I get touchy because there are a lot of idiots here that have no experience of production at all. I have learnt a lot from this site but I have also learnt that people don't like anyone more successful than them. The reason and the only reason I tell people I have been producing commercials for 20 years is because they have a go at me and tell me I know nothing. If anyone can earn more than me in the business then thats fine. I wish them all the best , but I don't like it when someone comes and calls me "Dude" when they earn SFA and have a go at me. You had a go at me about not knowing how to use a camera? Are you kidding? If they want to do this job for fun then great.. but I dont. I do it for a living. I am not a "Dude" or "mate" as the low class say in this country. I smashed my drone into a wall last week and most would think its funny. Some said I had the money to buy another one. I have ordered another one and a black one this time.I have never got off with someone smashing their drone. I was trying to help a few people here to pay back the people who have helped me with many things. I was trying to give an example of how progressive shooting works. After all, he doesn't know. I'm sure the way I explained it makes more sense to him than all the technical jargon you used. I want him to understand that there is nothing wrong with his camera and that he just needs to read up on progressive shooting. Anyway ,.. I dont care anymore. this makes me too upset. Pick on some other poor bastard making 30k plus a month editing from home in their jox and t -shirt. Im lucky no one there can see the car I drive... God.. they would hate me a lot more.