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UK UK insurance renewal

I went with moonrock again. Premium came down a bit as I lowered cover to £1m, but for a nominal fee I can up it to £5m for a month as/when required.
Not needed to claim so no idea how smooth that process would be.
It looks very interesting this BUT it also opened up issues with PL and indemnity, being covered for flight is fine but what happens if some ones trips over your bag as your walking back to the car or something else before fight that’s business related, I suppose you could just have a basic PL insurance too but not sure it’s worth it.
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Just a couple of further comments to add to this thread. I've been with Coverdrone from the offset and always found them very responsive. Especially in the period when I was working towards my CAA PFAW, flying but not earning but, needing insurance to cover me on training missions.

I'm about to renew with them again and they offer a variety of options to keep the costs down. This includes keeping the Public Liability at 1million pounds, with the option of bouncing it up for special occasions. A further money saving option is to not insure your craft! And that really starts to bring the premium down.

I checked out the Flock website but it seems very hard to get an idea of exactly what this would cost. And you would only know when you actually got onto site. What if there is a lousy mobile connection?
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I have been testing this app on the functionality side for about a week and actually I think they may be on to something with this, overall the app is pretty slick and it’s working out cost based on location with in a circle, craft type, weather and other factors.

Most Costing for a 1 hour flight in a 500m circular area come up between £5 and £15 depending on location, congestion’s and locality to schools and such with the option to select up to 8 hours, this was coming out at £30 for the day on average.

It’s also basing costs on your current flight hours and claims history, you can also preplan flight and set that up front.

Overall actually I think this is a very interesting option, I’m doing my PFCO next month and for me this is gong to be pretty much what I need as I’m not even going to be classed as part time, my plan is to have my permission for other reasons but have the ability to do some limited work, Small jobs like estate agents images ect you can just take the hit and larger jobs like mapping it’s easily going to cover it.

May not be for everyone but it’s certainly an interesting option.





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We recently renewed with coverdrone. I have heard horror stories from Moonrock customers about claim times and they jump underwriter willy nilly based on price. Not to shame them personally as alot of companies do.

We recently made a claim when i accidentally dropped our camera when packing gear up. We had a hire camera by the next morning through coverdrone and as a result manged to do the 2 jobs we had booked. It also made no impact on our renewal as it was classed as a small claim.

If we had been with say moonrock albeit cheaper we would of been scuppered as they dont have the dedicated office apparently etc or fast response. Ive been told that off people with them sadly.

For me the extra 200-300 quid i pay is well worth it based on the second to none service.
Coverdrone here

You can save some money if you go 3rd party online so removing the aircraft from the insurance

I'm on 5million and won't have it lower
I have 5 million so I don't have to change it and in today's world of sue for this or that if you think 1 million is enough your sadly mistaken.

My model flying insurance is 25million by comparison

Piloting skills have nothing to do with it and as I said my aircraft are not covered if it falls out of the sky or hits a tree
PL amounts are getting silly these days :( , last few years I've needed £5M just to turn up to various country shows with a pop-up marque stand, and that's just selling photography with feet firmly on the ground and without any drones anywhere in sight! i find it really irritating that my business PL doesn't cover the aerial stuff and I've got to buy it all over again too :(
PL amounts are getting silly these days :( , last few years I've needed £5M just to turn up to various country shows with a pop-up marque stand, and that's just selling photography with feet firmly on the ground and without any drones anywhere in sight! i find it really irritating that my business PL doesn't cover the aerial stuff and I've got to buy it all over again too :(
Underwriters are the new Highwaymen. Any commercial operation requiring cover is an easy target and rates are extorted accordingly.
On the other side of the coin (playing Devils Advocate) it is a sad fact of life that we now live in a very litigious world and some 'claimants' see this as easy money.
Any court award that an assured becomes legally liable to pay is offloaded to their insurers with the resultant hike in premiums.
What I find annoying (and I have had these arguments with underwriters directly) is they are not rating the risk correctly because they do not understand it and have blanketed the policies under general aviation written forms which were authored years ago before UAV's even existed!
Although more claims experience is coming through now and Underwriters are beginning to see true loss ratios we are not seeing the knock on effect resulting in lower premiums! :mad:
Commercial UAV operation is very safe (it's what we train for) and why we do risk assessments and site surveys before every mission. However there does not seem to be this distinction made between commercial and hobby premiums especially for hull cover.
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