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X5 and Olympus 14-42 Zoom Question and Noise

This is really helpful. I hadn't thought of the head idea. I really like the idea of the 45mm prime. If I'm up flying with the zoom the only reason I'm using it is to work in 42mm so I can get that compressed look on the subject/background. we do pretty much only video here. Do you have the 45mm(Olympus?) and is it any more stable?
I'm afraid I don't own it, but have seen footage shot on it and it's very impressive. One thing lot of us don't realize is that the resolution of a lens can either take advantage or totally waste the resolution of the sensor, these days of digital lenses are also categorized by their resolution and whether they are "worthy" of 4k or higher as the case is for say, full frame DSLRs or the X7 camera for aereal photography. I don't know what it would be rated at but the Oly zoom I'm sure doesn't resolve to 4k, of course I didn't know this until after I used it for a while and started really looking at it carefully, if you zoom in on sections of your photo you'll see a lack of definition, and no matter how well you think it is focused, to me it never looks spot on as it it does with the DJI 15mm, which in the long run is not all that either. For me at this point it comes down to dollars and cents, I might be a competent terrestrial photographer but videography alludes me and much more so aerial work, I'm an amateur at best, and I'm not yet earning in the air so investing at this pont in expensive lenses is out of the question, though I must say that 45mm is calling my name.
Not to drag this back up. I recently purchased the 14-42(pancake) for my X5. I had the X5 on the Osmo handle and gave it test spin. The minute I put the hood and a filter on it started wigging out giving me the running motor noise when I tried to zoom in and out. I thought it was wasted out of the box. I later figured it out that it was the weight on the lens. I played with a few different filters and weights. to try and get it to stop. After some fiddling I was able to get it down to just a little only when going all the way down to 14mm if I stop short at 15 it's fine.

Now the one thing I did notice while doing all this is that I would get the noises while on the Osmo handle how ever the same setup would work just fine on the Inspire with it being hung upside down to what it is on the handle. I confirmed it to be with the position of the lens by turning the Osmo upside down and then I could zoom in and out without issue just like on the Inspire. So I'm wondering if it has something to do with weight on the front of the lens pulling the lens out of position with the motor/track but when it's the other direction it pulls it into the motor?

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