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M30t lost control and went into the water

Mar 21, 2022
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I guess I'm just looking for a little feedback or maybe some help. I was out flying my m30t today looking for wildlife down in the everglades. I brought the drone back after successful flight and was landing it on the deck of the boat I was in. It was very large deck and very flat with no obstructions. As the drone was touching down, instead of the motors powering down, they revved up. This caused it to jump up and it started to turn and then leaned over to the side. When that happened, the propellers hit the deck of the boat and it flipped upside down and went into the water. I uploaded the flight log to DJI so obviously I have to wait till they review it but what I noticed was right at the end, right before it lost control, there was a message that came up on the controller that said "aircraft antenna satellite signal searching error. Fly with caution". Any thoughts whether this would have caused what looked like a fly away starting? Thank you for your feedback.


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Sorry for your loss, do you have dji care?Landing on boat is always tricky. If there are waves and the boat goes up and down, this may fool the sensors that drone is still in the air. Absolute best is hand catching but can't imagine doing that with m30.
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Thank you for the reply. This was in a canal and the boat was anchored so there were no waves and no movement at all. It was just like landing in the parking lot. I have DJI care but when I first called, they said that it doesn't cover things like this unless there was some malfunction. I had someone else look at the log and they believe that the GPS malfunctioned and that caused the drone to attempt to return to home. In the process, if the signal was lost, then he believes it would have caused the drone to have lost control and even subjected it to a yaw error, whatever that is. Anyway, we'll see. I sure hope they covered under care cuz if not, I sure can't afford to buy another one right now.
If GPS is lost the drone cannot initiate RTH, it will switch to Atti mode where the drone can hold altitude getting info from the barometer but cannot hold position cause he doesn't know where it is related to home point. In that case the downward positioning sensors also play a role but because the boat deck is uniform without texture the downward sensors could be fooled. Probably the crash is combination of the malfunctions and not your fault. This signal loss right in front of you as well the yaw error are symptom of something big happening in the core. Fingers crossed so DJI repair it or replace it for free.
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Thank you. That makes sense. And there's no fixing it because I could not recover it. I know that after it but it sunk faster than I was able to chase it.
So I just received this back from DJI:

1. The aircraft worked under the GPS mode;
2. Flight Time T=12:53, Relative Height H=0.0m, Distance to Home Point D=836.2m, Near ground Landing was triggered as the pilot pushed down the throttle stick fully. then the aircraft landed at the improper place

I guess I'm not sure I understand what that means that it landed at the improper place. I have witnesses board that saw the drone land properly on the deck and then take off again and flip over. Does anybody know if there's a way to appeal these decisions? The drone comes with the care plan but apparently that only covers the drone when DJI says it does. Would really appreciate any help or advice.

This sucks! Even having it on video it will be difficult to convince DJI. My advice is to hire a diver for a day and search for the drone. If you have it DJI will not have choce and excuses but to replace it. The drone probably contain the full log of what happened, the log from your mobile device or the RC is up to the moment when the drone disconnected so DJI guys can see that the last tbing it did is landing and they suppose you did that directly on the water.
I have two witnesses on the boat that are willing to attest to the fact that it landed on the deck first before it took off again. I just don't know if there's an appeal process or what I do after they make an initial determination that it wasn't a malfunction. And I did get a dive around but we weren't able to find it
Wow, I am sorry for your loss of aircraft. I remember on the other forum where you sold your Mavic 2 EA to prepare for the M30T.

I thought that Care Enterprise was a no questions replacement program? I am wondering if you fish out the aircraft that it would then cover it? I am on my third replacement on the Mavic 2 EA. (Spots on the thermal sensor image)

How deep is the canal? You can buy a low cost video snake with light if its not too deep to help spot it and then fish it out.

To this day I do not not like to fly over water but still do, but and more cautious and nervous than ever. I lost a Mavic Enterprise Dual in water that never had a problem in any flight except its last one.
So I just received this back from DJI:

1. The aircraft worked under the GPS mode;
2. Flight Time T=12:53, Relative Height H=0.0m, Distance to Home Point D=836.2m, Near ground Landing was triggered as the pilot pushed down the throttle stick fully. then the aircraft landed at the improper place

I guess I'm not sure I understand what that means that it landed at the improper place. I have witnesses board that saw the drone land properly on the deck and then take off again and flip over. Does anybody know if there's a way to appeal these decisions? The drone comes with the care plan but apparently that only covers the drone when DJI says it does. Would really appreciate any help or advice.

I saw that you started a post on MavicPilots, are you going to provide the flight logs to them? I am interested in this as our PD just got an M30T.
Wow, I am sorry for your loss of aircraft. I remember on the other forum where you sold your Mavic 2 EA to prepare for the M30T.

