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Australia G'Day from Australia

Aug 28, 2015
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Canberra - Australia
Because I'm CASA certified, I got offered the possibility of flying for a local UOC holder here in Canberra, so had to upgrade to an Inspire 1 as the GoPro 4 Black on my P2 just wasn't going to cut it for what they want.
I'd planned to wait till an Inspire 2 before biting the Inspire bullet, but it was too good an opportunity.
So here I am in this forum after spending the last 12 months in the Phantom forum.

I'll be doing my UOC in January as well, and be able to fly for myself by then.

Looking forward to getting to know a whole new forum of people.

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Hey budd o/

Brisbane'er here. Just picked up my Inspire 1 this week and UAV cert is in the mail. Exciting times.

I don't think you have to worry about an Inspire 2 anytime soon. I mean, why develop such an amazing airframe with modular mounting point only to replace it in a years time? I think we may however see a hex or octo variant out in the next few years.

Out of curiosity, how long was your wait for CASA to get to your UOC application? Did you write your UOC manuals yourself or have a 3rd party help you?
I haven't done my UOC, I've only done my UCC (UAV Controller's Certificate). The UOC (UAV Operator's Certificate) is probably going to be done in January sometime.
I will be getting FPV Australia to help with it. They did my licence course. They're fantastic, and they run their licence course all over Australia.
I won't get them to do my UOC with me just yet, as I need to finish the Diploma of Government that I took on a couple of months ago before I try to take on any extra study at the moment - especially study where the examination by CASA costs up to $3000. I'm none too thrilled at the idea of not passing that one and paying again. So I'll want no other study on my plate at the time so I can really dedicate myself totally to it.

The processing of the Controller's Certificate was just a couple of weeks. Maybe less.

I picked up my Inspire last night, but spent most of the night trying to replace the plastic quick release propeller locks, with some metal ones. But both the clockwise ones refused to play ball.
I'll have to find another brand and try them. I'm none too keen on using any of the plastic ones, and at the moment I'm having to use the original plastic ones on the two clockwise props.

So because of that, I only got around to doing all the updates tonight. The Bird is now updated, the controller updated, and I believe the battery gets updated when the bird is, so one of them is probably updated, I'm just not sure when or how the remaining two batteries will get their updates.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to get off work early enough to finally put her in the air.
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Sounds like we are pretty much on the same schedule.

I spent all of last night updating firmware on my Inspire. I wish the instructions were a little clearer. I ended up watching videos on YouTube to make sure I was doing it right. If you leave the firmware file on the card the additional batteries will get the update when they boot next. The RC should report that the battery needs the update.

I have a bit of a problem with my I1, the locking mechanism does not completely lock with the gimbal attached. Locks all the way with the cover on though. Feels like there is something stopping it. Might have to take it back to the shop tomorrow :\

And I did my UCC with FPV Australia also, Roger was my instructor. Very good course. Roger was very experienced and delivered the course well. Would definitely recommend to anyone looking to get in the industry.

My mistake too, I thought you have already begun the UOC circus act. My understanding is that there is a 6 month wait for CASA to get to them.
Hi Gents,

Just to let you know UOC process is now out to 10 months wait and growing up on the CASA website. I am a fully operational RPA Operator and UOC also using the inspire 1, looking at upgrading very soon to either S1000+ or the Zero Tech just waiting on quotes. Wish you all the best.
Hi OBD1 o/

10 months???!?!!? Geez *slaps forehead* Where are you seeing this exactly?
Never mind I found it. They also state that they are putting more resources in to the department so it should ease by the end of the year.

"We anticipate a graduated reduction in waiting time such that by January 2016 the delay before commencing assessment will be 2 months from payment of application fee."
That is what the say, but I already work in the aviation indusrty prior to starting this. I have herd that there are changes coming and more rules and regs for us who wish to be commerical operators. Watch this space.... Yeah ten months to rewview manuals after submitted and then the wait till the inspector can review your chief pilot and all manuals and forms.
Hi folks,
I too have just done my UCC with FPV Australia in Perth - great course and really enjoyed it. Highly recommended!

I have a question if I may for the guys with UOCs. On the course we were told we'll need a handheld VHF radio when we are working (iCom apparently) but I don't know which model is approved for us RPAS pilots. Is it the A6 for air and ground use? I see the A15 is cheaper and doesn't technically conform but has been given temporary approval until an updated model is manufactured. The A15 is cheaper, however I think I read it is for aircraft use only and not for ground use. Any clarication would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hi Lofty,

I believe that is if you have a radio operators certificate and intend on communicating with aircraft or control towers. iCom is supposedly the only approved brand of radio that you can use.

My understanding is that you can still obtain a UOC and operate within your legal limits without the ROC and radio. Hopefully someone will correct me shortly if I am wrong on this.
I haven't done my UOC, I've only done my UCC (UAV Controller's Certificate). The UOC (UAV Operator's Certificate) is probably going to be done in January sometime.
I will be getting FPV Australia to help with it. They did my licence course. They're fantastic, and they run their licence course all over Australia.
I won't get them to do my UOC with me just yet, as I need to finish the Diploma of Government that I took on a couple of months ago before I try to take on any extra study at the moment - especially study where the examination by CASA costs up to $3000. I'm none too thrilled at the idea of not passing that one and paying again. So I'll want no other study on my plate at the time so I can really dedicate myself totally to it.

The processing of the Controller's Certificate was just a couple of weeks. Maybe less.

I picked up my Inspire last night, but spent most of the night trying to replace the plastic quick release propeller locks, with some metal ones. But both the clockwise ones refused to play ball.
I'll have to find another brand and try them. I'm none too keen on using any of the plastic ones, and at the moment I'm having to use the original plastic ones on the two clockwise props.

So because of that, I only got around to doing all the updates tonight. The Bird is now updated, the controller updated, and I believe the battery gets updated when the bird is, so one of them is probably updated, I'm just not sure when or how the remaining two batteries will get their updates.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to get off work early enough to finally put her in the air.
Just lodged my application. $4900. 5 month wait. Is there any other service where you pay this amount of money and wait so long.
Thanks, I believe you are correct but a radio is necessary if you wish to operate with approval in restricted airspace apparently. I just need to know which iCom model is suitable for RPAS pilots
Hi folks,
I too have just done my UCC with FPV Australia in Perth - great course and really enjoyed it. Highly recommended!

I have a question if I may for the guys with UOCs. On the course we were told we'll need a handheld VHF radio when we are working (iCom apparently) but I don't know which model is approved for us RPAS pilots. Is it the A6 for air and ground use? I see the A15 is cheaper and doesn't technically conform but has been given temporary approval until an updated model is manufactured. The A15 is cheaper, however I think I read it is for aircraft use only and not for ground use. Any clarication would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hey Lofty, how did you go with your radio research?

Just looking now also. It looks like the A15 AUS is the only ACMA certified handheld radio for air operations. The information available is clear as mud though. If the list was so small you would expect there to be a quick reference guide on the ACMA site or something.
Hi Gents,

Just to let you know UOC process is now out to 10 months wait and growing up on the CASA website. I am a fully operational RPA Operator and UOC also using the inspire 1, looking at upgrading very soon to either S1000+ or the Zero Tech just waiting on quotes. Wish you all the best.
Hi mate.
About to send off my uoc Application, would appreciate a heads up on what happens at the flight review.
What questions did they hit you with?
I have seen the flight test itself
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,

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