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USA A question I have not seen asked RE 333 exemption

Sep 18, 2013
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South West Florida
I have not seen this asked before but I think I know the answer. Lets say I am a certified Pilot as I am and working for a person that has a 333 exemption. I am employed by the 333 Operator as a UAV PIC to video or take photos of something. Can the 333 exemption owner give me use of any photos or video I take to do what I want with them commercially? My guess is no I would have to have my own 333 exemption which I hope to get shortly.
Listen, I was like chicken little for awhile thinking that I was always under the watchful eye of the FAA and anything that could be construed as illegal I would get nailed for. I honestly think that the FAA has there hands full with much bigger problems than tracking down your footage and determining its legality. Productions are still hiring illegal operators anyway and people are still flying in class B airspace. I operated before there were applicable laws and have been a 333 exempt company a few months after the 1st one was issued. While this is not legal advice since I am not a lawyer, It seems to me there would be no issue with you using the photos and videos commercially as said media was gathered in accordance with applicable federal law. The exemption gives the company authority to operate in FAA's airspace and you were acting as PIC to allow them to stay in compliance. In short I wouldn't worry about it. If there were any question you could always point to the exemption that you flew under and the flight log that the exemption holder turns into the FAA every month showing that the flight took place, but it will never come to that.
Listen, I was like chicken little for awhile thinking that I was always under the watchful eye of the FAA and anything that could be construed as illegal I would get nailed for. I honestly think that the FAA has there hands full with much bigger problems than tracking down your footage and determining its legality. Productions are still hiring illegal operators anyway and people are still flying in class B airspace. I operated before there were applicable laws and have been a 333 exempt company a few months after the 1st one was issued. While this is not legal advice since I am not a lawyer, It seems to me there would be no issue with you using the photos and videos commercially as said media was gathered in accordance with applicable federal law. The exemption gives the company authority to operate in FAA's airspace and you were acting as PIC to allow them to stay in compliance. In short I wouldn't worry about it. If there were any question you could always point to the exemption that you flew under and the flight log that the exemption holder turns into the FAA every month showing that the flight took place, but it will never come to that.

Thanks for the reply, that does sound reasonable. I hope to have my own 333 soon but I will be doing some work for other 333 holders also.

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