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Inspections, mapping - 9mm or 13mm lens?

Dec 3, 2015
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Hi guys,

Im going to buy XT 640 Radiometric 30 HZ. The main purpose will be inspections for PV panels, powerlines etc. (can´t wait to try it with the new M200 btw). Normally I would probably go with 13 mm lens as kind of "do it all". But as I learned that mapping is sort of tricky with XT due to a low resolution, Im thinking 9 mm might be better.

What would you prefere - 9 mm or 13 mm?

Any answer would be much appreciated...

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With a short lens length, your distance is an issue when approaching objects. How much of an issue depends on the subject and objective, but the shorter the length (smaller mm) the closer you will need to get. I can have some test shots of our 19mm when it arrives this week. I cannot recall the focal length of our hand held unit to offer any feedback until the gimbal arrives. Another thought of concern is that short focal length can add to some distortion (think fish eye) in theory. I cannot confirm as I do not have a plethora of aerial gimbals to test shoot. There are some sample shots out there, but I cannot locate them at this time, my google-fu is weak without coffee.
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If you are doing inspection and mapping for utility/ power and PV, for proper resolution/height is 13mm.
I have had flir vue pro's and zenmuse xt models of both 640 and 336. The 13 mm is definitely better in the 640 models. My 9mm is far too wide fov for accurate measurements at more than about 50ft away compared to the 13 mm that is 3x that.

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