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X5 matching footage with ground cameras

Mar 20, 2014
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Has anyone had success matching x5 footage with shots on the ground with heavier / higher end systems such as red? Interested in any settings you use to get the best results grading and matching the footage (original capture settings) and how happy you have been with the match?
Thats a good question I would like to know too. I guess if you record your videos in D-Log or D-Cinelike we can match as close to the ground cameras.
I have intercut Red Dragon footage and x5 footage and they match pretty well. If you pixel peep you can figure out whats what, but for all intents and purposes they look great together example -

I have intercut Red Dragon footage and x5 footage and they match pretty well. If you pixel peep you can figure out whats what, but for all intents and purposes they look great together example -

Thanks Nick! What x5 camera settings are you using when capturing in the air and which firmware are you on?
I believe we shoot 4k with no color settings, 1/60th of second shutter with a pola and NDs to get the exposure somewhere around a 5.6/8 (Daytime obviously, at night all the filters come out and we rate it at 800asa). We just treat it like a real camera. On that film we ended up using the inspire a lot. Even for fairly big night shots. The footage holds up very well if exposed correctly, and with similar settings you would use on a motion picture camera.
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At 1.27 seconds of footage across two separate scenes there isn't a whole lot of time to pixel peep!
Would be great to see more of your stuff if you have it, and longer ofc.

"At 1.27 seconds of footage across two separate scenes there isn't a whole lot of time to pixel peep!"

Very true ;-) but it doesn't jump out as out of place. That particular movie that's the only trailer released to the public yet so I can't show anything else. I believe there is a 90second trailer coming out soon.

We used the inspire with the x5 to shoot a lot of tracking shots with the dogs. Full throttle 3 feet off of the ground gets your blood moving, but they are great shots which couldn't have been achieved any other way.

A 30 sec teaser trailer does move pretty quick. In general, if you use the same settings (as far as shutter and framerate) as you do on your A camera, you are going to get a lot closer to matching.

I You can nitpic over small issues, but if it's a great shot, no one is going to complain. As is my motto, the best way to have a great looking project is to not shoot anything that isn't great ;-)
I can ask our post supervisor what they used to add the people in that shot. I am not involved in post other than to sit in on final color correction.

Did you shoot in DLOG? My DLOG is very soft almost blurred/out of focus (with last firmware). I can't see having such nice shots even with a lot of post. On the other side, I can see in your footage quite a lot of aliasing on the building: is it only the vimeo format on did have them in your raw footage? Thanks.
I know we shot in 4k with no color settings, just the default. We don't usually shoot in log I don't think.

As far as aliasing, That depends on what resolution and what you are viewing it on. If you are trying to watch it in a window on a computer in anything other than the number of pixels it has there will be on the fly scaling going on. I haven't noticed any aliasing on the actual 2k film displayed on a professional monitor.

To be honest, although I am a director of photography, when we do inspire stuff, I fly and one of my other guys operates the camera, and the post supervisor decides what camera settings to use ;-)

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