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USA DJI NFZ - new block experienced

Feb 21, 2018
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Oddity with NFZ and abilty to take off.

I've been flying a Downtown City Construction site ( 1 full city block) for nearly 2 years. Always received an In-App popup warning about a Jail in the vicinity (8-10 blocks away) and I was able to touch a little radio button icon that acknowledged the warning & indicated I took responsibility. Done, and able to fly.

Today, I was prevented to fly due to Jail in vicinity... same Jail that previously required “in app acknowledgment“ over last few years. Got a similar looking DJI Popup Warning, but without any method to acknowledge and accept the responsibility to fly safely. Today’s Message stated a Jail was in the vicinity and Jail was restricted and needed to apply on non-cellular browser, had to be a regular full site PC type browser to request a FLYSafe Approval.

I gave up efforts on-site freezing my butt & fingers and went home to make request... very frustrating! Spent over an hour on-site in 14F temps... cold & getting no where. As of 2 weeks ago, this didn't exist! I simply acknowledged the jail warning and continued with my flight plans.

I made the DJI request, stipulated within “Reason of request... the Jail restriction” Within request, you need to specify intended altitude... recall I wasn’t even able to take off... altitude wasn’t a factor... but I threw in 400 ft. I had already received LAANC approval for 2 hour operation window at 400 ft & submitted insurance of 1 hour... both approved for location the previous evening.

The DJI Request came back REJECTED. They provided a email to communicate. I inquired why it was rejected, and why it even required a off-app approval that needed to be requested prior to day’s planning. They promptly responded it was rejected due to altitude being above the FAA sector grid limitation of 100 ft. Now that’s odd... I wasn’t limited to altitude, I wasn’t able to simply take-off... motors kept shutting off with warning of jail in vacinity.

I replied, and sent my today’s LAANC approval, along with the last 12 previous LAANC approvals, and a screen shot showing all the grid sectors indicating 400 ft for the area of city.

They responded again, stated based on supplied information, they have now “approved the flight“ and the procedure to enter the approval in both App and craft. Which didn’t help today since time period to safely fly had passed... I fly early Sunday morning before traffic on downtown roads.

I asked if restricted flight based on “Jail in vicinity” would continue or was corrected. They responded the 100 foot ceiling limitation was still in place and I’d need to resubmit each time with explanation. We have a disconnect here... it’s not altitude and that isn’t even within the Go4 App process to get off the ground. Two separate issues and DJI doesn’t seem to grasp the NFZ block their app is presenting... I wouldn’t even know of the altitude limitation until airborne. They seemed unaware the jail was blocking, almost like the in-app self approval was still available as previous... unaware the self acknowledgement wasn’t available.

Due to cold weather and downtownthe location, Construction company requests redundant heated batteries. I use the Inspire 2 with X4S & X5S payloads normally. I normally don’t have major issues with NFZ and normally able to self approve unblocks. But this is ridiculous, and will probably utilize other options to work around the NFZ Jail block. Not one to normally take these steps, but apparently there’s a disconnect and resulting in an unwarranted block. I’m able to obtain a US Marshal‘s document authorizing flights as in other locations, but in this instance it shouldn’t be required so I’ll take a different method to eliminate the problem for good.

Curious if any one else has experienced this recently?
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appreciate the move, but just as a thought, the NFZ also applies to Hobbyist... I've been able to use LAANC with both successfully in past in same locations.
Understood but this is probably better placed in here for its specific scenario. Plus it will show up in the new threads pane on the right So everyone should see it anyway. :)
Oddity with NFZ and abilty to take off.

I've been flying a Downtown City Construction site ( 1 full city block) for nearly 2 years. Always received an In-App popup warning about a Jail in the vicinity (8-10 blocks away) and I was able to touch a little radio button icon that acknowledged the warning & indicated I took responsibility. Done, and able to fly.

