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Still Image X5, Inspire Pro

...The Pro wins hands down across the board. It has a really nice cinematic look especially when used with the various lenses available like the 45 mm Olympus or the 12 mm Olympus. Also using the 14/42 lens you can zoom and focus on the fly ...

Ralph, since only one of mentioned lenses seems to be officially compatible with X5 camera(Olympus 12mm), how is the gimbal handling 45mm and 14-42mm zoom lens? How do you control the zoom on 14-42? Would you elaborate kindly?

Happy New Year!

olympus_m_zuiko_digital_ed_12mm.jpg Olympus_M_Zuiko_Digital_ED_14_42.jpg Olympus_M_Zuiko_Digital_ED_45.jpg
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Hello Dobmatt,
Actually the X5 does support the lenses I previously mentioned except I use a different 14/42 lens than you show in the post I will give you the link to the one I use , all of them are recognized when I mount them onto the x5 and open up the tools menu in the Go App, All of them are working perfectly, I am using the DJI Follow Focus system to control the focus and I have to tell you it works great! It makes the focus much smoother and you can control the focus much more precisely using the follow focus. I I do know that until the last update the 14/42 was not recognized but after the update now it also shows good. The following link is the 14/42 I am using Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 EZ V314070BU000 B&H I had a little vibration with the 14 42 but I then installed a lens hood and it now works great!!! The zoom is still controlled via the app and needs a little improvement but the focus as I stated before is superb using the Follow Focus. I hope this helps, let me know If I can help in any way...
Btw, out of all them the 12 mm Olympus gives the best wide angle view, the 45mm Olympus gives the sharpest pics and video but is a little narrow (obviously), and the 14/42 Olympus is a lot of fun playing with the zoom, I have found that the best way to use the 14/42 for video is to find your zoom point and stick with it for the clip, it is a little jumpy when trying to zoom, it definitely needs some improvement. I'm thinking the app could be modified to handle the zoom issue because the zoom works fine on my GH4 camera but I am not a programmer so I am just guessing.
I hope this helps in some way.
Ralph, that was fast! The only things still unclear to me: is the zoom controlling interface embedded within DJI Go app and accessible after the particular lens is recognized, or is it somehow related to a DJI Follow Focus gadget? Did you had to balance any of these lenses somehow? Can you still attach some filters? Finally, how the DJI lens is performing in comparison?

Yes, somebody elsewhere mentioned that Olympus 14-42 RII doesn't fit nicely in gimbal like the other 14-42 does.

Thanks, you've been more than helpful.
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Hey there,
The Go app recognizes any x5 compatable lenses that have zoom capabilities and then shows up next to the manual focus slider. You then use your finger to adjust it in and out. It has nothing to do with the Follow Focus System. The only thing the follow focus does is to make the focusing much more accurate and the control is much easier to attain, Basically the follow focus is like using your hand to adjust the focus on the focus ring. There is some slight balancing needed with using the available lenses. I use both filters and hood combos on all lenses. I know that answer is vague but it just changes as you use different filters and or hoods. I hope this is helpful, let me know if I can help you in any way :)
Yeah I agree it can be confusing. In the end if it mounts,focuses,zooms,balances and the x5 recognizes it and all functions work then I call it compatible. I think I saw an updated list recently with all lenses that I use listed. Although I'm not sure. My favorite of them all is the 12mm Olympus lens. What has been your best performer?
That's some great info, thanks for relaying that to me. I'm not sure what to think about the prismatic effect??? Haven't had that issue personally. I wish the sigma had not been eliminated. I really like those lenses. I like the 12mm for all around flying day in day out but I have gotten some really great shots with the 45mm Olympus lens. The stills are out of this world and the video is great but FOV is a little tight but expected with a 45 mm lens. I have the super popular 75 mm Olympus lens coming Monday and I am going to give her a whirl. It is supposed to be one of the best lenses on the market. I hope it lives up to its name I hope the list of acceptable lenses keeps growing.
I was interested in the 75mm however I don't see it working as it weighs 305g. From all my testing I've found the gimble is happy up until the165g range and can be coaxed past carefully and usually due to the lens being short and compact so it's weight is concentrated near the pivot. Unfortunately I haven't seen anything over 195g work. I also wanted to add that the Panasonic 42.5 i was using was the 1.7 not the 1.2 and that although it only shows a slight FOV advantage on the 45mm Olympus the photos and during it's use it felt like more.
I wondered about the weight of the 75 mm. I am going to have to check the 42.5 lens. Thanks for the info
Hi I have only just joined the forum
Has any got a comparison of an images from the go pro hero 3 compared to the Inspire 1 pro please or a useful link where i could see the difference

