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UK New CAA Charges for 17/18

Nov 27, 2016
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I did do a search and not find anything easily so.. new CAA charges wef 1 April announced. £173 for new SUA applications...

Capture.JPG http://publicapps.caa.co.uk/docs/33/ORS5%20No%20323%201718%20GAS.pdf
Wow! That's quite a hike. I can't help feeling that all this is going to increase the illegal flying that's going on.
I can't help feeling that all this is going to increase the illegal flying that's going on
Yep - so it is down to the PfCO holders to a) educate the client that it is illegal and with no protection if they use a cowboy and b) report to the police all instances of known (ideally provable via FB, YouTube) violation. They might not investigate all but if they do one, word will spread that Mr Bobby Bill does come knocking.
Yep - so it is down to the PfCO holders to a) educate the client that it is illegal and with no protection if they use a cowboy and b) report to the police all instances of known (ideally provable via FB, YouTube) violation. They might not investigate all but if they do one, word will spread that Mr Bobby Bill does come knocking.
I've been quite pleasantly surprised how well informed and diligent the Police are here in South Wales. That said, and not to knock your points which are quite correct, is just unenforceable with the proliferation of drones and commercial imagery. Still feels like we're finding our feet and a long way of a neat solution.

It's got to be more affordable if people are going to buy into it. And increased accountability is really needed!

Don't get me wrong though, I have absolutely no idea what a better solution looks like! [emoji16]
I've been quite pleasantly surprised how well informed and diligent the Police are here in South Wales. That said, and not to knock your points which are quite correct, is just unenforceable with the proliferation of drones and commercial imagery. Still feels like we're finding our feet and a long way of a neat solution.

It's got to be more affordable if people are going to buy into it. And increased accountability is really needed!

Don't get me wrong though, I have absolutely no idea what a better solution looks like! [emoji16]
Its easy.
Every force has a CAA liasion officer. Ask to speak to them and report the unlicensed operator.
They then visit business/call using footage and investigate who shot it etc.
If its unlicensed business have to remove it(losing money) while police track down operator.
If you report EVERY time to become aware of business using un licensed footage very quickly the first thing a business willl want to see is the drone operators credentials/insurance etc before they hand over cash! Simples
Dont report and obviously business will take longer to get the message. Your choice.
Original question, now answered:

"Has anyone had experience of adding night permissions to their existing standard permissions and if so, what was the CAA charge?

Was it just £173 or was it even higher?"

My email to the CAA was answered yesterday and they confirmed that adding the night permissions would still just incur the 'Standard' permissions charge if £173.
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