Today, I was prevented to fly due to Jail in vicinity... same Jail that previously required “in app acknowledgment“ over last few years. Got a similar looking DJI Popup Warning, but without any method to acknowledge and accept the responsibility to fly safely. Today’s Message stated a Jail was in the vicinity and Jail was restricted and needed to apply on non-cellular browser, had to be a regular full site PC type browser to request a FLYSafe Approval.

I gave up efforts on-site freezing my butt & fingers and went home to make request... very frustrating! Spent over an hour on-site in 14F temps... cold & getting no where. As of 2 weeks ago, this didn't exist! I simply acknowledged the jail warning and continued with my flight plans.

I made the DJI request, stipulated within “Reason of request... the Jail restriction” Within request, you need to specify intended altitude... recall I wasn’t even able to take off... altitude wasn’t a factor... but I threw in 400 ft. I had already received LAANC approval for 2 hour operation window at 400 ft & submitted insurance of 1 hour... both approved for location the previous evening.

The DJI Request came back REJECTED. They provided a email to communicate. I inquired why it was rejected, and why it even required a off-app approval that needed to be requested prior to day’s planning. They promptly responded it was rejected due to altitude being above the FAA sector grid limitation of 100 ft. Now that’s odd... I wasn’t limited to altitude, I wasn’t able to simply take-off... motors kept shutting off with warning of jail in vacinity.

I replied, and sent my today’s LAANC approval, along with the last 12 previous LAANC approvals, and a screen shot showing all the grid sectors indicating 400 ft for the area of city.

They responded again, stated based on supplied information, they have now “approved the flight“ and the procedure to enter the approval in both App and craft. Which didn’t help today since time period to safely fly had passed... I fly early Sunday morning before traffic on downtown roads.

I asked if restricted flight based on “Jail in vicinity” would continue or was corrected. They responded the 100 foot ceiling limitation was still in place and I’d need to resubmit each time with explanation. We have a disconnect here... it’s not altitude and that isn’t even within the Go4 App process to get off the ground. Two separate issues and DJI doesn’t seem to grasp the NFZ block their app is presenting... I wouldn’t even know of the altitude limitation until airborne. They seemed unaware the jail was blocking, almost like the in-app self approval was still available as previous... unaware the self acknowledgement wasn’t available.

Due to cold weather and downtownthe location, Construction company requests redundant heated batteries. I use the Inspire 2 with X4S & X5S payloads normally. I normally don’t have major issues with NFZ and normally able to self approve unblocks. But this is ridiculous, and will probably utilize other options to work around the NFZ Jail block. Not one to normally take these steps, but apparently there’s a disconnect and resulting in an unwarranted block. I’m able to obtain a US Marshal‘s document authorizing flights as in other locations, but in this instance it shouldn’t be required so I’ll take a different method to eliminate the problem for good.

Curious if any one else has experienced this recently?
Interesting. I experienced a very similar situation about 2 years ago.

After shooting a construction site every 2 weeks for about a year, all of the sudden, out of the blue, for no reason, I was told I needed to "login" to my DJI account. My Inspire 1 was locked down. I couldn't even spin up the motors. Being away from WiFi and having no cell service in my 9.7" iPad, I was unable to login to ANYTHING (let alone DJI), and ergo, unable to launch. Absolutely maddening.

Post incident, as you pointed out, there are huge disconnects all over the DJI universe. And the Filipino housewives they utilize for "tech support" haven't a clue what you're talking about. It all adds up to three things; Massive frustration. Inability to work. Huge waste of time.

CLEARLY, you have far more patience than I do. I can imagine you spent hours trying to get this sorted out, as did I. I finally decided to punt, and simply hacked the **** thing.

What had changed to keep me grounded? The Go App I was using for my Inspire 1 had updated. I'm not sure how this happened, as I have been very diligent about locking down EVERYTHING. This means no iOS updates. No firmware updates. No software updates. Ever. This paradigm has served me VERY well over the years.