Thanks in advance
You have got to be kidding? You want to see a camera comparison with a $300 camera vs a X5 that costs thousands?
Great to hear from you. Yeah I love the inspire Pro. I just came in from a test flight using the 14/42 lens and the DJI FOLLOW FOCUS system makes the focus work perfectly. I'm lucky I'm a dealer for DJI so I get to play with all the latest tech. If I can help in any way just let me know. We all have to help one another.
I would be happy to know how that 14-42 lens works on my X5. How is it set up and what modifications do I need to have done? Im not a DIY person, Im afraid.
I would be happy to know how that 14-42 lens works on my X5. How is it set up and what modifications do I need to have done? Im not a DIY person, Im afraid.
Hey there , the 14/42 works really nice. I flew several flights today. Simply mount the lens on the x5 and I then use the hood that is an accessory for the Olympus 12mm lens. This works perfectly for me as far as balance goes. After mounting while tilting your x5 up and down with the RC use your other hand and feel for any vibrations. If none you should be good. If there are then I recommend further balancing. Honestly, it really is no big deal. Being a dealer for DJI I get to set up a lot of these and it's really quite simple. If you need any help just let me know. It's no problem at all.

[email protected]
dji 15mm_olympus 12mm.jpg
Ralph, your hands-on experience with various lenses for X5 camera is priceless for all of us. In your opinion how the original DJI MFT 15mm lens performs in comparison to acclaimed Olympus 12mm ED lens? Both are priced at about $600 recently. Another words, is the Olympus consideration worthy, having DJI lens already? I must admit that the picture quality is of paramount importance to me, but the benefits from switching must be really noticeable to justify such expense.
View attachment 5390
Ralph, your hands-on experience with various lenses for X5 camera is priceless for all of us. In your opinion how the original DJI MFT 15mm lens performs in comparison to acclaimed Olympus 12mm ED lens? Both are priced at about $600 recently. Another words, is the Olympus consideration worthy, having DJI lens already? I must admit that the picture quality is of paramount importance to me, but the benefits from switching must be really noticeable to justify such expense.
Hey my friend good too hear from you. Yeah there is No !!!comparison between the two. The DJI lens is really nice but the Olympus takes the image clarity and detail to a whole new level. On a 1 to 10 the DJI is a 4 to 5. The Olympus 12mm is a 8 or 9. It works equally well for both video and stills. Also it balances very nicely. Let me know if you need anything I will behalf to help.
View attachment 5390
Ralph, your hands-on experience with various lenses for X5 camera is priceless for all of us. In your opinion how the original DJI MFT 15mm lens performs in comparison to acclaimed Olympus 12mm ED lens? Both are priced at about $600 recently. Another words, is the Olympus consideration worthy, having DJI lens already? I must admit that the picture quality is of paramount importance to me, but the benefits from switching must be really noticeable to justify such expense.

I had both, returned the 15 mm as soon as I saw the footage from the 12mm. The difference in focal length in my opinion is not enough to justify owning both, and the 12mm not only looks better, but flies smoother as well. Well the bird doesn't fly smoother of course but due to the slightly wider FOV it is easier to get smooth yaw movement whereas it is nearly impossible to get smooth yaw on the 15mm with the gimbal in follow mode.
I had both, returned the 15 mm as soon as I saw the footage from the 12mm. The difference in focal length in my opinion is not enough to justify owning both, and the 12mm not only looks better, but flies smoother as well. Well the bird doesn't fly smoother of course but due to the slightly wider FOV it is easier to get smooth yaw movement whereas it is nearly impossible to get smooth yaw on the 15mm with the gimbal in follow mode.
Yes if there has to be a choice the the 12 mm wins hands down.
Hey my friend good too hear from you. Yeah there is No !!!comparison between the two. The DJI lens is really nice but the Olympus takes the image clarity and detail to a whole new level. On a 1 to 10 the DJI is a 4 to 5. The Olympus 12mm is a 8 or 9. It works equally well for both video and stills. Also it balances very nicely. Let me know if you need anything I will behalf to help.
OK, Ralph, I trust you blindly. I'm going to order this baby. Thank you again for your expert advice...

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