Mani, can you explain your process and how it might be different to what others are doing? We are all looking at the X5 trying to determine what we can get from it. If you can provide some detail as to how you are using the X5 and your workflow, that would be great.
Ian, unfortunately this awesome aerial work is not signed by me, my X5 is about to arrive in around one week. The videos posted in this thread are signed by different authors, which in my opionion managed to take advantage of the X5 specs.
The moment my X5 will arrive I hope I will be able to deliver equal results, time will tell.
The main idea of this thread was to do justice to X5, as I really believe it's a better camera for Inspire.
Unfortunately, just like with first Inspire videos uploaded at the beggining of the year, a lot of people are just uploading videos online, not artwork.
Somehow, I'm happy that Zenmuse X5 forces you to take care of postproduction, as it's less automated lens like X3 and the auto/results will look in most cases worse than X3 footage.
People looking for easy aerial filming, with no post production , should stick to X3, which it's a great lens for that purpose.
X5 needs more work and it delivers great results in manual mode, with detailed post production.
You can contact the authors of these videos, on their video channels, I am quite sure they will be willing to help, the moment my X5 will be able to share my own tests.
Take care