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.... Looking at M210

Oct 3, 2016
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Devon, UK
Hi guys

I have been very quiet, due to study and rebuilding home to cover my disability and learn to use a wheelchair - all good fun NOT.

Anyway, having sold the I2 a while ago and currently having the Phantom 4 Pro Black, I am looking again at the option of the M210 for mapping and high res imagery - and maybe the M210RTK if DJI has finally sorted out the geotagging of the EXIF info from the RTK positioning side.

For members here who have got the M210, how is it now - reading previous threads there has been a massive learning curve over the last 6-8 months - is now the time to purchase an M210 in anger or not ?
Hi guys

I have been very quiet, due to study and rebuilding home to cover my disability and learn to use a wheelchair - all good fun NOT.

Hey @bluelight.support, long time no chat. Good to see you back. Sorry to hear about what's been stealing your time. Stay strong and hang in there mate.

Anyway, having sold the I2 a while ago and currently having the Phantom 4 Pro Black, I am looking again at the option of the M210 for mapping and high res imagery - and maybe the M210RTK if DJI has finally sorted out the geotagging of the EXIF info from the RTK positioning side.

Unfortunately no, DJI has not worked out a solution from their end for geotagging EXIF with RTK data. Straight from DJI the RTK system is solely being used for enhanced positioning of the craft and not providing any greater accuracy in EXIF data. Over the past few months we've been working on some case studies with a few different PPK add-on systems which have done a great job of increasing precision and efficiency in the workflow for surveying and mapping applications. I would have to assume we'll see a PPK system from DJI very soon to achieve enhanced geotagging in a native fashion.

For members here who have got the M210, how is it now - reading previous threads there has been a massive learning curve over the last 6-8 months - is now the time to purchase an M210 in anger or not ?

I'd be very curious to hear what folks are referring to in the learning curve in the M210 because I can't say we've been hearing or seeing any of that chatter. Some of the dual operation configurations have been a bit funky with where different cameras are slotted and how things have performed in Pilot but the last two updates to Pilot have really cleaned things up very nicely. Overall the 200 series crafts have been very smooth and those that feel differently (or if you've seen chatter otherwise) we'd be interested in hearing that feedback. Recently we did have an LE program suffer an incident with what likely was a thermal runaway incident with a battery inflight. For some reason that aircraft did not sustain flight and as to why the battery failed, the answer is currently unknown. Needless to say DJI is exhaustively reviewing the aircraft to see where faults occurred. Aside from that unicorn of a case, they have been a great step forward for the industry. Last week we delivered a 210 that is flying a quad imaging output, thermal, visible, red edge and NDVI from one airframe (all 3-axis stabilized)...what's next?! I don't think there is any purchasing of 210s in anger right now, the pricing adjustment on them makes things just a tad bit easier to swallow as well. :)

See you around, cheers!
I don't think there is any purchasing of 210s in anger right now

Sorry thats a uk'ism for is now the time to buy one to use in a work case, as opposed to buying one to play with - have they ironed out their bugs, firmware issues, and other initial issues, that a lot of the initial buyers found (and they felt were beta testers) - thats really what I was getting at.
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Sorry thats a uk'ism for is now the time to buy one to use in a work case, as opposed to buying one to play with - have they ironed out their bugs, firmware issues, and other initial issues, that a lot of the initial buyers found (and they felt were beta testers) - thats really what I was getting at.

Copy that. Well above is a brief synopsis from our end. ;) Would welcome other end user feedback...not sure if there are really all too many M2XX owners on this forum though.
Unlike most of others, I purchased M200 for a simple pleasure to pilot such mighty beast and do my usual landscape photography with X5S camera in perhaps more challenging conditions. Initial (and very persistent) issues with Compass Error were finally ironed out somehow by numerous FW tweaks or hardware fixes. First faulty machine was replaced, no questions asked. Second one is flying charmingly, with this majestic power and nobility, shall I say. With Cendence RC and Ultra Bright CS monitor it is nothing but pure joy to operate. Lucky me?

That said, I have no experience whatsoever with more complex M2xx systems.
I love my 210rtk. Once the bugs got worked out it's been a great work horse. Just remember it's not so nimble lol
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M210 flys like a phantom, no problems.
I haven't had time to program all of the Cendence buttons, but the xt2 doesn't seem worth it to me.
Not for what I need it for, aka not doing inspections.

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