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Solved - A3 Pro LB2 - Replacement of GPS/Compass Mast not correct

Feb 21, 2018
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M600Pro, A3 Pro & LB2. All LED's on IMU and A3 Controller good: Blue or Green depending on priority.
On 3 GPS Masts, the GPS/Compass dish, on #2 and #3 are Good: Blue or Green depending on priority.
Mast #1 had a Red LED, but AC Controll/IMU and 2 IMU were all Green or Blue. As a test, moved the #1 and swapped with #3 and plugged #3 into AC FC and #1 into cable line CAN1 (#3 previous).
The Red LED Mast followed the #1 Mast, the #3 in A3 FC ran normal. Repeated steps moving #1 go #2 location & swapped cable positions. Again, the RED LED followed the #1 Mast and #2 in #3 position & CAN1 Socket.

That in-directly concluded to me that #1 GPS Mast was bad.
On separate job, In Process of building up a S1000, E1200, A3Pro, LB2.
Borrowed one of the A3 GPS Upgrade kits and installed the GPS Mast In place of #1 GPS Mast.
Upset the whole mix, mixture of RED LED"s on multiple masts & IMU's.

Connected DJI Asst 2 thinking it needed to be configured. First, Replaced the #1 Mast back... sitting in #3 position.
Noticed the DJI Asst 2 shows #1 failing and graphically showed #1 being up in Ft as normal instead of in #3 position as current.

Evidently something needs to be RESET or Configured to ADD or Move a IMU or GPS Mast.
Question: Has anyone replaced a GPS Mast or GPS Mast & IMU on a A3Pro.
Where do you essentially initiate a Rebuild or Refresh to assign or initialize the A3, A3 IMUs, and GPS/Compass Masts ?

I've found no documentation on repairing, reinstalling AC components with new parts.
But it does not seem to recognize or accept a new A3 Component like a GPS Mast or GPS Mast & IMU.

Would like to service this myself without sending the whole M600Pro into DJI for repair; really feel it could be performed at home.
Wrote DJI Tech Support and their only advice was to send in the M600 Pro, which seemed like a lot of additional effort. On the DJI Support Forum, received a reply to proceed with calibration. I thought there was no way the system would be in a running state to perform calibration, but amazingly it did perform calibration and after a restart the GPS Compass modules appeared to be correct. The DJI GO app gave a warning that Firmware was not consistent so reconnected to DJI Asst 2 to perform FW updates again. After a restart... all IMU's, GPS Compasses and A3 Flight controller were indicating proper LED's of Green & Blue. No RED LED's. and saved packing this big bird up for DJI Service!

I am amazed the A3 GPS Compass unit is not available or sold separately and only as an A3 upgrade kit with higher cost IMU.

Hopefully I can receive a new A3 GPS Compass from DJI to replace swapped unit from new A3 Pro Kit.

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