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M600Pro X5 or Z30 Gimbal - Video Image blacks out or freezes w Strong Signal

Feb 21, 2018
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Looking for suggestions...
M600Pro - mount either X5 or Z30 Gimbal. Mount X5, X5Raw, Z30.
All going though the EXT channel of LB2, and short distance the Image will often Freeze, black screen or video garbage screens.

Video Signal unstable:
Sitting on pad 25 ft away, 150 Ft Altitude & 200 ft away, 300 Ft Altitude & 1800 Ft away... all the same behavior while the HDsignal indicates FULL Strength / All Bars.

Haven't tested with RoninMX through the LB channel within the LB2. Waiting for the GH4 to be returned from repair.

The Antenna leads look good, although there is slight rub/cut on insulation but no wire exposed.
If the Video Signal is strong, I don't think it's an antenna signal issue.
I feel it's more on the "processing" of the signal than receiving & transmitting the signal.
That would be more LB module, and that's a pricey checkpoint to just experiment.

If it is a signal issue, any thoughts to improve
Has this issue just started or is this a new aircraft to you? What are you using for a monitor?
This is a "used" craft, recently new to me without any Gimbals. Believe issue was probably an existing unknown; Previous Owner only used with a RoninMX & Sony A7. I've since acquired Z30, X5 and RoninMX gimbals. Installed FPV Camera and fussed with the PIP not realizing that took a 2nd RC for PIP or a 2nd Screen for Pilots. Moved on to RoninMX tests to realize can't use FPV & RoninMX since both on LB channel. Later discovered had to repair a HDMI Camera issue.

Back on X5 & Z30 testing, I've noticed it right off the bat. Since post I've chatted with DJI Tech Support on GPS issue & Video Issue. There're more focused on the GPS error (1 Mast RED LED) and feel Vidoe is probably FW on Cameras. This isn't accurate because they have most current firmware when using with I1 or M210.
I may have been incorrect as video condition being pre-existing, since gimbals were still being purchased & setup I'm not totally certain.

I reviewed the connections and various app settings, noticed in app the video section for the PIP switch was absent and there was a "'App Output Mode" and "Output Mode" with LB & EXT as 2 options without the PIP LB & PIP EXT variables.

In the process of setting up the RononMX, I added the M600 Expansion module for additional camera controls. The app's video screen wasn't showing these variables the other day. After a fresh start, the video section looks different and setting Output Mode to EXT provided a clear signal, it sat idling for over 20 min with clear screen image.

The 600 Expansion module must remap some values. Resetting the app's video values appears to provide clear video. I'll test the video and see if video remains clean outside on flight. How the app changed after a few restarts... seems odd.
For testing purposes, have the Extension module removed. Swapped out video CAN cable. for X5 / Z30 gimbal, no change in video behavior.

This was a used purchase, and the previous stored mode was disconnecting the Antenna blade mounts from the motor booms. Allowing them to hang & dangle in the case and the antenna leads to rub against the boom holes. Close inspection shows the antenna leads insulation to be chaffed or cut... so I question the isolation of signal within the leads. Have new antenna leads ordered to replace.

Going into the DJIGo App's radio freq Dx page.... shows all 4 points in the 32-42 db range at the suggested 2-3 meters.
I personally don't know if this is normal or high... but as I walk around the craft it easily fluctuates, sometime down to 25 db for a short period.

I removed the A3 Pro & Lightbridge2 modules, reinstalled insuring all cables were not stressed and in good condition.

Still baffled as to why the video stream looks great for 10-30 seconds, then blips out for 2-10 seconds, returns to normal... but the black out, freeze or garble increase as I fly out... when 1000 to 1200 feet it's unreliable video, totally useless if attempting to use video stream for inspection or setup of photography. The M210, Mavic & Inspire 1 & 2 can go out easily twice the distance without even a glitch in same flight path. This occurs with the X5, X5R and Z30 cameras installed indicating not the Camera mount since using both the X5 & Z30 mount, and not the camera.

Accepting Antenna leads as cause is odd because the Gimbal movement remains controlled and the M600Pro in flight remains in control.
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Updated... Installed new Anenna leads.
Invidently, Package indicated 600 600Pro. The leads are about 4” longer, which is a good thing, but the antenna housing is too small, guessing for 600 legs tubes. Moved antennas to older mounts... longer leads allowed routing antenna away from crossing under motor main power leads.

Flew and video was much better, but there where occasional times video would be it’d be sectional... 1/3 black or blink off & on very short interval. Still huge improvement from previous, but not close to what I see on Mavic, I2, or M210.

Also installed new SRW60G, and haven’t tested if video issue is SRW60G transmission or LB to RC. These tests were with RoninMX and LB, previous tests with EXT port. After RoninMX test, mounted X5 and it too appeared to work better on bench. Will test tomorrow the EXT port.
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Looking for suggestions...
M600Pro - mount either X5 or Z30 Gimbal. Mount X5, X5Raw, Z30.
All going though the EXT channel of LB2, and short distance the Image will often Freeze, black screen or video garbage screens.

Video Signal unstable:
Sitting on pad 25 ft away, 150 Ft Altitude & 200 ft away, 300 Ft Altitude & 1800 Ft away... all the same behavior while the HDsignal indicates FULL Strength / All Bars.

Haven't tested with RoninMX through the LB channel within the LB2. Waiting for the GH4 to be returned from repair.

The Antenna leads look good, although there is slight rub/cut on insulation but no wire exposed.
If the Video Signal is strong, I don't think it's an antenna signal issue.
I feel it's more on the "processing" of the signal than receiving & transmitting the signal.
That would be more LB module, and that's a pricey checkpoint to just experiment.

If it is a signal issue, any thoughts to improve

Change of Thought....
Hadn't noticed it in previous tests around my home, but this garbled & blanking LB2 video isn't just the M600Pro.
I got the M210, Cendence, CS UB out today... updated all the FW and wanted to do a few test flights in yard with the 28-40mph Winds today. The wind wasn't a challenge but I did notice the M210's video was crap... basically the same as the M600Pro had been.
I don't recall when... 2-3 months back, the last time I used the M210 around the home it was clear and stable.

The Mavic Pro & Mavic Air (and Yuneec) are stable & clear, but the M600Pro & M210 are garbled & blanks intermittently. The Mavic & Air use a little different signal protocol, could that be a difference. Something in my neighborhood must have recently been changed... but the Lightbridge 2 signal seems to have real issue with it.

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