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UK Would I be wasting my money with a PfCO in the UK?

Hi thanks for reply in at least one package I think somewere down South I was reading did include at a extra price flight instruction as a add on ive read so many that's why I'm struggling whether to travel or try and do it from a recommended school closer to were I live bit of a minefield choosing, price differs a bit to and from experience I have learnt that higher doesn't allways guarantee better
Apologies, I did my PFAW (as it was then) so long ago there were no 'flight training' inclusive packages.:)
The level of competence in actual flying is almost immaterial with regards to attaining PfCO.
I know that's a bit of a sweeping statement but the CAA (via your NQE sign off) really do not care whether you can do barrel rolls and flared landings. Their only concern is that you are able to make the flight safely within your ops manual flight parameters and in accordance with CAP393.
I'll shut up now.....:p
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Hi no worries there that many adverts out there its gets confusing I do understand that the majority is not flying it 90% proving you can operate safely within the restriction of your licence I assume that's what the mind boggling ops manual is mainly about just wondering about the fast tracking courses
if it be to much to cram in in 2 days
I'm in the NW UK and found one NQES whose courses are run in Leyland and Blackpool (and other areas too) - they are called FlyIcarus.

Hope this helps you Ian I.
Hi thanks for reply will have a look at flyicarus probably the nearest one anyone had any experience with them that you know of
Hi no worries there that many adverts out there its gets confusing I do understand that the majority is not flying it 90% proving you can operate safely within the restriction of your licence I assume that's what the mind boggling ops manual is mainly about just wondering about the fast tracking courses
if it be to much to cram in in 2 days

I don't know what the fast-track courses are like but I chose my NQE and course format because it had the online learning element before I attended ground school and sat the exam. They have a flight assessment location in Richmond, North Yorks so it was relatively local. The classroom phase was delivered in York, so that was local for me too.

If you aren't in a real hurry I can recommend choosing a course with the online element. Having the online element gives you time to learn the necessary information before you attend ground school. At ground school we recapped what we'd learned from the online element, we also had discussions on the OSC and the PfCO application process. When I was writing the OSC, sometimes I felt a bit lost but the NQE were there to answer any questions we had so I got through it OK.

I took the RPQ-s path with Resource Group. My course was delivered in 6 stages;
  1. Online learning (I spent around a fortnight on this before booking my ground school)
  2. Classroom based ground school/exam (2 days)
  3. OSC Volume 2 creation (Flight Reference Cards, Emergency Procedures & platform specs etc. had to be created before taking the flight assessment, then submitted to the NQE and revisions instructed, then approved.)
  4. Flight Assessment (half day)
  5. Volume 1 OSC Creation / Review (Took me about a week all in, plus revisions as per reviews, I think I had to submit twice, once because the PfAW had changed to PfCO so I had to amend that and the other because I'd set myself too tight a target for currency hours)
  6. PfCO submission (Took ages because the CAA misfiled my application)
It took me ages from start to finish but I lost two flight assessment dates due to bad weather so that put me back a bit, then I gave myself a bit of breathing space between passing the ground school and the flight assessment too, because I felt I needed more time practicing flying in ATTI mode, something I hadn't done much of at that point. I pretty much fly ATTI as standard now. When you take your flight assessment you have to conduct flights in all the flight modes you intend to use. In my case I would be flying in GPS and ATTI modes. So that was two separate flights I had to conduct, one in each mode.

I do agree choosing which NQE to go for is confusing, I ended up choosing on the basis of the online element and also locality. Price was the last deciding factor for me because they were all around the same price bracket for what and where I wanted.
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I don't know what the fast-track courses are like but I chose my NQE and course format because it had the online learning element before I attended ground school and sat the exam. They have a flight assessment location in Richmond, North Yorks so it was relatively local. The classroom phase was delivered in York, so that was local for me too.

If you aren't in a real hurry I can recommend choosing a course with the online element. Having the online element gives you time to learn the necessary information before you attend ground school. At ground school we recapped what we'd learned from the online element, we also had discussions on the OSC and the PfCO application process. When I was writing the OSC, sometimes I felt a bit lost but the NQE were there to answer any questions we had so I got through it OK.

