Hi Guy
I received UOC guidance info pack from CASA today after email then , here is reply from CASA RPAS;
Thank you for your enquiry in which you asked about the requirements to operate a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for commercial use.
Firstly I suggest you read through the information provided in this email and then contact us at the above email address if you have any further questions.
RPA operations generally fall into two categories—model aircraft flights, which are conducted exclusively for sport and recreational (personal use) purposes; and RPA flights conducted for any other purposes, including business-related activities. Different rules govern how, when, where and by whom RPA may be operated. In many cases the use of RPA for commercial purposes (hire and reward) requires an Operator’s Certificate, which CASA will issue only after assessing the competence of the operator and pilots to conduct the kind of operations for which an application has been made.
Commercial operations of RPA must comply with the terms of the applicable provisions of the legislation ((Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) 101A, B,C and F), as well as the terms of any approvals under which they are conducted. The regulations set out clear limitations on the general and recreational use of RPA, limiting the height at which they may fly, how visible the RPA must remain to the operator/pilot, how far they must be from aerodromes and other aircraft, and how close they may come to other people on the ground. Some of these generally applicable regulations may apply in conjunction with the terms of a specific approval. You can locate a copy of the regulation by clicking on the following link:
If you wish to obtain certification as a RPA operator there are two requirements to be met before you can commence any operation; they are:
· Obtain a RPA Controller Certificate, and
· A RPA Operators Certificate.
The specifics of these two requirements are detailed in the above attachments.
· In relation to the Operators Certificate, this is issued by CASA and I can advise that CASA is currently experiencing a huge increase in the number of requests for RPA operator certificates (OC), which has necessitated longer time frames in CASA’s consideration and processing of these applications. CASA has moved to deploy additional resources to the RPAS Office and is endeavoring to consider application as quickly as possible. The current waiting time for a new OC is approximately 4-5 months. Once the application assessment process is commenced the time to issue a certificate is 4-6 weeks depending on the complexity of the operation and the quality of the submission.
Assessment includes the manual suites, the flight assessment and the Chief Controller and Maintenance Controller Interviews. The cost is currently averaging approximately $2,300.00 but is dependent on the quality of the submission, your knowledge of the regulations and your flying skills.
Controller Certificate
For information on the options available to obtain a UAV Controller Certificate please refer to the attached document ‘CC Information v8.-_Feb 2016.docx’.
Please be advised that proposed amendments to Part 101 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 to permit the operation of a RPA under 2kg for commercial operations if certain conditions are met, without the need to be authorised by an Operating Certificate or controller certificate are not expected before the end of 2016, however notice of any amendments will be published on CASA’s web site.
To clarify the proposed amendment to the regulation (CASR Part 101) for flying RPAs under 2kgs is:
· If you are flying a <2kg drone under the following conditions you will not require a licence.
o Outside controlled airspace
o Within VLOS and Day VMC
o Under 400 feet
o Not within 30 metres of people
o Outside populous areas
o Not within 3nm of ANY aerodrome, airport or HLS
· If you intend operating outside ANY of the above conditions it is anticipated that current licensing regulations will apply.
Furthermore, as new information and requirements are approved, they will be advertised on the CASA web site at
Remotely Piloted Aircraft | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
I hope this information is of some benefit to you in your future considerations, and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any further queries please contact the RPAS Office through an email to
[email protected]
Kind regards
CASA\OPERATIONS\Administration Officer
Also attached were Sample operational manual, my question is is that the operation manual template everyone is talking about, it seems all training provider are dropping their price now because CASA has provide template or guideline to submit UOC? Any comments?
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