For years I had been using Go App v3.1.1, which had somehow updated to v3.1.12. This *minor* update screwed up everything and literally stopped me from flying that day. Fortunately, I know how to hack my iPad and was able to roll back to Go App v3.1.1 that night. Problem solved.

In short, your assertion that you may "utilize other options" is right on the money. I have always asserted that when it comes to DJI, their hardware is second-to-none. And their software and firmware CAN be very good. But they like to play with it. A LOT. And when they push out updates, it's rarely to "fix" anything or "improve" anything. It's usually to exercise more control, which, as you have experienced, is deployed very sloppily. This stops the working pilot dead in his tracks. Maddening.

I don't own an Inspire 2, so I won't be any help in the hacking arena. But I'm sure there are communities out there who can help you out. Check out DigDat0 on YouTube. He has a LOT of videos. Beware that he doesn't delete old videos. So you have to make sure you're viewing the latest version of his hacks. Also, I've heard good things regarding No Limit Drones (I think they spell it "dronz").

Note: I've been using the same Firmware and software versions for ALL my drones for years. All 3 of my drones; P4P, Inspire 1, v2 and Mavic Pro have been rock-solid reliable and always fly wherever, whenever I wish. In addition, I have locked down my iOS versions to insure against app/iOS incompatibility issues. Bar none, this has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. No crashes. No erroneous loss of control. No ridiculous, erroneous, random NFZ issues.

Disclaimer: I ALWAYS fly by rules. I ALWAYS fly safely. I've simply eliminated the ability to be MONITORED while I do it.

Good luck.

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Oddity with NFZ and abilty to take off.

I've been flying a Downtown City Construction site ( 1 full city block) for nearly 2 years. Always received an In-App popup warning about a Jail in the vicinity (8-10 blocks away) and I was able to touch a little radio button icon that acknowledged the warning & indicated I took responsibility. Done, and able to fly.

Today, I was prevented to fly due to Jail in vicinity... same Jail that previously required “in app acknowledgment“ over last few years. Got a similar looking DJI Popup Warning, but without any method to acknowledge and accept the responsibility to fly safely. Today’s Message stated a Jail was in the vicinity and Jail was restricted and needed to apply on non-cellular browser, had to be a regular full site PC type browser to request a FLYSafe Approval.

I gave up efforts on-site freezing my butt & fingers and went home to make request... very frustrating! Spent over an hour on-site in 14F temps... cold & getting no where. As of 2 weeks ago, this didn't exist! I simply acknowledged the jail warning and continued with my flight plans.

I made the DJI request, stipulated within “Reason of request... the Jail restriction” Within request, you need to specify intended altitude... recall I wasn’t even able to take off... altitude wasn’t a factor... but I threw in 400 ft. I had already received LAANC approval for 2 hour operation window at 400 ft & submitted insurance of 1 hour... both approved for location the previous evening.

The DJI Request came back REJECTED. They provided a email to communicate. I inquired why it was rejected, and why it even required a off-app approval that needed to be requested prior to day’s planning. They promptly responded it was rejected due to altitude being above the FAA sector grid limitation of 100 ft. Now that’s odd... I wasn’t limited to altitude, I wasn’t able to simply take-off... motors kept shutting off with warning of jail in vacinity.

I replied, and sent my today’s LAANC approval, along with the last 12 previous LAANC approvals, and a screen shot showing all the grid sectors indicating 400 ft for the area of city.

They responded again, stated based on supplied information, they have now “approved the flight“ and the procedure to enter the approval in both App and craft. Which didn’t help today since time period to safely fly had passed... I fly early Sunday morning before traffic on downtown roads.

I asked if restricted flight based on “Jail in vicinity” would continue or was corrected. They responded the 100 foot ceiling limitation was still in place and I’d need to resubmit each time with explanation. We have a disconnect here... it’s not altitude and that isn’t even within the Go4 App process to get off the ground. Two separate issues and DJI doesn’t seem to grasp the NFZ block their app is presenting... I wouldn’t even know of the altitude limitation until airborne. They seemed unaware the jail was blocking, almost like the in-app self approval was still available as previous... unaware the self acknowledgement wasn’t available.

