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X7 lens not attached error

Feb 19, 2018
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I own the DL lens kit and have problems with the 50mm and 16mm lenses stating "lens not attached" when installed with the standard ring and lens hood. Anyone else having this problem and have a solution? Sometimes when I change the lenses out to another lens like the 24 or 35mm and then back to the 16 or 50 it corrects the issue and the lens is working with aperture control. No pattern has emerged yet.
I own the DL lens kit and have problems with the 50mm and 16mm lenses stating "lens not attached" when installed with the standard ring and lens hood. Anyone else having this problem and have a solution? Sometimes when I change the lenses out to another lens like the 24 or 35mm and then back to the 16 or 50 it corrects the issue and the lens is working with aperture control. No pattern has emerged yet.

Welcome @visionaryaerials, have you tried to complete a factory refresh using the assistant 2. Please verify that you are on the most current FW with the I2 and X7.
I am on the current firmware for the Inspire 2. Is the firmware for the X7 a separate thing? I have not tried a factory reset using assistant 2. Would that potentially solve this type of issue?
Actually, one issue we have noticed with this camera and lens system is the way the lens clicks into place as you attach them has a small amount of play in it. When you get one that is not recognized by the X7, turn the lens int eh direction as if you were going to remove it just a fraction of a degree or so. Its been the answer to some of our issues when the camera does not recognize the lens. I suspect that when you have fixed it by swapping lenses, you are just making a good connection the next time you attach the lens that had the issue.

Hi @visionaryaerials, thanks for reaching out. Cameras do have separate FW from the aircraft. You will want to downgrade and then upgrade or "refresh" your firmware with the X7 installed on the aircraft. From there you can bring everything up to the latest FW, which in Assistant 2 will only show for the aircraft which is V01.02.0100. In both of the last FW releases DJI has optimized and fixed some of lens connection stability reports that were being received so ensuring a clean and up to date FW package on the aircraft and camera is imperative.

DJI HQ has provided us the below recommendations in weeks prior regarding a few other reports of the "no lens detected" message with X7 lenses.

1) Do not touch the lens release button when attaching lenses on the X7. Install the lens onto the camera and let the release button automatically spring back to its original position.
2) Mount the lens in place and rotates the lens several times to make sure the lens is firmly attached. Install gently and avoid rotating it forcibly.
3) The X7 does not support hot swapping of lenses. When changing lenses or if the lens is not attached successfully, reinstall the lens and restart the aircraft.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions on anything. Safe flying!
Actually, one issue we have noticed with this camera and lens system is the way the lens clicks into place as you attach them has a small amount of play in it. When you get one that is not recognized by the X7, turn the lens int eh direction as if you were going to remove it just a fraction of a degree or so. Its been the answer to some of our issues when the camera does not recognize the lens. I suspect that when you have fixed it by swapping lenses, you are just making a good connection the next time you attach the lens that had the issue.

I think this did it! Thanks.
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It is not a firmware issue. It is a contact issue. In fact, ours will sometimes not engage recording in flight if the lens is not making all contacts. After lens change we have to slightly rotate counter-clockwise as mentioned to ensure pin contact. Must be very narrow tolerances for contact. Don’t think a FW update can fix that : (
I’m another poor soul with $15000 invested in an aerial system that sometimes records and sometimes doesn’t.... sometimes sees the lens and sometimes doesn’t.... and of course the irritating horizon tilt during panning to boot. I’ve done the so called firmware fixes, half clicks, partial installs, etc... I really just want a unit that works 100% of the time. Great potential there with I2/X7 combo but just not ready for anything past beta IMO. Has there been anyone that has a flawlessly working system yet?
Actually, one issue we have noticed with this camera and lens system is the way the lens clicks into place as you attach them has a small amount of play in it. When you get one that is not recognized by the X7, turn the lens int eh direction as if you were going to remove it just a fraction of a degree or so. Its been the answer to some of our issues when the camera does not recognize the lens. I suspect that when you have fixed it by swapping lenses, you are just making a good connection the next time you attach the lens that had the issue.
Also, don't push the release button while turning the lens into place. And, then, like FDS says, turn it back against the stop. This doesn't always work. We had to send our first set back. None of the lenses could be made to work.
Unfortunately I think my problem may be deeper in the fact that when twisting the lens onto the camera the sound is that of a ratcheting series of clicks and the release button on the camera doesn’t actually stop the lens from being unscrewed. I discovered this when trying the various recommendations of twisting back until the release button locks and it never does. Also the video produced by DJI support to explain the process of lens installation states, “ turn until you hear a click” which has never occurred as there is a long series of clicks rather than a single definitive click to provide tactile and/or audible feedback. I guess I haven’t heard other X7s so I’m speculating.
Unfortunately I think my problem may be deeper in the fact that when twisting the lens onto the camera the sound is that of a ratcheting series of clicks and the release button on the camera doesn’t actually stop the lens from being unscrewed. I discovered this when trying the various recommendations of twisting back until the release button locks and it never does. Also the video produced by DJI support to explain the process of lens installation states, “ turn until you hear a click” which has never occurred as there is a long series of clicks rather than a single definitive click to provide tactile and/or audible feedback. I guess I haven’t heard other X7s so I’m speculating.
Yup... the one we sent back had a release button that would jam and we had to fiddle with it to get it to connect and even then it wasn't reliable. It sounds like your button jammed. See if the button is at an angle, crossways, relative to its mount. It's hard to describe, easy to see.
I had something similar happen on set last week. I switched lenses and powered up. The lens worked, and was able to focus. But I got a "lens disconnected" warning of some sort. I powered off, removed the lens, reset it, and restarted, and everything worked.

Fortunately, my camera operator noticed that all of our video settings had been reset. Including the SSD footage type, which got switched from ProRes to CinemaDNG. Given that I do not have a license for CinemaDNG, this would have been a Bad Thing.

The X7 lens mount is simply not as solid as my Canon, Sony, and Fuji mounts.
Actually, one issue we have noticed with this camera and lens system is the way the lens clicks into place as you attach them has a small amount of play in it. When you get one that is not recognized by the X7, turn the lens int eh direction as if you were going to remove it just a fraction of a degree or so. Its been the answer to some of our issues when the camera does not recognize the lens. I suspect that when you have fixed it by swapping lenses, you are just making a good connection the next time you attach the lens that had the issue.
THIS thank you so much it was every so slightly "over rotated" and the pins must have been fractionally out of alignment!

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