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UK Advice on potential commerciality to footage please

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Isn't it against the law to "Pick up the phone" while driving ... pot calling the kettle black.
I have earned my living and those of many many staff in the film industry for many years.
I do get your point, specifically when things like losing the job to non licensed individuals is concerned, it has been happening in the film and photography industry for many many years.
By all means speak with the company hiring the non licensed UAV pilot and explain the situation.
My point in general is that Karma can be a ***** ...... and two wrongs don't make a right ... keep the higher ground my friend.
Having been the victim of a DOBBER myself who didn't have the sense to realise that actually filming on active runways and within feet of aircraft as they taxi along with the internal footage airside of the airport might have indicated that the filming was completely under control of the airport, ATC and CAA. We wasted hours of time corresponding with plod to satisfy him that the correct permissions and licences were indeed in place.
I have to say that in many places its getting easier and sometimes cheaper to get back up in a helicopter.
I have hands free. Your post helped me though. I have been waiting for an M600 to arrive and this morning I canceled the order. I only use my drone for work so I feel I can get by with what I have. I just dont see the point of spending time and money to get licensed while others dont go by the rules. 90% of my income is producing tv commercials anyway so the drone work has really been a loss. I think you are right. it will be easier to use a helicopter soon. I dont really want to hand my license in but I might be better off hiring an unlicensed operator to do my work. He will charge me next to nothing and use his own drone. Sounds like a plan.
I have hands free. Your post helped me though. I have been waiting for an M600 to arrive and this morning I canceled the order. I only use my drone for work so I feel I can get by with what I have. I just dont see the point of spending time and money to get licensed while others dont go by the rules. 90% of my income is producing tv commercials anyway so the drone work has really been a loss. I think you are right. it will be easier to use a helicopter soon. I dont really want to hand my license in but I might be better off hiring an unlicensed operator to do my work. He will charge me next to nothing and use his own drone. Sounds like a plan.
Sadly, a very good point well made....... helicopter is becoming a commercial possibility again at a time when I thought I wouldn't be flying one again. The unlicensed operator is sadly probably the most efficient way to go. Assuming that you cant be prosecuted for using footage obtained in such a way. In which case you would have to dob yourself in LOL
Sadly, a very good point well made....... helicopter is becoming a commercial possibility again at a time when I thought I wouldn't be flying one again. The unlicensed operator is sadly probably the most efficient way to go. Assuming that you cant be prosecuted for using footage obtained in such a way. In which case you would have to dob yourself in LOL
I thought of that but they get away with it. I could also sayI took the footage on my license if it was a problem.
If you call it a hobby then the client will not be able to post it online.
One flies 2 miles.. next day, someone else flies 3 miles.... and it goes on.
He said he was going to fly over private property to film a job for someone who was going to make money from his footage.
I would suggest a few folks get off their high horses and concentrate on what your doing and what going on in your locality rather than trying the police the Internet.
Its a Civil War on the Hobbyist by The International Pro's
In The United States of America its a difference between a pro and a hobbyist footage:p
@DennisR you should move:mad:
The U.S rocks, IMHO;)
Fly your drone post some Pootube footage its all good

PS this :p should be a U.S. only emoji...
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