Due to cold weather and downtownthe location, Construction company requests redundant heated batteries. I use the Inspire 2 with X4S & X5S payloads normally. I normally don’t have major issues with NFZ and normally able to self approve unblocks. But this is ridiculous, and will probably utilize other options to work around the NFZ Jail block. Not one to normally take these steps, but apparently there’s a disconnect and resulting in an unwarranted block. I’m able to obtain a US Marshal‘s document authorizing flights as in other locations, but in this instance it shouldn’t be required so I’ll take a different method to eliminate the problem for good.

Curious if any one else has experienced this recently?
I have experienced similar issues with aerodromes in BC Canada. Some are merely ‘registered’, not ‘certified’, which means so long as you have basic license fron Transport Canada, you good to fly. I have advanced license and Transport Canada approval to fly the sites. I got around by including copies of my RPAS advance license, drone registration, TC approvals, and when completing the DJI online request form I do for the entire year. So far, they have approved. I still need to go in and select the site specific unlock code and accept responsibility at site but at least the bigger hassle is done with until next year. Painful dealing with DJI about this stuff, they seem to err on the extreme cautious side with a CYA approach.
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Interesting. I experienced a very similar situation about 2 years ago.

After shooting a construction site every 2 weeks for about a year, all of the sudden, out of the blue, for no reason, I was told I needed to "login" to my DJI account. My Inspire 1 was locked down. I couldn't even spin up the motors. Being away from WiFi and having no cell service in my 9.7" iPad, I was unable to login to ANYTHING (let alone DJI), and ergo, unable to launch. Absolutely maddening.

Post incident, as you pointed out, there are huge disconnects all over the DJI universe. And the Filipino housewives they utilize for "tech support" haven't a clue what you're talking about. It all adds up to three things; Massive frustration. Inability to work. Huge waste of time.

CLEARLY, you have far more patience than I do. I can imagine you spent hours trying to get this sorted out, as did I. I finally decided to punt, and simply hacked the **** thing.

What had changed to keep me grounded? The Go App I was using for my Inspire 1 had updated. I'm not sure how this happened, as I have been very diligent about locking down EVERYTHING. This means no iOS updates. No firmware updates. No software updates. Ever. This paradigm has served me VERY well over the years.

For years I had been using Go App v3.1.1, which had somehow updated to v3.1.12. This *minor* update screwed up everything and literally stopped me from flying that day. Fortunately, I know how to hack my iPad and was able to roll back to Go App v3.1.1 that night. Problem solved.

In short, your assertion that you may "utilize other options" is right on the money. I have always asserted that when it comes to DJI, their hardware is second-to-none. And their software and firmware CAN be very good. But they like to play with it. A LOT. And when they push out updates, it's rarely to "fix" anything or "improve" anything. It's usually to exercise more control, which, as you have experienced, is deployed very sloppily. This stops the working pilot dead in his tracks. Maddening.

I don't own an Inspire 2, so I won't be any help in the hacking arena. But I'm sure there are communities out there who can help you out. Check out DigDat0 on YouTube. He has a LOT of videos. Beware that he doesn't delete old videos. So you have to make sure you're viewing the latest version of his hacks. Also, I've heard good things regarding No Limit Drones (I think they spell it "dronz").

Note: I've been using the same Firmware and software versions for ALL my drones for years. All 3 of my drones; P4P, Inspire 1, v2 and Mavic Pro have been rock-solid reliable and always fly wherever, whenever I wish. In addition, I have locked down my iOS versions to insure against app/iOS incompatibility issues. Bar none, this has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. No crashes. No erroneous loss of control. No ridiculous, erroneous, random NFZ issues.

