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Matrice M30T landing inaccuracy

Oct 27, 2023
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Hello all,

Within the last 6 months I have upgraded from a M2EA and now own a new Matrice M30T. My biggest gripe is the auto landing inaccuracy of the M30T. The take off and landing is always done from a large 110cm landing mat and the drone can have a landing inaccuracy anywhere from 1 meter to as far as 5 meters off of the mat where it took off from. The M2EA never once missed its landing target, not once. The M30T has only ever landed on the mat once out of approximately 100 flights without me having to manually steer it above the mat when it is just above the ground.

I never used RTK with the M2EA nor do I plan to use it with my M30T as these were both for personal use and I never needed it with the M2EA. I do not have an RTK hardware nor do I have any RTK networks to connect to.

I have calibrated the M30T IMU and compass many times to no success. I have flown the drone at least 10 different locations which eliminates a problem at the launch/landing site. GPS signal and quality are always strong and never weak. Vision positioning has always been enabled which is supposed to aid with precision landing (doesn’t in my case). The innacuracy doesn’t seem to be relevant to calm conditions or windy conditions, it’s inaccurate regardless. I have done 2-3 firmware updates of the drone, RC plus and batteries as they have become available, no updates have helped with the landing inaccuracy.

DJI suggested a landing mat with a large QR code pattern (as pictured) to help with landing accuracy which sounds like nonsense and plus no one including DJI make these… I have a large 110cm orange landing mat with a white inner circle and white “H” in the centre like most people will have.

In a recent email reply from DJI they said that 1-5 meters landing inaccuracy was normal which I believe is total BS seeing as my M2EA would landing on the exact mark every single time without any RTK.

I’m at the stage now where I’m going to send them flight logs and potentially return the drone under warranty.

Lastly, dealing with DJI enterprise over email has been extremely frustrating. Has anyone managed to source a direct contact number for the enterprise technical support team?

Look forward to hearing some thoughts.


  • IMG_6348.png
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I have the m30T and don't have this issue at all - however i do typically use the free NTRIP networks for RTK. Not sure that matters as many times when i get close to the ground its signal is not very strong. You may have already tried some of these suggestions below, if you have please let us know.

Since DJI uses a photo to complete the precision landing, maybe your landing pad is not as discernable from the ground as it should be. You say its orange, but is there any other markings? The QR code is quite specific so i could see it working, but probably a bit of overkill. I would make sure you have a full set of GPS satellites, and you get the "home point updated" message before taking off. Make sure the "precision landing" toggle is set in your settings. When taking off, hover in place for 30 seconds before completing your flight. When it is landing, it will not make its final adjustments until right above the pad, so find a clean and clear area and just let it do its thing and see what happens.

FYI this is my landing pad and it works fine. Its not anything special.
Hello all,

Within the last 6 months I have upgraded from a M2EA and now own a new Matrice M30T. My biggest gripe is the auto landing inaccuracy of the M30T. The take off and landing is always done from a large 110cm landing mat and the drone can have a landing inaccuracy anywhere from 1 meter to as far as 5 meters off of the mat where it took off from. The M2EA never once missed its landing target, not once. The M30T has only ever landed on the mat once out of approximately 100 flights without me having to manually steer it above the mat when it is just above the ground.

I never used RTK with the M2EA nor do I plan to use it with my M30T as these were both for personal use and I never needed it with the M2EA. I do not have an RTK hardware nor do I have any RTK networks to connect to.

I have calibrated the M30T IMU and compass many times to no success. I have flown the drone at least 10 different locations which eliminates a problem at the launch/landing site. GPS signal and quality are always strong and never weak. Vision positioning has always been enabled which is supposed to aid with precision landing (doesn’t in my case). The innacuracy doesn’t seem to be relevant to calm conditions or windy conditions, it’s inaccurate regardless. I have done 2-3 firmware updates of the drone, RC plus and batteries as they have become available, no updates have helped with the landing inaccuracy.

DJI suggested a landing mat with a large QR code pattern (as pictured) to help with landing accuracy which sounds like nonsense and plus no one including DJI make these… I have a large 110cm orange landing mat with a white inner circle and white “H” in the centre like most people will have.

In a recent email reply from DJI they said that 1-5 meters landing inaccuracy was normal which I believe is total BS seeing as my M2EA would landing on the exact mark every single time without any RTK.

I’m at the stage now where I’m going to send them flight logs and potentially return the drone under warranty.

Lastly, dealing with DJI enterprise over email has been extremely frustrating. Has anyone managed to source a direct contact number for the enterprise technical support team?

Look forward to hearing some thoughts.
I was also frustrated at first trying to engage precision landing until I followed the directions from DJI.
After liftoff, go straight up to around 7 meters and stop for a couple of seconds. The Matrice takes a picture of the home point. If other conditions are normal (# of satellites, etc.) then upon RTH the drone will descend and apply corrections a couple of meters above the mat to place it on the spot.
I flew today at dusk and it landed perfectly on the pad with landing lights on. Even under windy conditions it does a pretty good job of always landing within the limits of the pad.
I always chat with tech support on the website. Email is slow in my experience. When troubleshooting issues, they've kept the chat open for over 45 minutes while giving me time to take photos, screenshots, follow directions for resetting, etc., without leaving or cutting me off.
When launching my M30T at night, If I have my RTK converged at takeoff, It will return home and land with a maximum of 3cm error. It still lands with this high accuracy, when I have the landing/takeoff lights turned off and no light is given to aid the drone in landing or images taken for precision landing. RTK alone has given me a 100% accurate landing record.

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