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USA Title 14 CFR Part 107 Waivers (Post your approved/rejected)

Hey all, I am in need of some help. I just received my first airspace auth. However the map shot on the back isn't great. I am trying to get a better overlay so i know exactly where my boundaries are. But i don't have much experience with google earth, and was wondering if someone knew how to overlay the coordinates and draw a box around. I've tried but am unable to get anything really usable.

43°35’00.00” N, 116°16’00.00” W direct 43°35’00.00” N, 116°11’00.00” W direct

43°34’00.00” N, 116°11’00.00” W direct 43°34’00.00” N, 116°10’00.00” W direct

43°32’00.00” N, 116°10’00.00” W direct 43°32’00.00” N, 116°16’00.00” W direct

This polygon is my no fly zone floor the class C, and it's good until the end of august.

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Hey all, I am in need of some help. I just received my first airspace auth. However the map shot on the back isn't great. I am trying to get a better overlay so i know exactly where my boundaries are. But i don't have much experience with google earth, and was wondering if someone knew how to overlay the coordinates and draw a box around. I've tried but am unable to get anything really usable.

43°35’00.00” N, 116°16’00.00” W direct 43°35’00.00” N, 116°11’00.00” W direct

43°34’00.00” N, 116°11’00.00” W direct 43°34’00.00” N, 116°10’00.00” W direct

43°32’00.00” N, 116°10’00.00” W direct 43°32’00.00” N, 116°16’00.00” W direct

This polygon is my no fly zone floor the class C, and it's good until the end of august.

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plot coordinates in GE as 43 35 00N 116 16 00W and so forth...what do u mean by "direct". A copy of the map would be helpful. Better yet, the whole authorization.

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This was the map that was on the auth. Not at home and only have the screenshot at the moment. I really don't know what the direct means.
Perfect I'll give that a shot when I get home. Was just hoping to know exactly where the no fly zone was, and I was unable to blow the map they sent up enough to tell.

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Yeah, when I spoke the the person from the faa I told them I was wanting to operate in as much of the class c as I could. I think what they sent me back was very reasonable and a good amount of time. Valid until aug 31.

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I re-submitted my Class D app as a waiver only. WaiverTracker sent back one submittal confirmation. Perhaps they ignored the first one submitted as both auth and waiver. Fingers crossed on the waiver.
When I get mine they are very specific, usually no more than 1/2 mile perimeter around my requested location (real estate) with the area marked right on the map.

View attachment 12269
How long does it generally take for you to get the waivers or authorizations? I applied for a waiver/airspace authorization and within a couple of days they replied that I had to apply for a waiver or an airspace authorization so I submitted a waiver and now I have not heard back from them for over 2 months.
How long does it generally take for you to get the waivers or authorizations? I applied for a waiver/airspace authorization and within a couple of days they replied that I had to apply for a waiver or an airspace authorization so I submitted a waiver and now I have not heard back from them for over 2 months.

Not a great answer to your question however I did notice that the list of approved waivers seems to have been stopped in its tracks on January 23rd as shown here:

Part 107 Waivers Granted

I read elsewhere it may have something to do with the new presidential administration and some head honcho needing to get up to speed... Regardless I still don't understand why there is not a single airspace waiver shown. (or authorization) There are people reporting success but where are the official records for that?
And just to stir the pot a little more, what would you all do if a real estate photographer in your area posted on facebook their successful score for their 107 certification and then a couple days later posted, "Hey look at my cool aerial photo, I can shoot aerial real estate now"... They posted the street address and the property is clearly in Class Delta airspace so they either didn't charge for it (doubtful), they got clearance directly from the tower (also doubtful) or they are working without authorization. I've been doing the right thing myself, holding off for months now establishing a business because my waivers have not been granted and so it gets my dander up a bit when the fly by nighters swoop in and start doing business immediately and seemingly illegitimately.
And just to stir the pot a little more, what would you all do if a real estate photographer in your area posted on facebook their successful score for their 107 certification and then a couple days later posted, "Hey look at my cool aerial photo, I can shoot aerial real estate now"... They posted the street address and the property is clearly in Class Delta airspace so they either didn't charge for it (doubtful), they got clearance directly from the tower (also doubtful) or they are working without authorization. I've been doing the right thing myself, holding off for months now establishing a business because my waivers have not been granted and so it gets my dander up a bit when the fly by nighters swoop in and start doing business immediately and seemingly illegitimately.

Report him and suck it up, like most of the rest of us do.. :D Not expecting the feds to do much of anything. I've reported a video of a pilot flying directly over persons. The FAA reply was so snotty it pissed me off and deleted it. But essentially they wanted day/time/exact location, name of the pilot (even though they had his website), etc.
I'm a retired cop. That's analogous to me asking a robbery victim, well I need his name, address, oh by the way do u have a photo???

In other words the message I got was don't bother us with this crap, go away.:mad: And then the FAA bitches and whines about a "drone sighting near an airport" like they truly care.Typical government toadies, too lazy to do their job. And yes, am sure there are a few good ones, happen to know some...

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