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Inspire Pro Specs?

Oct 8, 2015
Reaction score
Somerset, UK
Hey all, woohoo I've completed my ground school & passed the exam thanks to the brilliant guys at Resource Group, so now & I'm starting to write my flight reference cards & ops manual. However having trouble finding the exact specs for the newer Inspire Pro.

The DJI Store page for Pro its just copied & pasted the normal Inspire 1 specs including the x3: Buy Inspire 1 Pro | DJI Store

I was under the impression the inspire pro has updated motors? Does this make it faster?

Also do you think the weight would be the inspire 1 + the weight of the x5?

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No its slower - speed was reduced from 22 -----> 18 m/s.

The new ESC firmware it uses also has bad impact used on normal Inspire.
Ok found the quick guide which has some specs listed included the 18m/s however the model is still listed as a T600...
Hey all, woohoo I've completed my ground school & passed the exam thanks to the brilliant guys at Resource Group, so now & I'm starting to write my flight reference cards & ops manual. However having trouble finding the exact specs for the newer Inspire Pro.

The DJI Store page for Pro its just copied & pasted the normal Inspire 1 specs including the x3: Buy Inspire 1 Pro | DJI Store

I was under the impression the inspire pro has updated motors? Does this make it faster?

Also do you think the weight would be the inspire 1 + the weight of the x5?

Are you talking about weight or MTOM?
Your NQE should have taken you through this.
Take no notice of Machoman, be doesn't have a clue what he is talking about when it comes to authoring an ops manual for a commercial operation.
Two things to bear in mind when writing your ops manual.
References to things like maximum wind speed etc ARE not what the machine is capable or specified as but rather what YOU as an operator are prepared to fly in.
In other words if the aircraft is rated in its specs as being able to fly in a 25m/s wind and you quote this in your ops manual as operational limits then you must be prepared to be able to fly in atti mode in 25m/s wind!
As regards to maximum speed, you can only quote what is currently available from the manufacturer. You will not be tested on it. The same way as people worry about what to put down as the make, model and serial number of the flight controller etc. Again, since this is an RTF package these details will neither be known to the individual nor do they need to be quoted.

With regards to your weight, I am going to assume it is you MTOM which would be calculated as mass of aircraft plus fuel (remember TB48's are heavier) plus the maximum payload spec of the Inspire.
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Take no notice of Machoman, be doesn't have a clue what he is talking about when it comes to authoring an ops manual for a commercial operation.

Thats true but the question was if its faster because ot the updated motors and that I answered I didnt give any instructions for a manual.

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