Disclaimer: I ALWAYS fly by rules. I ALWAYS fly safely. I've simply eliminated the ability to be MONITORED while I do it.

Good luck.

Donnie, always enjoy the informative side, although you're enlightening visuals provide the humor element that I evidently share in experiences. The "Filipino housewives... " was epic and gave a good chuckle.

Ya, the NoLimitsDroze for I2 has a full feature FW that's compatible with the currently newest FW version... and maybe the last FW update for the I2 making it very attractive option. This FW restores the speed & acceleration previously within the eariler I2 FW too... among other features.

They also offer a tweaked version of GoApp that is available. Sadly it's not available for recent M2 platforms FW versions, although is for M1 series platform. Interestingly, nothing for the I1 platform... maybe on the side PM you could share the applied option you utilized for I1. (I realize encouraging these options are frowned within the forum).

Like you, I have no intention to abuse the rules... but that's the FAA & LAANC, not those inforcements applied by DJI... that in my opinion isn't applicable until it's a unified action required or enacted by all Manufacture Brands requested by a regutory agency. I have no desire to purchase another brand I feel isn't same potential as my current platforms just to open up DJI enforcements.

Example: I like the Yuneec H520... extremely stable, quite platform but it's range or frequency stability is terrible. It's 3rd party SW support is also lacking. Sometimes just getting it to properly sync the camera and/or platform to RC is time consuming and frustrating... DJI just powers up and works! Adding an RC Amp for radio is applicable to help resolve the distance but it too goes against FCC.

In a similar fashion, I've recently acquired a 2nd iPad Pro (2018 11") with intentions to dedicate it's role to Drone usage only... so other apps or updates are more controlled... considering the same for an Samsung tablet for the Android specific SW sUAV apps.

Incidently, chatting with above company, I'm understanding the limitations are not via the GoApps, more specifically the Platform's FW and the communication between the two. In otherwords, new GoApps versions won't apply limitations if the platform FW is not accepting or recognizing the restriction.
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I have experienced similar issues with aerodromes in BC Canada. Some are merely ‘registered’, not ‘certified’, which means so long as you have basic license fron Transport Canada, you good to fly. I have advanced license and Transport Canada approval to fly the sites. I got around by including copies of my RPAS advance license, drone registration, TC approvals, and when completing the DJI online request form I do for the entire year. So far, they have approved. I still need to go in and select the site specific unlock code and accept responsibility at site but at least the bigger hassle is done with until next year. Painful dealing with DJI about this stuff, they seem to err on the extreme cautious side with a CYA approach.
I'd agree... a full year makes it much more tollorable than per incident. I could request and apply (most likely) a US Marshals document to provide similar for a year... but as you perform, it would require applying the authorization each time. I still find that too controlling from a manufacturer self imposed limitations... when I could use an Autel EVO/EVO2 freely.
Donnie, always enjoy the informative side, although you're enlightening visuals provide the humor element that I evidently share in experiences. The "Filipino housewives... " was epic and gave a good chuckle.

Ya, the NoLimitsDroze for I2 has a full feature FW that's compatible with the currently newest FW version... and maybe the last FW update for the I2 making it very attractive option. This FW restores the speed & acceleration previously within the eariler I2 FW too... among other features.

They also offer a tweaked version of GoApp that is available. Sadly it's not available for recent M2 platforms FW versions, although is for M1 series platform. Interestingly, nothing for the I1 platform... maybe on the side PM you could share the applied option you utilized for I1. (I realize encouraging these options are frowned within the forum).

Like you, I have no intention to abuse the rules... but that's the FAA & LAANC, not those inforcements applied by DJI... that in my opinion isn't applicable until it's a unified action required or enacted by all Manufacture Brands requested by a regutory agency. I have no desire to purchase another brand I feel isn't same potential as my current platforms just to open up DJI enforcements.

