Hi all, I wonder if you can help.
In the hope of making our Inspire 1 last another year we decided to upgrade to an X5r so that we can increase the quality of our deliverables to clients. We purchased a used X5r which arrived yesterday after winging it's way over from the states.
As soon as I started looking at the footage from the SSD's I noticed some weird artefacts that seem to appear and disappear dependant on exposure level.
Here's an frame grab from some tests I was running last night...

As you can see in this example its showing rows of purple boxes down the left side of the frame. These sometimes look brighter and have appeared looking almost round at times as well.
I've uploaded a video to YT that shows how they appear and disappear erratically as the exposure changes, I'm simply changing aperture in that example.
This only happens with the footage on the SSD, the h.264 and stills recorded to the Micro SD are fine. I'm using Cinelight on the mac to process the footage from the SSD but I've also tried it on the image transfer software on PC with similar results. One weird thing is that the large preview window in CineLight doesn't show these errors, but the small filmstrip view at the bottom does.
If anybody has any experience of this please let me know. The seller is assuring me that he had this issue and it was software based, I'd really like to believe him as it will be a pain to return the camera but if it's FUBAR then thats what will need to happen.
Many thanks
In the hope of making our Inspire 1 last another year we decided to upgrade to an X5r so that we can increase the quality of our deliverables to clients. We purchased a used X5r which arrived yesterday after winging it's way over from the states.
As soon as I started looking at the footage from the SSD's I noticed some weird artefacts that seem to appear and disappear dependant on exposure level.
Here's an frame grab from some tests I was running last night...

As you can see in this example its showing rows of purple boxes down the left side of the frame. These sometimes look brighter and have appeared looking almost round at times as well.
I've uploaded a video to YT that shows how they appear and disappear erratically as the exposure changes, I'm simply changing aperture in that example.
This only happens with the footage on the SSD, the h.264 and stills recorded to the Micro SD are fine. I'm using Cinelight on the mac to process the footage from the SSD but I've also tried it on the image transfer software on PC with similar results. One weird thing is that the large preview window in CineLight doesn't show these errors, but the small filmstrip view at the bottom does.
If anybody has any experience of this please let me know. The seller is assuring me that he had this issue and it was software based, I'd really like to believe him as it will be a pain to return the camera but if it's FUBAR then thats what will need to happen.
Many thanks