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Process for firmware upgrade on standard Inspire 1 after X5 upgrade.

Mar 16, 2015
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Anyone know how to proceed. I will receive my X5 in a day or two. Just want to be ready to upgrade the firmware. Any help is appreciated!
download the firmware to the root of the sd card, pop it into the X5, it will take upto 20 mins, you know its done when the drone goes.

For a long time it does 4 of them when updating. When its 3 over and over, you can power off.

Upgrade to the latest version, then go back to version .30 (as that's the best on for image quality) which you can find on the DJI website, it still appears to offer the best image quality.

The next firmware update due any week now should be decent.
What version?
download the firmware to the root of the sd card, pop it into the X5, it will take upto 20 mins, you know its done when the drone goes.

For a long time it does 4 of them when updating. When its 3 over and over, you can power off.

Upgrade to the latest version, then go back to version .30 (as that's the best on for image quality) which you can find on the DJI website, it still appears to offer the best image quality.

The next firmware update due any week now should be decent.

"Inspire pro" or regular Inspire firmware? I guess my question is, do I keep using the original Inspire version c firmware or does it take the pro firmware to make the X5 work?
I am not sure sorry, I got the package all in one.
Info is out there though on here or RCGROUPS.
What version?

"Inspire pro" or regular Inspire firmware? I guess my question is, do I keep using the original Inspire version c firmware or does it take the pro firmware to make the X5 work?
I was always confused by this, upgrading the Inspire FW vs. the cam FW, which order to do it in blah blah blah...
I just pick the newest FW version on the X5 downloads page, plug in the SD and let it do it's thing... Repeat for each battery. Craft, camera and all batteries showing latest FW as per the app.
So what if you ant to use your X3? How do you think you go about upgrading the AC if it was originally an X3 that you buy a X5 for but still want to use the X3. Especially when the X3 needs a FW update!
So what if you ant to use your X3? How do you think you go about upgrading the AC if it was originally an X3 that you buy a X5 for but still want to use the X3. Especially when the X3 needs a FW update!
You simply load the FW .bin file on the MicroSD and put it in the X3.
Then run the update. The Inspire will ignore (abort) all other firmware modules and only update the X3.
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So if you have a X5 would you upgrade FC FW with the Profirmware? Or upgrade the AC and X3 with the I1 FW then run the X5 FW to upgrade the X5 if required?

This is my question! Editor, do you know the answer to my question? Do i just run the standard firmware on the bird or the pro to fly the X5?
I also have the Inspire 1 that originally was sold with the X3 camera and I purchased the X5 as an upgrade. I wanted to update all the firmware for all the subsystems.

To do the upgrade I did this:

1. Re-mounted the X3 on the Inspire 1.
2. Downloaded WM610_FW_V01.06.00.40.bin firmware for the Inspire 1 (non Pro) from Inspire 1 - Specs, FAQ, manual, video tutorials and DJI GO | DJI .
3. Updated the Inspire 1, the X3, the two remote controllers and all the batteries.
4. The .txt file showed success after each step and everything works correctly.

But how to update the firmware on the X5?

The first thing I did was just to remove the X3 and mount the X5.

Then using the WM610_FW_V01.06.00.40.bin firmware I used above, I powered up the Inspire 1. It shows a status message “Camera firmware needs to be upgraded.” Pretty much what I expected, but no updating of the X5 occurs and no new .txt file is created.

So I powered everything off, went to the DJI web page for the Zenmuse X5 at
Zenmuse X5’s specifications, FAQ, video tutorials, and DJI GO | DJI
and downloaded the current firmware file: WM610_FC550_FW_V01.03.00.60.bin

I was suspicious because this is the same file name as shown for the Inspire 1 Pro at Inspire 1 Pro - Specifications, FAQ, video tutorials, manuals and DJI GO | DJI .

Sure enough, when I put the WM610_FC550_FW_V01.03.00.60.bin file on the microSD card and powered up the Inspire 1 + X5, nothing happened. The aircraft powers up normally, but still shows a status message that the camera firmware needs to be upgraded. No .txt file is written to the microSD card – from which I conclude this firmware is really not for the original Inspire 1 when upgraded with an X5.

So how do I upgrade the X5 firmware? There does not appear to be any specific file for the X5 camera when sold as an upgrade for the original Inspire 1 with the X3? Yet the status message shows the firmware for the X5 needs to be updated?

Anyone got any ideas? I'll cross post this on other DJI sites in the hope that someone from DJI can assist.

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Hi Andy

Thats the same s I did BUT used the 1.2 X5 firmware and it upgraded. Not bothered with 1.3 yet as the 1.2 X5 seems to be working ok. I cant find any release notes for 1.3 specifically for X5 so I guess its in the I1 Pro update release notes. Try the 1.2 version as you might have to install this before the 1.2.
Thanks, Droider. I'll give it whirl.

I still seems faintly odd that it's such a crap-shoot trying to figure out which firmware does what. I'm rather surprised that there's no guidance from DJI -- or maybe there is and I've just not found it.

Here's the sequence with which I did the upgrade:

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: WM610_FC550_FW_V01.02.00.50.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Success.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: WM610_FC550_FW_V01.03.00.60.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Success.

I *think* all is well now.
Yeah. I did manage to get the software release notes for version WM610_FC550_FW_V01.02.00.50.bin -- although only as a JPG image (weird?).

It does make reference to "only for X5". See the attached file Note 2.

AndyDJI Release Note for v1.2.0.50.jpg

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