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Zenmuse X5 Gimbal Noise w/ Panasonic 15mm

Jun 26, 2016
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Hello fellow pilots,

New DJI inspire 1 pro pilot here. I hope some of you can help me with this question I am facing...

I started using the Panasonic Leica 15mm F/1.7 lens with my inspire 1 pro. At first, I didn't know I need to put a balancing ring to go with it, so the gimbal vibrated like crazy and screeched, and made a lot of noise when the lens is in and near horizontal position, but the noise disappeared once i lowered the barrel to or near a perpendicular angle and pointing down.

Naurally, once I started flying, about 15 minutes in, the Gimbal showed "motor error" and the lens started pointing upward, unresponsive to any calibration and such, so I had to land it, power down/up the drone to get it back to work. And after awhile, things repeated itself. (I was reading DJI's site, said no balancing ring is required for this lens?)

Anyways, I decided to put the balancing ring, that came with the DJI 15mm lens that came with the Zenmuse, to the Panasonic 15mm lens (no lens hood or additional filter), and to my delight, the screeching noise stopped and disappeared. The lens and gimbal seemd to be working just fine...

Until it was sent flying for about 30 minutes in, and the "motor error/limit reached" error message happened again...

What am I doing wrong here?

I have also decided to order a B+W 46mm UV ND MRC Filter (010M) to sub out the balancing ring I am currently borrowing from the DJI 15mm lens.

Also I read up that the balancing ring sold by DJI for the Panasonic 15mm lens is weighted at 10grams, I hope the ND filter is almost the same weight?

Is that filter sold by DJI mentioned above the same as the one that came with their factory DJI 15mm filter?

Scratching my head.

Sounds like it is being over-worked, and then going to failsafe to keep the motors from burning up.

Balance the gimbal the best you can while it is turned off. I use 2 sided 3m tape, coins, and washers on the back side and the left side where the motor is. Different lenses need different counter weight.
Sounds like it is being over-worked, and then going to failsafe to keep the motors from burning up.

Balance the gimbal the best you can while it is turned off. I use 2 sided 3m tape, coins, and washers on the back side and the left side where the motor is. Different lenses need different counter weight.[/
Thanks, I thought using the balancing ring that comes with the DJI 15mm lens will do the trick. What I don't understand is:

1. the unit is brand new!
2. the unit went into "motor limit error" after about 30 minutes of flying, or even less..
3. how am I suppose to know what's the right weight to balance? I am assuming the Panasonic 15mm Lens itself is too light, needs to be heavier?
Maybe get a dinner table scale, see how much the original 15mm DJI lens weighs and go from there?

The camera should be level when the aircraft is sitting still without power. Is the error clearing once you restart?
The camera is not at level w/o power, it's a bit "limp", as shown in the video, and I think it's what it should be. As displayed in the video attached. Have a look if you can.


Add some filters, hood, or balance ring to get it pointed straight if possible. My 14-42 does the same thing without anything added to the front. Never tested what it would do with adding weight to level it.
Haven't tried it yet, but with the DJI 15mm, it does seem to be leveled all the time. Glad I found the root cause of the problem. I will be adding stuff to it and see how balanced it goes. Thanks for the help.

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