Example: I like the Yuneec H520... extremely stable, quite platform but it's range or frequency stability is terrible. It's 3rd party SW support is also lacking. Sometimes just getting it to properly sync the camera and/or platform to RC is time consuming and frustrating... DJI just powers up and works! Adding an RC Amp for radio is applicable to help resolve the distance but it too goes against FCC.

In a similar fashion, I've recently acquired a 2nd iPad Pro (2018 11") with intentions to dedicate it's role to Drone usage only... so other apps or updates are more controlled... considering the same for an Samsung tablet for the Android specific SW sUAV apps.

Incidently, chatting with above company, I'm understanding the limitations are not via the GoApps, more specifically the Platform's FW and the communication between the two. In otherwords, new GoApps versions won't apply limitations if the platform FW is not accepting or recognizing the restriction.
My Inspire 1 "hack" is really just a combination of legacy firmware, software (including iOS), locking it all down, and then the 32-channel hack on the Go App. NLD may give you a software package that gives you the same functionality I get without all the hacking.

1. No logins to the DJI mothership required. Ever.
2. Excellent video range with no frame drops.
3. No erroneous NFZ lockdowns. Ever.

Honestly, that's all I need.

If you decide to use NLD, please share your experience.

@Donnie Frank , To bring humor to this ridiculous restriction of Jail.
I had appt today with Law Enforcement to obtain a letter head document to authorize my sUAV flights downtown for a period of 1 year intervals.

He shared that the Jail was closed, gutted and rebuilt about 3 years ago, and a YMCA structure occupies the land.

So No Jail in the area, the Jails were combined & moved outside City limits about 4 years ago.
No Jail, so DJI's map & zone location is behind 3 years for this particular zone.
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@Donnie Frank , To bring humor to this ridiculous restriction of Jail.
I had appt today with Law Enforcement to obtain a letter head document to authorize my sUAV flights downtown for a period of 1 year intervals.

He shared that the Jail was closed, gutted and rebuilt about 3 years ago, and a YMCA structure occupies the land.

So No Jail in the area, the Jails were combined & moved outside City limits about 4 years ago.
No Jail, so DJI's map & zone location is behind 3 years for this particular zone.
You should still stay clear as they will be playing Village People tracks in the vicinity.
You should still stay clear as they will be playing Village People tracks in the vicinity.

Now that's funny!

@dougcjohn Just to clarify, the NLD people also offer a modified version of the GO4 app? I did a little looking around but can't seem to find that. Is it for iOS by chance?
@Donnie Frank , To bring humor to this ridiculous restriction of Jail.
I had appt today with Law Enforcement to obtain a letter head document to authorize my sUAV flights downtown for a period of 1 year intervals.

He shared that the Jail was closed, gutted and rebuilt about 3 years ago, and a YMCA structure occupies the land.

So No Jail in the area, the Jails were combined & moved outside City limits about 4 years ago.
No Jail, so DJI's map & zone location is behind 3 years for this particular zone.
That's par for the course. That's why I hacked my way out of that Chinese soup. If I want to fly over a jail, I'll do what you did, and get permission from the jail - which is exactly what I did on a mapping job last summer.

Now that's funny!

@dougcjohn Just to clarify, the NLD people also offer a modified version of the GO4 app? I did a little looking around but can't seem to find that. Is it for iOS by chance?
Correct, they have a app, they call a modified Go4 App. I personally don't know the full extent of app yet; It's offered as an alternative app for their Customers... and if the app needs to see a specific FW ID or it's truly Open SW, I personally don't know "yet" since I haven't purchased yet.

Their main page shows feature list.... this is the ad for the Go4 App.

In one of the email correspondence, I got the feeling it could be used separately, like if you purchased a I2 FW Patch, and used the Go4 app with a Mavic.

But I'll need to install it to fully understand limitations or benefits.
Correct, they have a app, they call a modified Go4 App. I personally don't know the full extent of app yet; It's offered as an alternative app for their Customers... and if the app needs to see a specific FW ID or it's truly Open SW, I personally don't know "yet" since I haven't purchased yet.

