiere Pro CC takes almost twice as long.
Covered previously....

(There are other threads on the same subject if you use the search function)
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For those simple jobs when you only record video to microSD, do you record in h.265 or h.264? I tried both but can not see any perceptible difference. The file size is only marginally smaller with h.265 but the rendering in Premiere Pro CC takes almost twice as long.
I always use.265 simply because it’s the newest version.
I always use.265 simply because it’s the newest version.
From everything I've researched and read since posting my question I decided to stick with h.264. Those who know more about video than me and even my own testing has confirned that there is NO advantage in recording h.265 on I2. It makes no difference to file size, DR, color or detail. Editing and rendering of h.265 clips is slower on most comps and editing softwares, so I am definitely sticking with h.264.
From everything I've researched and read since posting my question I decided to stick with h.264. Those who know more about video than me and even my own testing has confirned that there is NO advantage in recording h.265 on I2. It makes no difference to file size, DR, color or detail. Editing and rendering of h.265 clips is slower on most comps and editing softwares, so I am definitely sticking with h.264.
Check Billy Kyle on YouTube about the reasons for using .265 and he discusses the reasons for using this version.
If you have a YouTube account search for it because I don’t have a link. Sorry
I searched and could not find that specific one. Maybe he was talking about implementation of h.265 in Mavic 2 Pro? Which is apparently very different to how Inspire 2 uses that codec. Anyway, thanks for your advice but I remain sceptical about any benefit by recording video in h.265 with Inspire 2.
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I'll repeat what I said some time ago which remains the case (it also makes it a double post :oops:)...

It should be remembered that neither h264 or h265 is a professional codec and both were developed not as a final delivery format but simply as a streaming algorithm.
You will not see any discernable difference in either at bitrates around 100mbps even on subjects like fast moving/boiling water which will 'break' many codecs due to the information contained in the frame.
The primary reason for developing h265 was to facilitate the same quality picture in a smaller file which benefits internet streaming - nothing more.

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