I thought that Care Enterprise was a no questions replacement program? I am wondering if you fish out the aircraft that it would then cover it? I am on my third replacement on the Mavic 2 EA. (Spots on the thermal sensor image)

How deep is the canal? You can buy a low cost video snake with light if its not too deep to help spot it and then fish it out.

To this day I do not not like to fly over water but still do, but and more cautious and nervous than ever. I lost a Mavic Enterprise Dual in water that never had a problem in any flight except its last one.
It was about 30 ft deep and there was a little bit of a current that runs through there so I doubt that it would still be there. I had a friend go back with one of those heavy duty rare earth magnets to see if he could hook up to it and he didn't have any luck. I've decided to ditch DJI at this point because the State of Florida won't allow anyone with a DJI drone to work with any government agencies and I hear some other states are going that route as well. So I'm going to buy the Autell Evo 2 plus. It's probably more on par with the Maverick 2 Enterprise advanced, but I just can't work with DJI if they're not going to honor their warranties. I guess what really upset me is that the analyst came back and said that I landed in the water almost 700 yards from where I took off. But I landed on the deck of the boat and then it jumped up and flipped in the water so I have no idea where they got that from. But they're not open to discussion so I'm just out of luck because they said so.
Maybe the most important thing to get out of this is that this was a fly away of the new m30 platform. So I'm assuming I'm not the only one that has had or will have that problem and DJI doesn't seem to want to address it. I would just be very careful flying it.
Care refresh do not cover fly aways, need to bring back the drone to DJI for replacement.
Otherwise everyone that bought a drone for tens of thousands will state he lost it to get another one for free. No witneses will help in your situation as they cold simply lie for a couple of $$, only the drone wreckage and the log file inside it is the proper way to evaluate what happened.
I got it. It's just that I watched it flip over and drop into a deep ravine. I got someone going out again this week to see if they can find it but I doubt that it's even close to where it went in at this point. Just chalk it up as a business loss.
Don't give up. Continue searching also try to find some local that's familiar with the channel and it's current. Maybe some local fishermans can give some ideas or an enginier that is used with monitoring of channels or river bodies. Try to calculate with the speed of the current where it could be now, the water speed at the bottom should be slower. Maybe this channel have a fence at some point for some purpose. It's important what is the channel's bottom, rocky, muddy, is there some seaweed and etc. so to have better idea where to search. I guess you already did most of those things, I'm just giving some ideas just in case. I have never had to deal with such situation but I guess with the right people you can have a miracle.
Good luck!
Don't give up. Continue searching also try to find some local that's familiar with the channel and it's current. Maybe some local fishermans can give some ideas or an enginier that is used with monitoring of channels or river bodies. Try to calculate with the speed of the current where it could be now, the water speed at the bottom should be slower. Maybe this channel have a fence at some point for some purpose. It's important what is the channel's bottom, rocky, muddy, is there some seaweed and etc. so to have better idea where to search. I guess you already did most of those things, I'm just giving some ideas just in case. I have never had to deal with such situation but I guess with the right people you can have a miracle.
Good luck!
I have a diver going out this week to look for it. But I got this email from DJI that said something about my Enterprise care program was not properly joined to my drone. I don't even know what that means because when I registered the drone they said that the care package was in effect. I just have a bad feeling that no matter what I do here I'm going to be out a $14,000 drone.
Did you follow the Enterprise Care instructions and then verify its activation through Pilot 2 and receive an email like this.
I have a diver going out this week to look for it. But I got this email from DJI that said something about my Enterprise care program was not properly joined to my drone. I don't even know what that means because when I registered the drone they said that the care package was in effect. I just have a bad feeling that no matter what I do here I'm going to be out a $14,000 drone.
If you find the drone and send it to DJI and they realize it was malfunction and not user error, they will repair/replace it under warranty.
Did you follow the Enterprise Care instructions and then verify its activation through Pilot 2 and receive an email like this.
View attachment 30551
Apparently I did not. So I guess this is on me. No sense in spending money to have a diver try to find it because they told me that even if I have the drone it doesn't mean they're going to repair it or replace it for free or even at a discount. Lessons learned, I hope.
Apparently I did not. So I guess this is on me. No sense in spending money to have a diver try to find it because they told me that even if I have the drone it doesn't mean they're going to repair it or replace it for free or even at a discount. Lessons learned, I hope.
Hmm, yes if it's pilot error. But if it's malfunction DJI warranty takes over. I would request to talk with support guy's supervisor on that matter. When I had problem with my M600pro, the support was too lame and I replyied on his email that I want to talk with his supervisor, then anothet guy joined the conversation and he gave me more options to solve the problem.
I've read on facebook that most guys are sending back their drone without requesting replacement from their care and then after DJI evaluate the reason of the accident are asking if you want to repair it under warranty or to use the DJI care. This way many guys got a replacement without affecting their care plan.

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