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Is this legit?

Still very curious to all the super secrecy and cover ups seems that causes more spike in interest than the actual product itself.
It almost seems too orchestrated with simultaneous "leaks" to multiple forums from several sources, then a simultaneous retraction of all information from all forums. Strange.

Quick! Before this post diseappears!:
Yep. I just thought that and likely am not the only one... IMO it's the best way to quickly ruin your company's reputation.
If you want to blow a potential competitor into oblivion just let them proudly come out with their new product... then release your 10x better one the next day.
DJI do have the power to be 10x better than anything that others can come out with.
The first post of that thread and original public leak of the info (and what other sellers used to create product pages) AFAIK was posted by the forum owner himself out of info he got from a "reliable source". Absolutely zero excuse.
I'm not sure exactly if this is directed at me or not...

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