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x5r ssd issue/newbie issue

Jul 19, 2017
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Hello everyone. Admittedly new to all of this wonder. Photography and video enthusiast here that perhaps is a little too beholden to maximum image quality. So the Inspire 1 Raw seemed a good bet. The fly in the ointment being that I may have bitten of more than I can chew regarding the data handling/workflow. I'm aware that this set-up isn't for the faint-of-heart though I am willing to learn as I've certainly committed myself here. Plenty of time consuming video/opinion/tutorials on all things Inspire. My issue at the moment seems to be my (mid 2014) 2.2ghz macbook pro i7 doesn't appear to be recognizing my ssd. I see the footage that I've recorded on my micro sd card, but nothing with the ssd. The blue light on the ssd reader is on, but no icon appears on-screen. I've taken to reformatting both the micro sd and ssd 'in' the Inspire through the DJI Go app and retrying to no avail. Surely I'm missing something... no? I've opened up DJI Cinelight and in the upper left-hand corner it says: Local Library/ 0 clips. But no dng stack... nothing. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much. Cheers.
I have very similar issues. My Win10 machine has serious issues getting the drive to show. Sometimes it shows when the drive isn't even in the reader. Its stupid.

Anyway, if you see the drive listed but no files you may not have actually recorded any. I found I needed to set a raw format (in go). I also could not use the record screen button in Litchi (which is what I fly with, not go). If I use the screen to start the recording, it doesn't record to SSD, only uSD. But, if I press the record button on the RC iteself, then I get recordings on both SSD and uSD.

I don't run anything apple so I can't compare or help any more than to tell you there could be issues on your platform too.

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