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UK Wind speed in Ops Manual

Jul 27, 2016
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Hi folks,

Really appreciate being able to learn from you all so thanks. Looking for a bit of insight as to what you guys have put in your ops manual regarding wind speed. Flight school did not give a definitive answer really.

The Inspire (and other platforms) can clearly operate safely in windspeeds in excess of 10m/s in the right circumstances. However that is the maximum DJI have stated. Have you written in your ops manual/FRC's that that is the max wind speed you will fly in? And therefore do you find that you are missing out on work because it is regularly 'too windy'? Or have you written something else?

I just don't want to tie myself down unnecessarily!

Thanks all!
Much like in full size aircraft crosswind limitations are suggestions. They are referred to as "max demonstrated speed" or the highest crosswind component they could find on those testing days
My flight test was in 15 KNOT winds, measured at ground level. While you can fly an inspire safely it will not RTH in those winds. While doing some mapping winds picked up and with Drone Deploy it could not keep craft on track.

So two points;
- Measuring windspeed at ground level is different to windspeed at 200ft.
- You will struggle to work reliably with Inspire in high wind speeds.

My ops manual just specifies DJI standard values and I do not expect it looses me real work.
My flight test was in 15 KNOT winds, measured at ground level. While you can fly an inspire safely it will not RTH in those winds. While doing some mapping winds picked up and with Drone Deploy it could not keep craft on track.

So two points;
- Measuring windspeed at ground level is different to windspeed at 200ft.
- You will struggle to work reliably with Inspire in high wind speeds.

My ops manual just specifies DJI standard values and I do not expect it looses me real work.

Thanks guys that's helpful. I figured I'd just plump for the stated values but don't want to limit myself too much. Anyone else got insight on what they've gone for?
Hi folks,

Really appreciate being able to learn from you all so thanks. Looking for a bit of insight as to what you guys have put in your ops manual regarding wind speed. Flight school did not give a definitive answer really.

The Inspire (and other platforms) can clearly operate safely in windspeeds in excess of 10m/s in the right circumstances. However that is the maximum DJI have stated. Have you written in your ops manual/FRC's that that is the max wind speed you will fly in? And therefore do you find that you are missing out on work because it is regularly 'too windy'? Or have you written something else?

I just don't want to tie myself down unnecessarily!

Thanks all!
I really am quite disturbed at the lack of help and information many NQE's seem to give at the Ops Manual stage.
OK, although operational wind speed should never be stated over the manufacturers maximum, the wind speed you quote in your ops manual is the maximum speed YOU will be happy working at.
That means if you quote 20mph then you should be confident and able to operate at that sustained wind speed in Atti mode.
The ops manual is just that, it is your operations manual and outlines your working practices
Thanks The Editor, that's helpful. I'm quite happy flying in more than 20mph in atti mode, having flown other platforms which operate in manual/ rate mode regularly in stronger winds. It's when the gusts drop off that you really go shooting forward in rate mode! Just going to have plump for 10m/s anyway.

I think the point about RTH not working effectively which was made earlier is really important too.

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