I took the RPQ-s path with Resource Group. My course was delivered in 6 stages;
  1. Online learning (I spent around a fortnight on this before booking my ground school)
  2. Classroom based ground school/exam (2 days)
  3. OSC Volume 2 creation (Flight Reference Cards, Emergency Procedures & platform specs etc. had to be created before taking the flight assessment, then submitted to the NQE and revisions instructed, then approved.)
  4. Flight Assessment (half day)
  5. Volume 1 OSC Creation / Review (Took me about a week all in, plus revisions as per reviews, I think I had to submit twice, once because the PfAW had changed to PfCO so I had to amend that and the other because I'd set myself too tight a target for currency hours)
  6. PfCO submission (Took ages because the CAA misfiled my application)
It took me ages from start to finish but I lost two flight assessment dates due to bad weather so that put me back a bit, then I gave myself a bit of breathing space between passing the ground school and the flight assessment too, because I felt I needed more time practicing flying in ATTI mode, something I hadn't done much of at that point. I pretty much fly ATTI as standard now. When you take your flight assessment you have to conduct flights in all the flight modes you intend to use. In my case I would be flying in GPS and ATTI modes. So that was two separate flights I had to conduct, one in each mode.

I do agree choosing which NQE to go for is confusing, I ended up choosing on the basis of the online element and also locality. Price was the last deciding factor for me because they were all around the same price bracket for what and where I wanted.

Hi Stuart
thanks for the in-depth reply looks a good way to do the course my closest is based in chorley about a 40 minute drive but its a 2 day course run by flyicarus I don't think they do online but that seems a relaxed way to do it the way you done yours fly icarus are about the same price with the vat as most other courses without vat being able to commute is also a big thing which i could with them do you know if the bmfa insurance covers you for your practice flight or do you have to get commercial insurance my bmfa covers me for my phantom 3 and inspire but not sure on a flight test for
a pfco
It's treated exactly the same as a commercial job, in every way, apart from the fact that you are being assessed. So you have to do the pre-deployment survey, on-site survey and risk assessment. Then you use your flight reference cards for every phase of the flights too. One tip, the assessor can act as your air observer if asked. So brief them on what you are doing and how you are going to be doing it, what their role is exactly as air observer and also demonstrate the failsafe should you become incapacitated (show them how to operate the RTH button and what the behaviour will be) etc. etc.
I don't know what the fast-track courses are like but I chose my NQE and course format because it had the online learning element before I attended ground school and sat the exam. They have a flight assessment location in Richmond, North Yorks so it was relatively local. The classroom phase was delivered in York, so that was local for me too.

If you aren't in a real hurry I can recommend choosing a course with the online element. Having the online element gives you time to learn the necessary information before you attend ground school. At ground school we recapped what we'd learned from the online element, we also had discussions on the OSC and the PfCO application process. When I was writing the OSC, sometimes I felt a bit lost but the NQE were there to answer any questions we had so I got through it OK.

I took the RPQ-s path with Resource Group. My course was delivered in 6 stages;
  1. Online learning (I spent around a fortnight on this before booking my ground school)
  2. Classroom based ground school/exam (2 days)
  3. OSC Volume 2 creation (Flight Reference Cards, Emergency Procedures & platform specs etc. had to be created before taking the flight assessment, then submitted to the NQE and revisions instructed, then approved.)
  4. Flight Assessment (half day)
  5. Volume 1 OSC Creation / Review (Took me about a week all in, plus revisions as per reviews, I think I had to submit twice, once because the PfAW had changed to PfCO so I had to amend that and the other because I'd set myself too tight a target for currency hours)
  6. PfCO submission (Took ages because the CAA misfiled my application)
It took me ages from start to finish but I lost two flight assessment dates due to bad weather so that put me back a bit, then I gave myself a bit of breathing space between passing the ground school and the flight assessment too, because I felt I needed more time practicing flying in ATTI mode, something I hadn't done much of at that point. I pretty much fly ATTI as standard now. When you take your flight assessment you have to conduct flights in all the flight modes you intend to use. In my case I would be flying in GPS and ATTI modes. So that was two separate flights I had to conduct, one in each mode.

I do agree choosing which NQE to go for is confusing, I ended up choosing on the basis of the online element and also locality. Price was the last deciding factor for me because they were all around the same price bracket for what and where I wanted.

Similar to Eye in the Sky,
I also used The Resource Group. I have to say, they were excellent, from the moment i parted with my cash they were literally at my beck and call , assisting me in each and every aspect of gaining my PfAW (now changed to PfCO). After I qualified, they were still available for enquiries which was very beneficial to me as i set up my business.
Best of luck with your own business.

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