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UK 2011 Ops Manual or 2015 OSC?


Sep 8, 2016
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I recall that this has been covered a little some time ago but I was curious just how many forum UK certified pilots who qualified post October 2015 did so using the CAA Ops Manual template from 2011 compared to how many did so using the later CAA OSC template from October 2015 - in either case for standard permissions only.

I recall on the previous thread that Editor rigorously stated that it is our Ops Manual to work from and that the templates offered by the CAA or Training Company are only there for guidance. I accept that principle but cannot ignore that fact that the CAA in 2015 stated that, even for standard permissions, Volume 1 of the OSC is required, Volumes 2 & 3 are recommended.

Having lots of spare time on my hands (I'm retired) I looked at both the 2011 and 2015 templates and drafted one of each. The Ops Manual I've done from the 2011 template is 52 pages and 7,800 words long and covered items required in the 3 volumes of the 2015 template but in one single unit. The requirements for the recommended 2015 template OSC is far more detailed (I covered all 3 volumes) and stands at 120 pages and 23,000 words long.

Just being curious - any thoughts? BTW having looked at the content in both I feel more confident in getting the OSC passed fairly quickly compared to the 2011 Ops Manual.
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I am yet to look at this but will be starting in May (3 months before our 2nd renewal is due) would you be available to chat about this in detail Im intrigued as to why 120 pages were required.

Thx in advance

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