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UK First Post, hello! advice on ops manual renew

Thanks for the prompt response!
My renewal is on the 22nd of Sept, so regarding my flight logs I would need to send in the last 2 weeks from June, all July and first 2 weeks of Aug.
Regarding all the changes in 2016, I have a list of things I need to update Here, would I simply change the wording?
Also, is this a good opportunity to make changes to the ops manual or is this a separate process.

Many thanks for your time (and sorry for all the questions)


(edit, am I allowed to send it in later than 28 days before renewal date? I guess I can send it in a day before but would have to wait for renewal to fly commercial?) Im on holiday that in scotland 1 month before my renewal week and would like to fly and send those logs in.
Yes, so long as you have the required 2 hrs flight time logged in the preceding 2 months before renewal that is fine. (You do not need to send your entire log book, just the last 60 days).
The link you posted covers the relevant changes that must be made in your ops manual and these must be made and submitted along with your SRG1320 at renewal.
If the references to the correct articles etc are not contained then you will be refused renewal and you will have to resubmit.
I found the easiest way was to use word search on Microsoft word and then just replace all references.
I then just read completely through my manual to make sure none had been missed.
Don't forget to update your version number of your ops manual at the same time and you will probably need to change the wording slightly regarding MORS reporting which is now done completely on line.

Hope that helps.
Great responses lads, really appreciate it, just to clarify, I can send my ops manual in whenever I want, just cant fly commercially while im waiting if it runs over my 1 year period?
Great responses lads, really appreciate it, just to clarify, I can send my ops manual in whenever I want, just cant fly commercially while im waiting if it runs over my 1 year period?
No - your ops manual goes in with your first application (which you already have as you hold PfCO).
You then send it in at renewal time along with your log book entries, the completed SRG1320 and the renewal fee. You do not need to resubmit a photo of your aircraft at renewal.
No - your ops manual goes in with your first application (which you already have as you hold PfCO).
You then send it in at renewal time along with your log book entries, the completed SRG1320 and the renewal fee. You do not need to resubmit a photo of your aircraft at renewal.
Sorry I didnt explain myself, i mean for the renewal. I was awarded Pfco on sept 22nd 2016, I was asking if I could send in my renewal stuff later than 2 months before.
Hi, I haven't had time to fly this month and my renewal is the 22nd of Sept. If i do my 2 hours in Aug and the beg of Sept but get my renewal in before the 22nd of Sept is that ok? I appreciate I wouldn't be able to fly until my renewal is approved ( i think?), and that can take a while. I guess what Im asking is as long as i get my renewal in before the 22nd of Sept that will be Ok as far as continuation goes.
Also, will my renewal not be accepted without insurance, my insurance has just run out and I dont have any jobs planned, I was hoping to fly non commercially to get my time in before renewal.
Many thanks
Hi, I haven't had time to fly this month and my renewal is the 22nd of Sept. If i do my 2 hours in Aug and the beg of Sept but get my renewal in before the 22nd of Sept is that ok? I appreciate I wouldn't be able to fly until my renewal is approved ( i think?), and that can take a while. I guess what Im asking is as long as i get my renewal in before the 22nd of Sept that will be Ok as far as continuation goes.
Also, will my renewal not be accepted without insurance, my insurance has just run out and I dont have any jobs planned, I was hoping to fly non commercially to get my time in before renewal.
Many thanks
You are correct. You now have to show proof of EC785/2004 compliant insurance at time of submission of your SRG1320 for application/renewal.
You will also need to update your ops manual to reflect the changes in the Air Navigation order sections as well as changing any reference to manual MORS reporting.
Please do a search on the forum as this has been covered previously.
One more question on this!!
I realised in my ops manual it asks for "charge input mAh" in my battery log, i have never filled this in. Can you tell me where i find this info?
Many thanks
One more question on this!!
I realised in my ops manual it asks for "charge input mAh" in my battery log, i have never filled this in. Can you tell me where i find this info?
Many thanks
Why? Who wrote your ops manual?
It should be your work, so unless you put it in there why would it 'ask' for charge current which is irrelevant as far as the CAA is concerned.
Euro USC standard, if I take this out do I have to show/submit a new revision?
Well since the EuroUSC cowboys had their NQE status revoked by the CAA a while back (plenty on here about their dodgy practices), I wouldn't take too much notice of anything that came out of them. :)
You are going for PfCO renewal so you will need to revise and update your version numbers etc and pay the necessary fee for revision as laid down in April of this year. Again more about the new charges on the forum.
So I guess I can revise everything at the same time and make reference to it in my revisions list. Im duplicating a lot of work in my job sheets etc, id like to take that out. should i send in my job sheets as well as the battery and flight time info?
So I guess I can revise everything at the same time and make reference to it in my revisions list. Im duplicating a lot of work in my job sheets etc, id like to take that out. should i send in my job sheets as well as the battery and flight time info?
Not sure what you mean by job sheets.
The CAA are not interested in what jobs you do, your only legal requirement is to keep cumaltive flight logs. Battery information/logs is of no interest to the CAA either and their is no obligation (although good practice) to keep them.
Your NQE should have taken you through all this although if it was EuroUSC I'm not surprised if they gave bad advice
Thanks for this, so what is the full extent of cumaltive flight logs, date, time in the air, longitude lattitude......

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