Their main page shows feature list.... this is the ad for the Go4 App.
View attachment 30288

In one of the email correspondence, I got the feeling it could be used separately, like if you purchased a I2 FW Patch, and used the Go4 app with a Mavic.

But I'll need to install it to fully understand limitations or benefits.
As somewhat of a hackerer™ myself, I'd be very interested in a review of the NLD offerings.

Correct, they have a app, they call a modified Go4 App. I personally don't know the full extent of app yet; It's offered as an alternative app for their Customers... and if the app needs to see a specific FW ID or it's truly Open SW, I personally don't know "yet" since I haven't purchased yet.

Their main page shows feature list.... this is the ad for the Go4 App.
View attachment 30288

In one of the email correspondence, I got the feeling it could be used separately, like if you purchased a I2 FW Patch, and used the Go4 app with a Mavic.

But I'll need to install it to fully understand limitations or benefits.

Understood. Thank you. Looks like there is not an iOS option. No doubt due to various Apple related restrictions in the app store. Unfortunate.

But as Donnie mentioned, if you do go down this road I'd love to hear what you think. Especially if it's seamless and just works.
Update for those interested...
After showing DJI the Jail was 4 yrs closed, and they acknowledged... a few exchanges indicated it would be 6-12 months before the area would be updated, and they recommended I continue to request approval.

I proceeded to purchase 3 NLD License Keys. You purchase "a license key" per craft, and assign it to an aircraft later. Each License can be used for any aircraft, but once assigned, can NOT be moved or deactivated. It's a 1 Shot activation, no Refunds or credit... if you loose or crash the aircraft, you purchase new License for new aircraft.

Using their Matrix of features covered per FW version for each platform covered. The platforms fully covered with all features and using latest DJI FW for craft is Mavic Pro (1st Version, NOT M2P), P4Pv2, and Inspire 2.

I don't use the Mavic Pro much anymore but thought it might be helpful to have it fully unlocked if situation arouse. The P4Pv2, again not a primary craft but to unlock the current FW version, before a blocking update was released may be handy.

I mainly was updating my 2 Inspire 2 crafts.
It's a quick and simple procedure. Download to Windows System, connect Aircraft USB, click "activate" and paste in License Key.... Done, Activated. Now using the PC Program, select what you want to perform by installing the Unlocks. Performance mods are quick and you have access to all the parameters without using DJI Asst2.

We're in a Snow currently, and another tomorrow... I'll attempt to get out between the 2 snows. Temps are actually pretty mild today in the upper 20'sF.

NLD Not activated.jpg
NLD Installed Active.jpg
Incidentally... NLD is close to releasing a M600Pro version and possibly a M210.
The M600Pro would be another welcome platform.

The M2 Series is a FW challenge, and they've taken another direction. Providing a new Main Board to swap, that is fully Unlocked.
Now that's funny!

@dougcjohn Just to clarify, the NLD people also offer a modified version of the GO4 app? I did a little looking around but can't seem to find that. Is it for iOS by chance?
Post purchase of NLD License Keys... little more info on their GoApp.
You generate the GoApp from within the PC NLD Program, it's not a separate download.
You gain some mapping benefits and block of all "nag" prompts. It doesn't appear that you gain any "unlocks or bypass" features purely from their NLD GoApp.

I've elected NOT to use their NLD GoApp. Mainly due to the requirement of all DJI GoApp (all versions) need to be removed from Tablet. That simply won't work for my situation of having other aircraft NLD does not cover. In addition, since it's a "hacked" GoApp using what version you select... they block all communication to DJI too. That could be viewed as a Good Thang for some, but it also blocks all Log & Flight Files from transferring. You'd need to use a separate tool to maintain logs.

Once you've set the values within the PC NLD Program, there aren't any additional features in the App. It includes all the same GO4 App features.
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