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SSD Thunderbolt reader and X5R to ProRes

Nov 7, 2018
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Brand new here and to the Inspire 1...
Firstly I just wanted to show my way to speed up the reading from the SSD via a Thunderbolt/SATA/microSATA instead of the provided USB 3 reader. I have only Thunderbolt 1, but i'm sure there are adaptors for types 2 & 3.
I haven't tested it in a real workflow situation yet so I'm not sure how fast Cinelight can swallow RAW files... The micro SATA adapter which is the key to this costs around €5.

...and a question. What are the possibilities of a firmware update giving the X5R the ability to record or output ProRes?

2018-11-22 13.39.07.jpg
2018-11-22 13.39.26.jpg
...and a question. What are the possibilities of a firmware update giving the X5R the ability to record or output ProRes?

Nil. Neither the Inspire 1 nor the X5R has enough computing power to handle this.

The Inspire 2 has this computing power on the craft; the X5S and X7 cameras are relatively low-powered, and just send the video signal to the craft for processing and storage.

And anyway, DJI has abandoned the X5R; its last firmware update was in July of 2017. I was beyond pissed when they did this. They sold the I1 as an expandable platform, and I bought in. Then they abandoned it.

PS You have attached your X5R SSD to your computer; have you successfully read footage from it? DJI designed it so that this was impossible.
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"...PS You have attached your X5R SSD to your computer; have you successfully read footage from it? DJI designed it so that this was impossible." /QUOTE said:
No, only through CineLight, this works exactly the same as the standard reader, just faster. Well a bit faster, SATA is 6Gb/s and USB3 5Gb/s...
I see there is a Thunderbolt 3 reader for the I2 CineSSD on the DJI store. That doesn't look like SATA so it can probably utilise the speed.

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