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Still Image X5, Inspire Pro

Seems like i am going to buy the 14-42 and maybe the 12mm for stills. I must have the zoom, its like visiting a candy store and not getting any gummy bears
Lol, everything that shows up in my house has to have an explanation attached. This is as a hobby, there is no way to explain a 1k focus accessory lol
She had gotten me a phanton advanced. I didnt even open the box but changed it for a v2. I should have just bought the pro. Thanka to her, i have to do this the hard way. Technology and women dont mix well.
She had gotten me a phanton advanced. I didnt even open the box but changed it for a v2. I should have just bought the pro. Thanka to her, i have to do this the hard way. Technology and women dont mix well.
Man you said it. Whatever it takes you only live once. Be happy and have fun but always keep the wife happy. Good talking with you. Check out my site sometime. We have a really good support system for our customers. I just love everything drone.
which 14-42 do you use I noticed 2 of them and is any balancing required
The hood I'm speaking
which 14-42 do you use I noticed 2 of them and is any balancing required
here is the hood. It balances it perfectly but requires a small amount of modding. I will help you with the mod if you need me too no problem. image.png
That particular hood does not fit on the 14/42 out of the box. It is about. mm to small in diameter inside opening. I use a dremel tool to slightly enlarge the opening of the hood. With a little love and patience it will slip on and work great. The lens stays in the open position when attached to the X5. Be sure to remove the hood if you put the 14/42 on a.reg camera as the lens will retract when you power it down and damage the lens. I'm sure you already know that but I wanted to mention it. I know because I forgot and almost broke my lens.

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