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X5 always slightly out of focus

I learned that auto is not an option with the x5. For the x3, sure. Not x5.
On a micro4/3rds camera like the X5 a 12mm lens at f/2.8 (wide open) is in focus from 5'7" to infinity if set to the hyperfocal distance of 11' 2" at f/16 setting the lens to 2' will keep you in focus from 1' to infinity.
On a micro4/3rds camera like the X5 a 12mm lens at f/2.8 (wide open) is in focus from 5'7" to infinity if set to the hyperfocal distance of 11' 2" at f/16 setting the lens to 2' will keep you in focus from 1' to infinity.

And what if you have the stock DJI 15mm lens?
Very interesting reading I'm having similar issues but a few areas to look at for sure, thanks
I've already see switching jpgs to 4:3 makes a huge difference on pics and everything I've done since is bang on, when I download the whole image also the clarity is so much clearer and sharper.
I also have a X5s with Olympus 25MM and DJI 15MM and my footage never sharp either. Following the thread.....
I can't for life of me remember name of it, other users will say I'm sure, it's in ur menu for video, I have mine set to high, ull see an incredible difference Eddie, your video display will then show with red highlighting for Sharpness, which won't appear obv in ur video.
If u go to. Ur camera settings it's about midway down, above gridlines, sorry can't remember it's abbreviation if u can't see it just say I'll power mine in to remind myself lol
Sure others will say it's abrev eddie
You'll notice a biggggg diff
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I can't for life of me remember name of it, other users will say I'm sure, it's in ur menu for video, I have mine set to high, ull see an incredible difference Eddie, your video display will then show with red highlighting for Sharpness, which won't appear obv in ur video.
If u go to. Ur camera settings it's about midway down, above gridlines, sorry can't remember it's abbreviation if u can't see it just say I'll power mine in to remind myself lol
Sure others will say it's abrev eddie
You'll notice a biggggg diff

Thanks for this! I’m going to go for a test flight later and will look into it.
Focus peaking Eddie, set to high and try different settings to see diff.
There's a great utube video which I found very helpful, but I can't copy it here for some reason.
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Focus peaking Eddie, set to high and try different settings to see diff.
There's a great utube video which I found very helpful, but I can't copy it here for some reason.

The videos on my Inspire come out worst than the mavic 2 pro.

I don’t think it should.
The videos on my Inspire come out worst than the mavic 2 pro.

I don’t think it should.
I personally find the tap to focus not to be 100% reliable and does not give consistently sharp pictures. For most situations the lens needs to be focused to infinity and from my experience the best way to achieve that is to switch to MF in GO4 and tap the infinity symbol on top of the focusing scale.
But and here is the big BUT. The lens MUST be perfectly and accurately calibrated through GO4 first!!This can be a tedious process. You need to find an optimal high contrast subject in a distance and perform the calibration. Then check the result on a computer by pixel peeping at 100% magnified view. Check the middle of the frame and edges and repeat the calibration process with each lens until you are satisfied that THIS is the absolute best infinity sharpness you can achieve with each lens. Once you do this, you get consistently sharp photos and videos, as long as your subjects are far enough which is mostly the case for landscape videos and most other situations, especially with wider lenses which have greater DOF.
I'll give it a go for sure, thanks
My only concern is I. Don't really wish to do further than eye can see videography, but if it'll help thanks
With 12mm lens if you stop down to f4.5 to f5 which is the sweet spot for sharpness for Zuiko 12mm anyway, and focus to infinity the way I described you will have everything in focus from a few meters, 3m or so. With longer lenses, the closest sharp focus will be a bit further, say about 10m with 25mm lens but it will all be for most shooting situations practical and workable solution.

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