I’ve had drones capable of recording 4K video for over 2 years now, but no way to edit or even view the 4K files because my TV is 7 years old and my MacBook is 5 years old now.
Since I have the Inspire 2 with X5S, I think that’s kinda going to waste.
So I got a new desktop windows computer first. My budget was $1,200 max for just the computer. After shopping for hours it came down to 2 choices:
Computer with 8th gen i7 processor (6 cores) and OK graphics card GeForce 1060 w/3GB - $1,100
Computer with 7th gen i7 professor (4 cores) and GeForce 1070 w/8GB - $1,200
They both had 16GB DDR4 memory and similar SSD + hard drive capacity.
I got the one with better processor. I hope I made the right choice and don’t need to upgrade the graphics card too soon.
Thanks for info ! I have not bought a new computer yea . short on funds, but I will refer back to your list when I do .