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Exploring X5S ProRes, Styles and the Waveform Monitor

Mar 20, 2017
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Portland, OR
In another post Exploring X5S, Oly 12mm, DLog, ProRes 5280x2160 422HQ @Shawn Esplin feedback to me, was that he didn’t believe that Style Settings (Contrast, Sharpness and Saturation) had any impact on ProRes.

In my testing I am finding that he is correct. Also from Tavis @Advexure said:

ProRes or CinemaDNG do not capture the in-app settings (which really is just having DJI GO write the “quick settings” over your output). The output in ProRes and RAW is the most genuine output and therefore does not have these in-app corrections overlaid. Given that ProRes and RAW are typically for those with a bit more experience and desire for serious work in post, they expect that the editor would desire to be able to work with the real original and apply these changes in post rather than with in-app settings which are available in post with far more control.

The other thing I am finding is that by using the Waveform Monitor in the Go 4 app (see below) I am able to watch it as I adjust my f-stops and add or subtract ND filters and when I am blowing out my highlights, that range of the waveform begins to form a solid line. I am then able to adjust the fstop up and down until the line disappears. I am exploring how far down I need to come to not blow out my highlights and also not have noise in my shadows.

Here is where you can turn on the waveform monitor

Here the Waveform monitor blows out my highlights


Here the highlights seem fine, but I might move another 1/3 of stop higher just to see if that far right highlight opens up any from the flat line seen above

Thanks for that, how do you deal with the lack of lens correction in prores? I seem to get a fisheye curvature my videos. Is there some sort of preset to correct this in FCPX?
Thanks for that, how do you deal with the lack of lens correction in prores? I seem to get a fisheye curvature my videos. Is there some sort of preset to correct this in FCPX?
Hey SanCap,

I work mostly in Davinci Resolve. Starting in 12.5 (full version only) there is a lens correction feature in the inspector window called Lens Correction, for each clip you bring into the timeline. There you can correct most of these kinds of problems.

As for FCPX, check out this video here. He is using a free plugin from alex4d. When I worked in FCPX, I used a few of them and they were pretty good. This might get you started on solving that problem. Hope it helps.

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Hey SanCap,

I work mostly in Davinci Resolve. Starting in 12.5 (full version only) there is a lens correction feature in the inspector window called Lens Correction, for each clip you bring into the timeline. There you can correct most of these kinds of problems.

As for FCPX, check out this video here. He is using a free plugin from alex4d. When I worked in FCPX, I used a few of them and they were pretty good. This might get you started on solving that problem. Hope it helps.


Thanks Chris, I have the new free V14 of resolve and am waiting for some new basic tutorials for it to come out. I will get the plugin for FCPX, sorry if I strayed from you original post.

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