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UK EuroUSC have had their NQE status revoked by CAA

OK, call me suspicious if you want to but you have joined today and your first and only post is a link effectively to a competing NQE's Twitter/Website.
Nikki, can you please explain the affiliation?
Hi The Editor :)

Ahh yes today is the first post i have shared, everyone has a first post.
We are aware that a lot of people have paid for a course with EuroUSC and have no way of finishing it. The tweet i've shared is offering to help people get that very qualification they are now missing out on or just advice in general really.
After reading your comments within this thread i can see you are not EuroUSC's biggest fan and that's okay because we don't work for them or with them.
I am just genuinely sharing some help and possibly an option for some.
Have a lovely day. :)
Hi The Editor :)

Ahh yes today is the first post i have shared, everyone has a first post.
We are aware that a lot of people have paid for a course with EuroUSC and have no way of finishing it. The tweet i've shared is offering to help people get that very qualification they are now missing out on or just advice in general really.
After reading your comments within this thread i can see you are not EuroUSC's biggest fan and that's okay because we don't work for them or with them.
I am just genuinely sharing some help and possibly an option for some.
Have a lovely day. :)
OK, thank you. Is there any affiliation between yourselves (the consulting company) and Strat Aero?
well I don't miss them although they were handy for checking ops manuals as a 3rd party.

What's also interesting a few NQEs have been told off by the CAA for giving out ops manuals that are all the same. They are clear on each person / company writes their own and not a generic one that's been written.

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