I see from this board that there is a sucker born every minute. People just HAVE to have the latest any "greatest" products.
Don't waste your time with an X5 or X5R!
Just marketing hype. You don't need RAW for straight Television, only if you are shooting a Spielberg film and the footage is used in the film to be seen at a movie theatre screen and only a movie theatre screen where it is setup to look the way THEY want you to see it.
By the time video for TV gets crunched in editing, cable or satellite distribution and then aired on a consumer TV where 99 percent of people leave it at Factory presets, the RAW footage from the X5R will look EXACTLY like the X3 footage.
Don't waste your time and money on that marketing hype!
The grading done in post is all wiped out by the auto features in home TV's and cable and satellite systems. The highlights you worked so diligently to fix in Da Vinci Resolve for instance, will all be brought back especially on highly compressed venues such as YouTube and Vimeo let alone ordinary Television.
Please, do NOT waste your money. the X3 camera with the Inspire is all you need to make great video. If you expose and light it properly, it will look perfect on a home TV or YT, which is where most videos are watched anyway.
The only advantage would be more sensitivity, and FAA rules in the States, as well as other countries, do not even allow for night or dusk flying anyway.
Even UK DOP Philip Bloom says the same thing. Check it out!