When you activate the aircraft for the first time, you activate the 1 year free of Terra.
You will be sent an email with instructions on activation.
Some notes:
It is not a full version of Terra. You can only use images from a Matrice 4 series aircraft.
I had plans to process data sets I have from other drones. This will not work with this limited version of Terra.
From the email:
I License activation and device binding
- If you have purchased a DJI Matrice 4 Series product, your account will automatically receive a license for DJI Terra trial once you have activated the aircraft.
- Log in to DJI Terra with the same DJI account you use to log in to DJI Pilot. In the top right corner, click "User Center" > "Manage Licenses" and select the license to bind.
- You can view the license's name, validity period, and device binding status on the "Manage Licenses" page in DJI Terra.
II Important notes
- Only DJI Terra v4.4.0 or later versions support the DJI Terra trial you obtain by purchasing a DJI Matrice 4 Series product.
- To run the app, ensure the following system requirements are met: Windows 10 or later (64 bit) with 32 GB memory and a Nvidia graphics card (4 GB VRAM) with a compute capability of 6.1 or higher.
- This license can only be bound to one DJI account and used on one computer.
- This license can only support processing images captured by the DJI Matrice 4E.
- For descriptions and FAQs about DJI Terra, please visit DJI Terra - Make the World Your Digital Asset - DJI.
- You can submit one unbinding request within a calendar year. Go to DJI Support to submit an unbinding request.
- DJI Terra use a network authorization license and it requires a constant internet connection during usage.
- The validity period of the license has started. Please bind your license as soon as possible.