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Olympus 14-42mm pancake on x5

Jan 26, 2020
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Hi - I'm really late to the Inspire 1 party, I have bought a second user Inspire 1 v2 with an x5 camera with works perfectly with the dji lens, however it also came with an Olympus 14-42mm pancake lens. I don't have a balancing ring but it has been fitted with an attachment that takes weights on the back of the camera. The lens retracts when the bird is powered down so it is nigh on impossible to balance as when its powered up the gimbal motors are compensating. Is there a way to extend the lens without having the gimbal powered? I'm worried I might overload the gimbal motors. Thanks for any help...
Hi - I'm really late to the Inspire 1 party, I have bought a second user Inspire 1 v2 with an x5 camera with works perfectly with the dji lens, however it also came with an Olympus 14-42mm pancake lens. I don't have a balancing ring but it has been fitted with an attachment that takes weights on the back of the camera. The lens retracts when the bird is powered down so it is nigh on impossible to balance as when its powered up the gimbal motors are compensating. Is there a way to extend the lens without having the gimbal powered? I'm worried I might overload the gimbal motors. Thanks for any help...

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I'm not positive, but suggest that the X5 won't accomodate a lens that balances with a cap on the back of the camera. You might have a lens that requires the X5S gimbal?
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power up the bird with lens on, once extended pull the battery without powering down, lens will remain extended so you can do your balancing act.

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