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Inspire 1 Flight Times with Increased Payload of X5???

25:07 flight time with X3 to 10%
17:00 flight time with X5 to 30%

View attachment 4235
Thats coooool .
I cant help but think that there can be some serious cell misbalance there after time though. Once the external lipos get a bit old.
Did you just tap them in parellel to the main power pins on the orginal battery?
I want to have a go at doing that.
yes tap them in parallel you have to build 2 shelves to hold batteries copter support weight no problem
I can 3d print some holders, I already have a good plan for how to do that.
Do I assume that the picture is showing two 3 cell packs? are those packs each the same mAh rating as the original flight pack?
hmmmmmmm, interesting,
having added a sony a600 with lense and a small mounting bracket I can say I have noticed a fair reduction in flight qualities, nothing to be worried about, but I would be pretty worried about sticking 3.4 kg under it.
in fairness my sony isnt right on the center of gravity, but its as close as possible without totally removing the VPS, (which I have moved forwards in order to get more space) I know that it will be stressing the rear motors more than the front by adding this weight towards the back, but either way I find 3.4kg to be high, possibly put there in the interest of selling new systems :)
hmmmmmmm, interesting,
having added a sony a600 with lense and a small mounting bracket I can say I have noticed a fair reduction in flight qualities, nothing to be worried about, but I would be pretty worried about sticking 3.4 kg under it.
in fairness my sony isnt right on the center of gravity, but its as close as possible without totally removing the VPS, (which I have moved forwards in order to get more space) I know that it will be stressing the rear motors more than the front by adding this weight towards the back, but either way I find 3.4kg to be high, possibly put there in the interest of selling new systems :)
Who knows?.....Its like you never actually get 66mpg out of your car but the manufacturers are allowed to quote it as they have achieved it in test conditions (or in the case of VW probably just fiddled with software :p).
Maybe DJI's quoted 3.4kg is just a quoted figure that they have sustained a stable hover with. It doesn't say maximum 'safe' permissible payload etc so you're probably right......marketing.
I certainly wouldn't want to fly with 3400g dangling from my I1 :eek:
Who knows?.....Its like you never actually get 66mpg out of your car but the manufacturers are allowed to quote it as they have achieved it in test conditions (or in the case of VW probably just fiddled with software :p).
Maybe DJI's quoted 3.4kg is just a quoted figure that they have sustained a stable hover with. It doesn't say maximum 'safe' permissible payload etc so you're probably right......marketing.
I certainly wouldn't want to fly with 3400g dangling from my I1 :eek:
I have decided to try and keep additional payload to 1.2kg. If it turns out that I can up that, even by a couple of 100 grams then life is good.
Of course, I have the additional embuggerment of the incredible heat, meaning that the motors get substatially hotter when there is an additional 1kg under the bird. And the battery overheats. (I have some cooling fins 3d printing to help with that)
I have two very bright bicycle strobes mounted front and back with self contained lipos.
I have two standard size police grill lights, cable tied to each leg.
I have 2 plastic cross members epoxied to the outside of the battery cage and then a 1300 3s lipo Velcro'd on to power the police grill lights.

If there is a difference in flights times, I really haven't noticed.
If there is a difference in performance of flight I really haven't noticed.

I am very sensitive as to how all my rc birds fly, the added weight means nothing to us that have been actually flying with it for months, (not just guessing about it).
I am very sensitive as to how all my rc birds fly, the added weight means nothing to us that have been actually flying with it for months, (not just guessing about it).

Well, once you add around 500g to it, then you should notice it. If you are "sensitive" about how they fly it surprises me that you haven't noticed it. I can tell you that the wind handling and agility are reduced, along with flight time. The flight time reduction is not a guess, as I have conducted a lot of indoor tests in a fairly controlled environment having first taken a baseline of flight time without additional payload.
This has allowed me to make an informed statement as to flight time and system temp with additional payload.
Well, once you add around 500g to it, then you should notice it. If you are "sensitive" about how they fly it surprises me that you haven't noticed it. I can tell you that the wind handling and agility are reduced, along with flight time. The flight time reduction is not a guess, as I have conducted a lot of indoor tests in a fairly controlled environment having first taken a baseline of flight time without additional payload.
This has allowed me to make an informed statement as to flight time and system temp with additional payload.

Whatever brother. I never said there wasn't a "measurable difference", just not enough to "be concerned"
I have over 400 flights in 8mo and I know what's up with my I1
(I also fly large 3d helis and planks, so I what's up, period)
Whatever brother.
I have over 400 flights in 8mo and I know what's up with my I1
(I also fly large 3d helis and planks, so I what's up, period) :)
That's fine, I don't want to argue. I have seen a reduction in agility and flight time whilst seeing an increase in Motor and battery temp. I have carried out a series of recorded tests in a mostly controlled environment, and have repeatable results.

You know what's up.

I guess those are two different methods for justifying claims, there is no need to further discuss the matter.
That's fine, I don't want to argue. I have seen a reduction in agility and flight time whilst seeing an increase in Motor and battery temp. I have carried out a series of recorded tests in a mostly controlled environment, and have repeatable results.

You know what's up.

I guess those are two different methods for justifying claims, there is no need to further discuss the matter.

Can you please SHOW us what you are talking about - please !
I fly with all this added equipment, and everyone else just talks out their ***.
Post info on what you have added, show us some flippin video, sick of all the bs talk on these sites.

When I tell you I have been flying with all this extra crap, I HAVE.
And I can surely fly circles around 98% of the folks reading this.
WTF are you arguing about anyways?!?!
Can you please SHOW us what you are talking about - please !
I fly with all this added equipment, and everyone else just talks out their ***.
Post info on what you have added, show us some flippin video, sick of all the bs talk on these sites.

When I tell you I have been flying with all this extra crap, I HAVE.
And I can surely fly circles around 98% of the folks reading this.
WTF are you arguing about anyways?!?!

Time to take a deep breath, I think.
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hmmmmmmm, interesting,
having added a sony a600 with lense and a small mounting bracket I can say I have noticed a fair reduction in flight qualities, nothing to be worried about, but I would be pretty worried about sticking 3.4 kg under it.
in fairness my sony isnt right on the center of gravity, but its as close as possible without totally removing the VPS, (which I have moved forwards in order to get more space) I know that it will be stressing the rear motors more than the front by adding this weight towards the back, but either way I find 3.4kg to be high, possibly put there in the interest of selling new systems :)

can you show us how you mounted it please?

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