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Zennmuse x5 vs x3

Aug 2, 2014
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Is zenmuse x5 worth the money vs x3. Is it so much better video quality and image quality?

Why compare you with x5 GH4?
there is two different sytem?
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Don't get the x5 because there are better camera's with ZOOM coming soon. DJI will keep up and have one for us soon. The x5 is a waste of money except for those that have to jump at first instinct. Some have to impress their friends only to be laughed at later for being so impatient. The x3 is fine for 90% of users.
I have been flying the X5 for quite a bit now and in my professional opinion it is a great camera. The only problem is the stock lens is soft on focus. The Olympus lens makes this camera a true pleasure to work with. The shots are cinematic and I personally haven't had any problems with it. I do professional shoots weekly and I have really good results. Time will tell how good it is for the general point and shoot market. The app needs some fixing to be 100% Like the pull focus is way to fast, we need 2 focus points, continuous autofocus not just tap on screen focus. This is only the beginning of this camera, the raw version has a much higher nitrate and should prove very useful in professional settings. In the end we all have to use what works for our individual needs. That's why there are more than one system out there. Happy flying and I wish us all good luck.
Don't get the x5 because there are better camera's with ZOOM coming soon. DJI will keep up and have one for us soon. The x5 is a waste of money except for those that have to jump at first instinct. Some have to impress their friends only to be laughed at later for being so impatient. The x3 is fine for 90% of users.

I wouldnt say that at all, I have used it for 3 commercial shoots recently and its getting a lot of love, last one was paintballing with a flood lit arena after sunset, needed a higher iso setting and with the x3 400iso or higher the image would be so grainy, i had the x5 at 1600iso and I am very impressed how clean it is. Not even had decent weather to really see how it shines, but so far its doing me proud even in dull and low light conditions. Annoyingly I cant show this stuff yet until the edits are released, but the x3 still has its place, its something I will always have the option to use if required. The extra flight time and in good light it does capture great results, but the x5 is a noticeable step up in image quality (certainly more filmic look), and having complete control of all camera settings is a huge plus. Also having the confidence to up the ISO as well and still produce clean footage is amazing. I think you have to use it in various scenarios of light to really appreciate how good it is.

Also I will say, the 12mm is a much more enjoyable lens to use than the 15mm for general filming and it is also a better lens all round too, sharper, better contrast, controls flare better. Manual control on the lens so I dont need to worry about all the calibrating or it accidently going out of focus for whateve reason.
Because so far we have no real comparison between these two cameras?

I always see comparisons with the drone flying (under different conditions, angles and light).

We want a comparative pointing both camera to the same conditions, same object, same angle etc. Then we want to see a 100% crop at the center and the edge to identify clearly, achromatic aberration etc. Do this for video and photo. Give a print and save the dropbox. As this example:

Read: Pro Video Coalition - DJI Aerial Camera Comparisons in 4K and 60p

I'm still reading very contrary opinions and believe that this comparative put an end to these doubts.
It is all about what your needs are. My husband flies with the x5 and I fly with the x3. Each has it's place. He likes the extra 3 minutes of flight time and wider field of view with the x3 but for better quality pics he likes the x5.
He is waiting on dji to have the upgraded zoom camera next year.
Buy what YOU want, not what everybody else wants! Happy flying!
It's great to see options from third parties coming to market. However, that rig from DroneExpert.nl sure looks like a slap together rig with a lot of exposed wiring flailing about in comparison to the clean integration of the X5. ...and how about those extra, extra long landing legs? I'm sure there's an even greater increase in wind resistance with that setup. It probably provides great image quality but that's my first impression from looking at the photos of the hardware. If you need 30X optical zoom though... I suppose aesthetics and aerodynamics come in second and third places.
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It's great to see options from third parties coming to market. However, that rig from DroneExpert.nl sure looks like a slap together rig with a lot of exposed wiring flailing about in comparison to the clean integration of the X5. ...and how about those extra, extra long landing legs? I'm sure there's an even greater increase in wind resistance with that setup. It probably provides great image quality but that's my first impression from looking at the photos of the hardware. If you need 30X optical zoom though... I suppose aesthetics comes in second.
i am thinking of buying dronexpert gimbal for sony rx100iv. . . . but i am also curious if somebody have already tested this setup.
The "drone expert" one is the walkera g-3S. Cost about £250-£300. So how they ended up charging £1400 seems true to form given they add stupid prices to everything they sell and I would not touch any company that rips off its customers.

