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USA Professional pilots policies

Feb 27, 2018
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Hello and thank you for your time! I'm just starting my drone photography business and I'm looking for advice and help on what I should be worried about as far as policies or (legal) things I should be worried about. Do I need to have a contract for my customers to sign? And how would I go about That? And what is important to include?
Do you have a UAV certificate? Have you developed a business plan? Where are you located as laws/advice will vary? Contracts/Agreements should be proprietary to your business model operations, so what arena's do you imagine will be your market?

Just a few quick things that came to mind...
I have a certificate yes! I have a business plan but I'm still looking for advice... I'm located In NC, Us. I am doing this for real estate.
I have a certificate yes! I have a business plan but I'm still looking for advice... I'm located In NC, Us. I am doing this for real estate.
Did we not cover a few of the 'hurdles' you are going to encounter over on this thread? USA - Ariel Photography Business

You will have contractual limitations legally due to your age as you will be unable to enter into a service contract with any client being under 18 years of age.
You also mentioned insurance which again requires you to be 18 before coverage can be obtained.

Have added 'USA' prefix as I believe this is US specific.
Did we not cover a few of the 'hurdles' you are going to encounter over on this thread? USA - Ariel Photography Business

You will have contractual limitations legally due to your age as you will be unable to enter into a service contract with any client being under 18 years of age.
You also mentioned insurance which again requires you to be 18 before coverage can be obtained.

Have added 'USA' prefix as I believe this is US specific.
Yes sir! Anyways long story short my dad will have to be the "business owner"
Yes sir! Anyways long story short my dad will have to be the "business owner"
Ahhh...gotcha. Yup, that would make sense.
Your father could own the business/company and then 'employ' you as a contractor. Since I believe you said you already hold 107 you can be covered under the 'company insurance' with regards to liability etc.
Your father would need to sign any contracts of engagement to make it legally binding.
You can just be 'the pilot's until your reach 18 whereby then you could legally take over the business. :)
That's what we are gonna shoot for right now... can I ask a couple questions about "landowner permission contracts"?
Okay. I was given a contract to use (provided by my study course). I just wanted someone to look at it and see if everything looks right.

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