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Orthoplane or orthofacade free app searched

Dec 13, 2017
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I'm looking for an app (preferably free :) ) which can fly automated a vertical plane: watertower - without the need to use circular missions all the time in different heights. The last is of course possible, but then you have to follow all the time the drone around the tower in order not to loose sight (VLOS requirement)
PIX4D free version cannot do this , nor Dronedeploy. Litchi could do this, but then you have to insert the waypoints manually. DH can do it, but only in the paid version...

any suggestions?
I'm looking for an app (preferably free :) ) which can fly automated a vertical plane: watertower - without the need to use circular missions all the time in different heights. The last is of course possible, but then you have to follow all the time the drone around the tower in order not to loose sight (VLOS requirement)
PIX4D free version cannot do this , nor Dronedeploy. Litchi could do this, but then you have to insert the waypoints manually. DH can do it, but only in the paid version...

any suggestions?
Moved to correct section.

For which aircraft?
Hammer Missions will do that and much more.

I am a beta tester for them, Try the 14 day free trial and see what you think.

Hope this helps.
Hammer Missions will do that and much more.

I am a beta tester for them, Try the 14 day free trial and see what you think.

Hope this helps.
Thanks but I already saw the app and its limited to IOS, so not for me :-|
Thanks but I already saw the app and its limited to IOS, so not for me :-|
There are at least 3 software that can do this:
1. UgSC - Ground Station Software | UgCS PC Mission Planning
2. Drone Harmony - Data Capture Platform for Drones & UAVs
3. Hammer Missions - Missions Supported in Hammer

Financially and in terms of options, the most appropriate choice seems to be UgSC - You can buy a perpetual license for $ 600 or use a subscription license for $ 39 every month (you do not need to buy a license for the entire year).
However, when it comes to UX, both DroneHarmony and Hammer are a better solution.

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