Secondly, they have shown very little footage from the device and what they did show was very gentle flying, with green glitches on the screen, my belief is its probably not very good (as the original gimbal flopped) or selling well as I cant find anything on youtube, again, if they actually priced their stuff fairly instead of trying to scam as much from people as possible, people like me MIGHT have taken a chance, as I do believe a stable, affordable gimbal that could carry an rx100 1-4 would do well as sony does very good video.
Because so far we have no real comparison between these two cameras?

I always see comparisons with the drone flying (under different conditions, angles and light).

We want a comparative pointing both camera to the same conditions, same object, same angle etc. Then we want to see a 100% crop at the center and the edge to identify clearly, achromatic aberration etc. Do this for video and photo. Give a print and save the dropbox. As this example:

Read: Pro Video Coalition - DJI Aerial Camera Comparisons in 4K and 60p

I'm still reading very contrary opinions and believe that this comparative put an end to these doubts.

I would love to see a direct comparison between the X3/X5 as well. Especially one where both are shot in log with all of the settings set to -3.
If you won't be flying much over winter I would wait for the Blackmagic Micro Camera.

Blackmagic Design: Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera

It is due out like any day now. It has a switchable global sensor so you won't get the jello video effect and it shoots 10-bit or RAW video for $999.
I do not think people/DJI will lose much sleep over the BM offering.
No 4k.
Only composite video out.
Fixed resolution.
No global shutter above 30fps.
300g without battery OR lens.
No way of interfacing into the Inspire Lightbridge system.
No way of mounting it onto the Inspire without third party gimbal, a dremmel, and some Frankenstein work.
External battery.

Having said all of that though - it will no doubt give far superior images than the X5 but certainly not from the Inspire platform.
The "drone expert" one is the walkera g-3S. Cost about £250-£300. So how they ended up charging £1400 seems true to form given they add stupid prices to everything they sell and I would not touch any company that rips off its customers.

Secondly, they have shown very little footage from the device and what they did show was very gentle flying, with green glitches on the screen, my belief is its probably not very good (as the original gimbal flopped) or selling well as I cant find anything on youtube, again, if they actually priced their stuff fairly instead of trying to scam as much from people as possible, people like me MIGHT have taken a chance, as I do believe a stable, affordable gimbal that could carry an rx100 1-4 would do well as sony does very good video.
Well, I am going to have a look at it at Drone Expert when I'm in the neighbourhood and will post my findings. You're right, it is based on the Walkera G-3S. But for the price you also get a Lightbridge N1 integration and a Drone Expert designed remote for the RX100.

What are your personal experiences with Drone Expert? You seem to be extremely negative about them. I have heard only a few good things actually. I have never done any business with them so I wouldn't know.
I do not think people/DJI will lose much sleep over the BM offering.
No 4k.
Only composite video out.
Fixed resolution.
No global shutter above 30fps.
300g without battery OR lens.
No way of interfacing into the Inspire Lightbridge system.
No way of mounting it onto the Inspire without third party gimbal, a dremmel, and some Frankenstein work.
External battery.

Having said all of that though - it will no doubt give far superior images than the X5 but certainly not from the Inspire platform.
Can we dream!
Or do you know something you'd like to share about another 3rd party camera? I'm starting to feel like you might know something...:cool:
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I'm thinking that DJI's new relationship with Hasselblad should be paying some dividends in 2016. Patience my friends.

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