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Jerky yaw

Oct 18, 2015
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I've really struggled to work out how to make the yaw smoother with the pro/x5
I got much better smoothness when making a turn with the x3... But cannot seem to get the right combination of settings to ensure that the motion captured is smooth. At the moment whenever I start to yaw left or right there is a noticeable jerk which makes the shot look unprofessional....

Can anyone help me on this? As I said I did not get this on the x3, and I have fine tuned most of the settings (mainly from tips on this forum) but without success.

Thank you!


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I am having the same experience. After making some controller adjustments and lots of practice, I was pretty decent on the stick of my Inspire 1/X3.

But now with my Inspire 1 Pro/X5, I feel like I can't make a smooth adjustment. Particularly when I move one of the sticks from the middle, I feel like there is resistance, than a click, then a jerky movement. Once it's out of the center, it's a bit easier to control. But I am wondering if the new RC that came with my Pro has a different physical design.

I suppose I could try pairing the original RC from my original Inspire.
I am having the same experience. After making some controller adjustments and lots of practice, I was pretty decent on the stick of my Inspire 1/X3.

But now with my Inspire 1 Pro/X5, I feel like I can't make a smooth adjustment. Particularly when I move one of the sticks from the middle, I feel like there is resistance, than a click, then a jerky movement. Once it's out of the center, it's a bit easier to control. But I am wondering if the new RC that came with my Pro has a different physical design.

I suppose I could try pairing the original RC from my original Inspire.
Try removing all expo so you have a linear rudder (yaw) curve - then practice, practice and practice. Also, if you are a 'Thumber' try being a 'pincher' - it gives much finer muscle control.
The extra weight of the X5 has changed the flight controls heaps... the Inspire is a much nicer to fly with the X3... controlling the yaw is really hard.. i have tried all settings .. you will never get the same control as you had with the X3.. the narrow FOV with the DJI lens makes controlling the yaw hard...
Try removing all expo so you have a linear rudder (yaw) curve - then practice, practice and practice. Also, if you are a 'Thumber' try being a 'pincher' - it gives much finer muscle control.
The main reason why I haven't tried to master pinching is because I like my index finger for camera controls. Are people pinching and using their middle or ring finger for camera controls?
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Are people pinching and using their middle or ring finger for camera controls?
I've also found the x5's yaw damping not to be as good as the x3's.

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Ok thanks - yes it's the "acceleration" of the yaw that seems too high... Surely something that can be sorted in software? This is something needed for POI shots... (Manual) ... The x3 is so much easier to look smooth (and yes FOV makes X3 easier too)

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I've really struggled to work out how to make the yaw smoother with the pro/x5
I got much better smoothness when making a turn with the x3... But cannot seem to get the right combination of settings to ensure that the motion captured is smooth. At the moment whenever I start to yaw left or right there is a noticeable jerk which makes the shot look unprofessional....

Can anyone help me on this? As I said I did not get this on the x3, and I have fine tuned most of the settings (mainly from tips on this forum) but without success.

Thank you!


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Hi there.

Yes I've got the same problem, among others. Impossible to yaw smoothly. But if I try, and I get a consistent turn, just turning on the spot in a circle, the gimbal will throw in all sorts of inconsistencies. My equipment is all basically useless right now. Gimbal not holding steady, can't smoothly yaw, and flicker.

And getting passed between dji and retailer to sort out. £2k waste.
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I also have the same control problems with my Pro/X5. I have 40 yrs rc experience, 300 hrs flight time over 6 yrs MR experience with 14 DJI controlled MRs from Carbon Core Hexs, Octos, X8s, and integrated DJI Phantoms through EVO, S1000, and 2 Inspire 1/X3.
ALL of them flew/fly better than my Pro/X5. (AND I have the flicker problem too!) There has got to be a reason. Hope DJI is listening and that readers pause before switching to the Pro platforms with the X5 or X5r.
Early adopters rarely come out ahead.
Looks like I will keep the X3 and wait for dji to come out with a much better camera/bitrate next summer.
What a waste of $2500 (if you don't have extra funds).
I'm rather relieved to hear of similar issues.... It's a great camera - I've had some great low light results like this

But the filming is tougher because of the yaw issues... I understand that any yaw jerkiness will be amplified as the lens FOV is narrower... But it's nearly impossible to get a smooth start to any yaw movement.

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Just a quick question to the group, are you using the gimbal in free mode with your finder on the ipad(or tablet) to do the yawing? Or yawing the quad and relying on gimbal damping?
Just a quick question to the group, are you using the gimbal in free mode with your finder on the ipad(or tablet) to do the yawing? Or yawing the quad and relying on gimbal damping?
I am yawing the Inspire... i think you will find so are the other guy's... the 15mm lens is fantastic but it has its limitations... the 12mm is a much easy'er lens for controlling yaw...
I'm rather relieved to hear of similar issues.... It's a great camera - I've had some great low light results like this

But the filming is tougher because of the yaw issues... I understand that any yaw jerkiness will be amplified as the lens FOV is narrower... But it's nearly impossible to get a smooth start to any yaw movement.

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Cool photo andrew.... the low light capability of the X5 is amazing ...
I tried controlling yaw with the Inspire, but it is much smoother to just use the second controller. I often wear both and have one had on the L/R and one hand on the yaw.

I have the exposure flicker as well. This is fixed by shooting in Manual mode and pre-setting the iso.

Of course both of these fixes are lame and hopefully soon rectified, but they make the x5 usable in the mean time.

It has been 6 days since I opened a support ticket at dji for the flicker with no response.......

I am yawing the Inspire... i think you will find so are the other guy's... the 15mm lens is fantastic but it has its limitations... the 12mm is a much easy'er lens for controlling yaw...

Thanks for that. The reason I asked the question is that I never really got a smooth yaw by yawning the inspire with yaw damping on the gimbal, not sure what the other guys do, so I'd be interested to here from someone with the x5 who uses the iPad to yaw with the gimbal in free mode if the jerkiness is there. I get smooth yaw by either dual operator or using the iPad as single operator by moving a finger on the iPad(both with gimbal in free mode), much smoother and more precise control over the accelation and deceleration of the yaw. I have, 490 flights and 48 hours on my inspire doing this and am really happy with it.
Just to add my view, yawing the i1 is totally useless (produces footage that can't be used) due to wider fov of i3 and lower weight, this was feasible before. Using second controller or app in free is a requirement but this is what the rig was designed for. Have to do second operator test to see if compound gimbal yaw and craft yaw in free causes issue, I suspect it will not and its just craft yaw that people are referring to which is admittedly a nice option to have.
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Yes - a second cameraman is always an option - BUT most x5/pro users will be x3 up graders... And therefore expect similar functionality (or better!) in making the upgrade...
Not all budgets allow for 2nd operators. Gimbal dampening should be a simple software fix. Emphasis on SHOULD...!!!

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Two man operation is not a choice for me because I work alone. if I had a second operator I would go for a S1000 or s900. I work alone thats why I choose inspire1. and I expected the same performance from pro but get bad gimbal setup. fallowing the object from ipad is an option too but I find it very distracting.

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