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MP4/RAW why the blur?

Apr 26, 2016
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Wonder if someone can point me in the right direction, uploaded screen shot of video, left is the SD Card MP4, right is the RAW (SlimRAW converted for PP CC) obviously the colour is very different, no colour corrections. But the sharpness of the RAW seems pretty poor to me - the focus is OK, what am I missing? Any help appreciated, Cheers MikeMP4 RAW blurry.PNG ,
the focus is OK
The focus doesn't look OK to me.

In addition, raw video is generally not sharp, and you will need to add some sharpening in post. The advantage of raw is that it can handle sharpening, whereas highly-compressed MP4 footage can't.

But I think the main problem is that that is not in focus.
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It looks out of focus on both shots to me. We have the X5R and the content from both the SD card and the SSD are very sharp. Have you set focus? I know stupid question but sometimes it's the easy stuff I screw up. Love to hear what you find.
Hi guys, thanks for your input, yes I have been playing with the lens/calibration and lots of testing, it just doesn't seem sharp to me, when I see others video pin sharp it frustrates me more, even when I manually focus, then also use auto focus etc, have calibrated and even set aperture to 22 to make sure everything is in focus, though not in this example (used to be a photographer).... its never appeared sharp since I got it, only thing I haven't done is remove and re seat the lens... more testing me thinks... I've read there have been some issues using d-log, maybe I should try auto to see if there's any difference... will let you know how I go... cheers Mike
Hi guys, thanks for your input, yes I have been playing with the lens/calibration and lots of testing, it just doesn't seem sharp to me, when I see others video pin sharp it frustrates me more, even when I manually focus, then also use auto focus etc, have calibrated and even set aperture to 22 to make sure everything is in focus, though not in this example (used to be a photographer).... its never appeared sharp since I got it, only thing I haven't done is remove and re seat the lens... more testing me thinks... I've read there have been some issues using d-log, maybe I should try auto to see if there's any difference... will let you know how I go... cheers Mike

Using f/22 will not give you a sharper image, due to lens diffraction. For MFT lenses the sweet spot for resolution is around f/5.6.
Hi Quadpilot, thanks for the tip, I was just expressing that at 22 (when testing), everything should be in focus due to the depth of field. Will hopefully be able to get out today and get some testing done... will let you know how I go... lens re-seated and will re-calibrate lens.
Hi Quadpilot, thanks for the tip, I was just expressing that at 22 (when testing), everything should be in focus due to the depth of field. Will hopefully be able to get out today and get some testing done... will let you know how I go... lens re-seated and will re-calibrate lens.
Unfortunately not the case.
You could calibrate everything beautifully and then go out and shoot something at f22 and it will look like rubbish. All lenses to a degree will suffer this issue - the same is true on the wide open side of things.
It's just that all lenses (with the exception of maybe $200k primes) are a compromise.
Diffraction at smaller apertures will cause an otherwise we'll calibrated system to appear out of focus.
Hi all, got some testing in, here is a screen grab from some video, is this about as good as it can get, or should be crisper still? Noticed a bit of noise...
screen grab looks bad... I'll see about uploading the video...
Heres an upload:

Lens - AF, Aperture on A.
Go App - AE Lock, D-Log, Aperture Priority, f5.6, 24fps, 1/60, nd32. all the other settings auto/default.

A little colour correction added, but no UnSharp Mask. Does this look ok?

I made the youtube link 'unlisted' so let me know if you can access or not, cheers Mike
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